la poesie

By redpathetic

I'd have conked them on the head if I'd seen a clear shot.
I'd have set them ablaze if it would have seemed best,
In the big picture for you.
I'd have given them tainted cigarettes that would make them sleep,
So you could have relaxed and even have a laugh.

I did what I could,
Which was to entertain them, distract them,
Stroke their starving egos to keep their attention off you,
As I saw they were eager to humiliate you or worse.
I never explained this to you.
I was not verbal back then. I thought you'd just know.

But you didn't.

And you won't.
a fiver for whoever can guess who wrote this (no looking it up!). not posting as a favourite of mine, just as a curiousity.

In the Thicket of the Forest at Artois –

It was in the thicket of the Artois Wood.
Deep in the trees, on blood-soaked ground,
Lay stretched a wounded German warrior,
And his cries rang out in the night.
In vain … no echo answered his plea …
Will he bleed to death like a beast,
That shot in the gut dies alone?
Then suddenly …
Heavy steps approach from the right
He hears how they stamp on the forest floor …
And new hope springs from his soul.
And now from the left …
And now from both sides …

Two men approach his miserable bed
A German it is, and a Frenchman.
And each watches the other with distrustful glance,
And threatening they aim their weapons.
The German warrior asks:
“What do you do here?”
“I was touched by the needy one’s call for help.”

“It’s your enemy!”
“It is a man who suffers.”

And both, wordless, lowered their weapons.
Then entwined their hands
And, with muscles tensed, carefully lifted
The wounded warrior, as if on a stretcher,
And carried him through the woods.
‘Til they came to the German outposts.
“Now it is over. He will get good care.”
And the Frenchman turns back toward the woods.
But the German grasps for his hand,
Looks, moved, into sorrow-dimmed eyes
And says to him with earnest foreboding:

“I know not what fate holds for us,
Which inscrutably rules in the stars.
Perhaps I shall fall, a victim of your bullet.
Maybe mine will fell you on the sand —
For indifferent is the chance of battles.
Yet, however it may be and whatever may come:
We lived these sacred hours,
Where man found himself in man …
And now, farewell! And God be with you!”

A famous Austrian!
No Simple Movie
By redpathetic

I am the dolphin,
That sees what's happening,
Feels being trapped mortally,
Loved ones dying all around alongside.
I am the salmon whose streams have been diverted.
I am the human being who has been lied to,
Told I am esteemed,when really,
It's mostly hated.

I am the spider who didn't ask to be.
I am the fly caught in it's web, trying to escape,
And then, finding myself paralyzed, dying, I freeze.
I hope to avoid unnecessary pain.

I am the unreasonable hope, that everything will be alright,
In my narrow view of my personal life.
I am the one that blindly wants to experience glory, victory, power.

I am the lover, and the envious witch.
I'm the cell phone that doesn't feel a thing.
I'm the smelly beer that many humans sip,
Not knowing what is happening to me, I live as if in a dream.
I am the bird that cowers under a parked car,
With broken ribs and toes, crushed discs.

I am the football player that narrows his focus to just one goal.
I am the dancer that thinks of nothing else.
I am the aged stripper that knows she's been lucky,
Though the glue factory still cackles at her in the dressing room.

I am the welfare bum whose life is barely sustained and berated, shunned, shirked.
I am the businessman that trusts no one.
I am the drunkard that can't piece it all together,
Without messing it all back up at once.

I am tainted, mutant, polluted,
And pure.
I am hybrid, crippled, normal.
I am rich and I am poor.
I am smart and I am stupid.
I'm old and young.
I'm female and male and androgynous.
I'm silly and serious.
I'm stingy and generous.
I ask for nothing and everything.
So much to learn, so little time.
Dare to breathe
By redpathetic

I can't do this, and I can't do that.
Well, *multiple sigh*, I can't.
I can't because I can't, and I can't, because, I can't.
Why can't I?
Around and around, around, around,...
And so, I can't.

