Labour pains - Jared O'Mara (Labour MP) posts on Morrissey-solo from 2002 quoted - Guido Fawkes

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Vile Homophobic Slurs of Jared O'Mara - Guido Fawkes


Today Guido revealed the multiple sexist comments of Labour MP Jared O’Mara.Now the vile homophobic slurs of the Sheffield Hallam MP can be exposed…

O’Mara’s derogatory language on the ‘Morrissey Solo’ website message board includes calling homosexuals “fudge packers” who “drive up the Marmite motorway”. He says gay people are “bitter and resentful about being homosexual”.



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Dou you have any indication why they don't?
I thought journalism was about checking sources and naming them so people could check for themselves.
How wrong have I been?
I'd agree, but on this occasion I think it has been a blessing in disguise.
Due to the age of the quotes and his apology thereafter - it's mitigated anyone going through the minutiae of it all and referencing a "pop star's" fan site. The furore has developed after that one female came forward and said he'd been abusive to her - that's been the main focus.
Hislop also quoted the sodomy/piano statement, which luckily wasn't from here.
I'd agree, but on this occasion I think it has been a blessing in disguise.
Due to the age of the quotes and his apology thereafter - it's mitigated anyone going through the minutiae of it all and referencing a "pop star's" fan site. The furore has developed after that one female came forward and said he'd been abusive to her - that's been the main focus.
Hislop also quoted the sodomy/piano statement, which luckily wasn't from here.

Thanks for your clear explanation, as always. I can see your point.
FWSA. Which is short for Famous When Still Alive.
Well, for me that is. :)
I'd agree, but on this occasion I think it has been a blessing in disguise.
Due to the age of the quotes and his apology thereafter - it's mitigated anyone going through the minutiae of it all and referencing a "pop star's" fan site. The furore has developed after that one female came forward and said he'd been abusive to her - that's been the main focus.
Hislop also quoted the sodomy/piano statement, which luckily wasn't from here.

That has more sense.
1999 was a vintage year for United bus absolute hell for you so no wonder you mention that year still.

This place need more sore scousers to provide the comedy cause I cannot do that all on my own.

Laugh it up spastic. How's the cancer going?
Cancer is a name Candida is real, say hello to your mother.

Again, as one would expect from a spastic, a post that makes no sense.

Didn't you also lie about your mother having cancer? Must have developed from you before she shat you out of her fanny.
Someone cheered for Trump and is a alt right follower. The english nazis the black shirts kicked off in Liverpool so you're right at home but you lot will always walk alone, or march as it were.

Again, another nonsense post from the king of the cucks, Urban.

As always, you know absolutely f*** all about English history.

Thick as well as being a f***ing spastic. You must be pushing 50 now you old c***.
Again, another nonsense post from the king of the cucks, Urban.

As always, you know absolutely f*** all about English history.

Thick as well as being a f***ing spastic. You must be pushing 50 now you old c***.

I am indeed and far too old for this place but I simply cannot live without your lovely insults. I know what you did at Star and Garter and many are the stories.

Weird that after so many years you return here and have a go at me so I guess you miss the old chatroom where you could do that live.

Waiting for the snowflakes, so far only you to enjoy!
Again, as one would expect from a spastic, a post that makes no sense.

Didn't you also lie about your mother having cancer? Must have developed from you before she shat you out of her fanny.

This one is complicated but what killed her was the fungus candida that they keep calling cancer. There is as most people know no such thing as a cancer treatment cause that is a therapeutic way to calm down the victim and the family.

They do use things but they only make it worse. Cancer is a great industry that they use to kill people legally to lower the numbers in advance.