But I can, if I turn it around, crack the whip,
Then watch me skip, deserving it,
As Morrissey has sung of someone.
I'll do things I hadn't felt I could,
And won't even hold it against myself,
Because, it wasn't excessive force, or selfish of Self.

Skip the beat and move to the body as Kylie Minogue sung.
The neighbor's smoke will fill the air again soon,
I will lose this tune as it stifles mood.
Crack the whip and re-block the vents.
Scramble for air.
Never know what I can do until I dare.
Hate Stands Heavy
By redpathetic

Heavy things on my mind.
No one believes me.
They haven't the time.
No one knows what dangers lie,
In the waters we all live in.
By chance I survived.
I tell you of monsters that are cold and mechanical.
You don't believe me.
You don't want to.

When you're vulnerable,
That's when you'll see them,
The ones I saw when I was so young,
The ones I've seen when I was gullible.
The ones I've seen come up from nowhere,
Over nothing,
To rip me apart in fits of rage.
The ones that cannot stand anything,
Nothing, nothing.
You Don't Know Me, And I Don't Know You
By redpathetic

I wish you would ask me,
I chatted up those boys that were cruel to you.
You just assumed,
The surface was true.

So, you drifted away,
Thinking you were smart,
Believing you knew what I was.
Disloyal, cold, would sell my grandmother for a little fun?
That sort of thing, no?

Why not confront me?
You are the one that is a coward if there is one between us.
It's easier, isn't it, to just project blame on me.
I've been an easy target for the self-righteous.
Frustrated? Have no fear. I am here, unprotected, to blame.

So who do you blame now? Is it still, 'me'?
Our friendship, so beautifully liberating,
You sacrificed.
Have you filled the void left in my wake,
As you pushed me away?
By redpathetic


Like a woman who is made to look like a girl,
The breasts, not big enough.
Make them bigger.
I don't care how.

See the legs, how vulnerable they look.
Shave them, to make them look more so.
You look like fruit.
Add to the effect, make your fingernails into shiny apples.

Like your eyes, so wondrous and innocent.
Makeup please!
Because it's not good enough for me.
Your eyes, get them trussed up, dressed like a hot dog.

Your skin, your hair, add gloss, scent,
Because you smell too human and I don't want your love.
Hide, die.
And I'll come inside and impregnate what's left.
Crippling Over Defrocking
By redpathetic

You won't change,
You won't change,
You won't change,
As long, as you have, your slaves.
And the girls falling over themselves,
Just to please you,
The boys letting you walk all over them,
Hoping you'll suspend the charges against them.
They want you desperately,
To assure them they are not like the others.
Not like those that walk by without throwing you a line.
You human toxin,
Leather clad rebel,
This is Image,
But up close and intimate,
Under the surface,
Oh hurry and pull your fist out.
I've said fighting words so you'll have a fit.
How dare I hint at something even you,
Don't know about.
You'd rather cripple me and yourself than let anyone else see,
What you believe is the most frightening information in existence.
You vain bully.
You coward who cripples everyone to avoid the truth.
You see?
I don't trip over myself to please you anymore,
Now that I know,
That the only thing that would really please you,
Is what you would kill me to prevent me from doing for you.
Now I fumble, in the dark, just to please you.
I have a snowball's chance in hell, but here I am anyway.
I've nothing better to do.
There's this deep freezer that a charity gave me.
Amusement Park Life
By redpathetic

I like it sometimes.
When it's over,
Can I get back on the ride and go again,
And again and again,
Until I'm satisfied?

I see it,
I want to know it,
To understand how it works,
Why it doesn't work,
If I want it to work.

Can I please do it again?
Can I come back, and do this again?
On a different ride?
Same playground.
Different ride okay?
Life is a Laboratory
By redpathetic

So, again, attempting to make up for the damage,
A bitter antidote happily taken.

Imperfection, is necessary for life to be worthy?
Eve did everyone a service?
Eve, imperfect by design?
Are we lab animals, lamed deliberately,
Placed in a toxic environment to see how we'll respond?
Is someone watching the silly insane lab animals,
Who chase their own tails in an effort to feel something,
Other than numbness and pain?
Dull pleasures that addict but never fulfill,
The caged animal's neurosis.
More and more sinister the vice closes in.

Who and what benefits?
Do they even know, themselves?
If they did, they wouldn't need us.
Are they lab animals too?
Is there any creature that is not?

Lab rat, lab animal, lab human, lab martian, lab, lab, lab?
Sticking a Cork in it
By redpathetic

Fall apart, little one.
As your body decays,
Grinds itself down, yes, self grinding,
New and improved.

Believe what they say,
That there is nothing they can do,
And that you're fine, anyway.
You evade reality because it hurts.

You, even, who can't get away.
Imagine how they turn their back on your problems,
Those who can run away,
Leaving you shackled in misery.

Believing what they say,
That you are fine,
That everything is, as it should be,
Things are running smoothly.

And life is fair.
You get what you pay for,
And all that nonsense that the glib, unobstructed have to say,
About your life.

Believe what they say,
Stick a cork in your mouth.
Keep it there all day, every day,
And if you ever take it out, you are deemed insane.

Take it out, and scribble inane,
You've forgotten your name,
The rules are gone,
Their rules are gone.

Take the mess you are,
And make art,
Make Christmas cards,
Join the ranks of those who have been pushed too far.
You Are Nowhere
By redpathetic

If I had it my way,
You would be monitored,
Kept, from hurting the innocent.
No, you wouldn't be beaten, or starved, or tortured,
Or left to die, to rot,
...You're already rotten,
Anyway, no, there would be no punishment inflicted,
Other than what you inflict on yourself,
Via the conscience that I know you do have,
Though, it's been stuffed, compressed, locked away,
With it's mouth gagged and hands and feet bound,
Given only what it can steal,
It's alive and you can't live without it
And it gets you.

No additional punishment is desirable, from my end either,
Except in the heat of the moment of battle,
But if you're vanquished and I have you under my control,
You won't be punished.
Rather, you'll be well cared for,
Rewarded for turning yourself in.

Rewarded even, for being captured against your will,
You would be, kept well, in every way,
While I seek recruits for Love.
Love frightens you I know.
You think it hates you.
It does not.
It only wants you to be happy.
Even, if you hate it.

I don't like being afraid. For, Nothing.
Worse than nothing.
Like a puppy
By redpathetic

A hatred that is as blind as love.
That is what a child was given over into the hands of.
The more courageous the child,
The harsher the suffocation of this,
The more adorable,
The sharper the blades,
That would 'accidentally'
Turn the snow bank into red gelato.

An 'accidental' baseball bat in a child's face,
Meant to break her nose and drive it into her brain,
An attempt "to save her" in water,
Letting her come up for air only,
When her fingernails were finally about to gouge your legs.
How long did you hold her under for.
You sure enjoyed it.
I watched you, your smiling face above the water,
Thinking that she would die then.

She'd have taken a bullet for you,
Without even batting an eyelash in hesitation.
You only hated her all the more for that.
Blind, to anything good in her character,
While she ignored your flaws and saw only good in you,
Blind to your insatiable hate.
How she loved you unquestioningly.

How she wasted her energy.
Self Over Medicating
By redpathetic

To keep from being vain,
I ask my Self,
Do I have the right,
To think in these vacuous terms,
That are acceptable,
In a loony bin,
If I were being raped,
If, there were no better solution
Than give in,
To living life, as a vacuous,
Bubble brain.

Do I have the right,
To think like a vacuum,
To please peevish people,
But cheat others, who I cannot see,
To keep my own ass clean,
And sell out those of the unseen?

Must I go with my own need,
Must I give up mine for theirs?
Isn't theirs mine?
Don't I feel happy only when it is theirs?
Truly happy.
Not just excited.
Not deluded happy.
Not high, and on a pedestal, in a bubble.