I should perhaps explain what a birth is like and all the details but somehow I suspect the shape of your head is a clue where you came from.
I haven't posted on here for a decade - I won't even bother with my login - presuming it still works but I was a regular contributor for years and this site was a great resource and place to be - particularly during the very long, dark times before the 2002 RAH comeback. I remember Cosmic Dancer's posts - and I remember the temperature here changing very quickly - I think partly because the nature of new fans changed and the relative novelty of the internet where people thought they could post without consequence of the responsibility of their words - in fact - he was one of the main reasons I left Morrissey Solo. People like me who were there at the start (I'll fess up - I'm 51 now and from The North of England - I've saw The Smiths 4 times and I've seen Morrissey over 30 times live - at one point I was about as dedicated as it's possible to be). Posts on here became thuggish, homophobic, sexist and bullying and although Cosmic Dancer wasn't the worst - he was memorably bad and part of that change. I just dropped by today out of curiosity to see what the response had been here and if things have changed. And I don't think they have./ It's not the sites fault, or the mods or - (and I presume he's still at the helm) - Davids'. O'Mara was a prick then, and he's still a prick now. Some people are just like that.
I haven't posted on here for a decade - I won't even bother with my login - presuming it still works but I was a regular contributor for years and this site was a great resource and place to be - particularly during the very long, dark times before the 2002 RAH comeback. I remember Cosmic Dancer's posts - and I remember the temperature here changing very quickly - I think partly because the nature of new fans changed and the relative novelty of the internet where people thought they could post without consequence of the responsibility of their words - in fact - he was one of the main reasons I left Morrissey Solo. People like me who were there at the start (I'll fess up - I'm 51 now and from The North of England - I've saw The Smiths 4 times and I've seen Morrissey over 30 times live - at one point I was about as dedicated as it's possible to be). Posts on here became thuggish, homophobic, sexist and bullying and although Cosmic Dancer wasn't the worst - he was memorably bad and part of that change. I just dropped by today out of curiosity to see what the response had been here and if things have changed. And I don't think they have./ It's not the sites fault, or the mods or - (and I presume he's still at the helm) - Davids'. O'Mara was a prick then, and he's still a prick now. Some people are just like that.

Or maybe you take yourself too seriously and feel violated by anything. What happened early on and has continued until now is that things escalated. Someone called someone something and that someone had to attack back and so what was nothing turned into something.

I'd like to show you real homophobia that does not include any type of banter or tongue in cheek. If someone feels violated online then I wonder how many minutes they would survive a war.
This one is complicated but what killed her was the fungus candida that they keep calling cancer. There is as most people know no such thing as a cancer treatment cause that is a therapeutic way to calm down the victim and the family.

They do use things but they only make it worse. Cancer is a great industry that they use to kill people legally to lower the numbers in advance.

I should perhaps explain what a birth is like and all the details but somehow I suspect the shape of your head is a clue where you came from.

Still talking nonsense and not answering questions Urban. You'd make a great politician!

You still haven't said how you beat terminal cancer though.
I am indeed and far too old for this place but I simply cannot live without your lovely insults. I know what you did at Star and Garter and many are the stories.

Weird that after so many years you return here and have a go at me so I guess you miss the old chatroom where you could do that live.

Waiting for the snowflakes, so far only you to enjoy!

Just saw your username commenting on here so I thought I'd reply to someone who was supposed to be dead!

I'd like to know what I did at the Star & Garter, please enlighten me!

Only snowflake here is you - been triggered massively you massive cuck!
Just saw your username commenting on here so I thought I'd reply to someone who was supposed to be dead!

I'd like to know what I did at the Star & Garter, please enlighten me!

Only snowflake here is you - been triggered massively you massive cuck!

Taking into account who you support I am gonna let you win this one to make you feel the sensation of winning for the first time in your life.


Cuckeliku klockan är sju!
Taking into account who you support I am gonna let you win this one to make you feel the sensation of winning for the first time in your life.


Cuckeliku klockan är sju!

Sad that you are totally defined by a football team really, isn't it? You mustn't have much else in your life! (sorry I forgot, you are actually a dead, so that is a given).
Sad that you are totally defined by a football team really, isn't it? You mustn't have much else in your life! (sorry I forgot, you are actually a dead, so that is a given).

I happened to see a comment about you in connection with Star and Garter and you tried it on with Laura B [surname removed] who hated you and so you opted for a fat cow instead who was the town bike back then. You weren't so tough were you when some of the lads questioned you over things you said in the old chatroom.

In fact, you legged it down the dangerous stairs and was never to be found again, until now that is.
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I happened to see a comment about you in connection with Star and Garter and you tried it on with Laura Balderstone who hated you and so you opted for a fat cow instead who was the town bike back then. You weren't so tough were you when some of the lads questioned you over things you said in the old chatroom.

In fact, you legged it down the dangerous stairs and was never to be found again, until now that is.

I think you are getting me mistaken for someone else sonny. Never heard of Laura Balderstone - a made up name? Also I have no idea what you are on about, who are the 'lads'?

Nice try Urban.
I think you are getting me mistaken for someone else sonny. Never heard of Laura B [surname removed] - a made up name? Also I have no idea what you are on about, who are the 'lads'?

Nice try Urban.

Don't worry about it. This is an old troll, back to cause trouble. I predict a short stay.
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