Yes but then I get caught up,
When stress sets in,
I seek relief,
To save myself for them,
And what do I see?
Up ahead, what do I see,
But what I see from a lost, confused state,
From an addicted perspective I see that I have become,
Bubble headed again.
Stifled Under Your Thumb, All I'll Ever Be
By redpathetic

You'll be gone soon,
So it shouldn't matter,
If I spend time with you.
That's what you said but you're wrong.

I've shut the tap of my tit.
You will remain insecure as long as you've still got it.
You will see you've been disrespecting me,
When you grow up.

You will thank me for discontinueing dis-service,
When you're weaned off.
Maybe then you can love and care for me,
Something you have never done thus far.

A slot machine to pass the time I've been to you.
Like an addicted gambler you come back to take another shot,
At winning a cheap little jackpot,
Or at least, some loose change,

So you can chuckle and feel favoured among the boys,
Who never grow up.
The boys and their toys,
The stars and their show.

A prop, like a piece of furniture I've been to you,
And those like you.
I've stewed, just to try to please you.
When things don't go your way, who do you screw?

Miss Doormat, at your service.
What can I do for you sir?
Service with a bunny tail and a pneumatic smile.
Just an empty headed pillow except to prop you up,

To hide you from the signs,
You are no grown-up.
You medicate yourself with my affections,
And then when you see the unreachable,

You drop me like a hot potato.
I've the unreachable.
You had me but I'm now gone.
I was never met by you, though you had my heart in your hands.

I've shut you out,
Prove to me you've changed.
You cannot.
And if you could, you'd be long gone fast like a bullet,

Through my heart,
Without one completed thought of me in concern.
You'd be gone, away from your sullied prop.
The Fool and the Whore (Which came first?)
By redpathetic

I would aim to make you fall in love with me,
But what good would that do?
You wouldn't recognize it,
But charge like a tormented bull.
False flattery is the only thing you desire.
I leave it to you,
You bloody fool.

I have not strength to stop you.
I don't stand in your way,
But I will haunt you,
Until your dying day.
Your demand for false flattery will never be quenched,
That awful thirst inside you,
Will only get worse.

Drink yourself silly,
Pop into your belly more pills.
Eat your meat and smoke your dope.
Stuff yourself with fatty cheese.
There's a good bloke.
I can't stop you and so I join to serve your vanity.
Whatever your big heart desires, but I am tired.
By redpathetic

I won't be fooled, anymore.
You slipped through as the gate was shutting,
Never to open again,
For free, or a song and a dance of silly caliber.
Desperation will not open this door.
I am mine.
Helicopters, to track me,
Bulldozers to smash through the gates,
Will not get you back into this place you have spat upon.
Big Goofy Smile
By redpathetic

I found my dog,
And fell in love.
I thought into place my life would fall.
Instead I fell under a surgeon's knife.

The dog is still the same,
While I have fallen apart.
Old and decrepit,
While the smile fades from my dog's face.

I was young and exuberant,
When we began,
I didn't know I'd slow down so,
Unable to meet life's demands.
Vacuum Sealed Freshness
By redpathetic

Jealousy hits.
Sends me reeling,
Between the temptation to sell out,
For temporary love,
Quickly turns to hate,
Or choose to chafe in envy,
Of those on the path to bounty,
Juicy lure and unforgiving hook.

Choosing to stew in jealousy,
rather than be that fish on the calloused hook,
Shackled to a trojan horse on a,
Not very merry go round.
Like any pusher with the stereotypical lack of scruple.
A fast food industry,
Fast sex too,
Instant Love,
Hooks, and more Hooks
And then,
There is no one to come home to,
But a merchant,
A pillar of salt,
To choke on.
A machine that never has enough
That competes against itself,
Not for love
But to gloat.
It's never enough,
And there's that hook in the mouth.
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