Kevin Cummins tweets thoughts on Morrissey

It was an ill-advised thing to link to, no doubt - but I'm pretty sure it was an attempt to highlight the irony of the the Union Jack vest which the Guardian has just spent an entire article praising...

That doesn't work, as the vest was an artistic statement by bansky about knife crime.

Not the same as Moz. Also Stormzy is for all the people not just kiipers and c***s.

Yanks won't really get the seriousness of it all. They never do. It should show he's as bad as Trunp and Miking the Mexicans all along.
So, in short, it doesn't bother you he's become a raving right-wing supporting racist, and you're going to continue giving him your money.

Im 54, not in the best of health, and beyond caring about politics any more. I think your description is a little extreme. You would think he’s the KKK leader by your description. I would still do stuff he said something extremely left wing, or if he came out and said god is an astronaut. The only money I really spend on him are concerts. Il maybe buy a T Shirt for a fiver outside the gig. Music I source elsewhere anyway. So yeah.
Im 54, not in the best of health, and beyond caring about politics any more. I think your description is a little extreme. You would think he’s the KKK leader by your description. I would still do stuff he said something extremely left wing, or if he came out and said god is an astronaut. The only money I really spend on him are concerts. Il maybe buy a T Shirt for a fiver outside the gig. Music I source elsewhere anyway. So yeah.

Well I DO care. I care when some person who is held in reverence by many give by words a justification to others that it's OK to hate. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Many are not as independently thinking as you, many look to others for guidance. And I have seen over and over again how that guidance leads to hate against others who never asked for the consequences. I care that people get affected through no fault of their own, and I am not going to sit back and let that happen. Hate and hateful politics needs to be challenged.
Well I DO care. I care when some person who is held in reverence by many give by words a justification to others that it's OK to hate. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Many are not as independently thinking as you, many look to others for guidance. And I have seen over and over again how that guidance leads to hate against others who never asked for the consequences. I care that people get affected through no fault of their own, and I am not going to sit back and let that happen. Hate and hateful politics needs to be challenged.
Flash Gordonnnnn, he is the saviour of the Universe!!!!
Well I DO care. I care when some person who is held in reverence by many give by words a justification to others that it's OK to hate. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. Many are not as independently thinking as you, many look to others for guidance. And I have seen over and over again how that guidance leads to hate against others who never asked for the consequences. I care that people get affected through no fault of their own, and I am not going to sit back and let that happen. Hate and hateful politics needs to be challenged.

Can I ask how old you are? You may not think that’s important. I lived through Thatchers Britain. That was a nightmare. You think because he wears a badge, or says he thinks a certain obscure politician may bring Britain back together, that’s going to cause mass’s of people to rise up?. This is the guy who sang about killing Thatcher. If your going to worry about something, worry about Trump, Boris and even Corbyn, because it’s all about extremes.
Er, correct me if I'm wrong. But Twitter and Youtube etc. ban 'white supremacists' don't they? Yet this guy's posts are not banned. Logically he is therefore not a white supremacist - or at very least, his posts break no hate speech rules. He's clearly against mass immigration. Jesus, are the two things now conflated? This really is the end of free speech. We're all white supremacists now...
I see Billy Bragg chipped in on this Twitter exchange as well. Kinda funny how back when Morrissey was - quite literally - calling for Margaret Thatcher's death, the extreme left were queuing up to give him a reach-around, and now they are all 'words have consequences, you can't say anything mean about Islam' etc. Bunch of f***ing hypocrites.

The reason is, he was for the people then. He could have said he would be happy if Blair died as well, nobody would mind.

This is about bullying minorities. It's now gone beyond main steam politics. Now it's sharing videos from real racist sites.
He f***ed up. Big time.

Even if you want to go and Just listen to the music, who would want to hang around with his current fans, especially in the UK. Jesus f***ing christ.
Morrissey’s coattails must be shredded with having so many ride them for so long. Must be a relief to him to be finally rid of them. Surprised :pig: has time to memorise all those answers to Trivial Pursuit, he seems to be addicted to shouting into a screen all day lol :crazy:
toy story 4 is racist.
kim Kardashian cant call her shapewear range kimono beacause its cultural appropriation.
parents want sunglasses to be part of the school uniform.
and finally to end on a lighter note,churchill was gay.
Can I ask how old you are? You may not think that’s important. I lived through Thatchers Britain. That was a nightmare. You think because he wears a badge, or says he thinks a certain obscure politician may bring Britain back together, that’s going to cause mass’s of people to rise up?. This is the guy who sang about killing Thatcher. If your going to worry about something, worry about Trump, Boris and even Corbyn, because it’s all about extremes.

I'm 51. I lived through Thatcher's Britain. I grew up on a shitty council estate in a one-parent family. I know what deprivation is. It made me appreciate people's help no matter what colour they were or where they come from.

I'm not going to take lectures from anyone on this stuff. I lived through it in late 70s Bradford. We all got on. Because we had to.

I despise anyone who seeks to divide us based on hate and prejudice.
So, basically - if you don't like mass immigration, and think Brexit is probably a good thing, and don't think Islam is a misunderstood religion of peace...then you are a white supremacist.
I'm 51. I lived through Thatcher's Britain. I grew up on a shitty council estate in a one-parent family. I know what deprivation is. It made me appreciate people's help no matter what colour they were or where they come from.

I'm not going to take lectures from anyone on this stuff. I lived through it in late 70s Bradford. We all got on. Because we had to.

I despise anyone who seeks to divide us based on hate and prejudice.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha - pissed myself laughing - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha - no stop it please - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - no seriously - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah - you have got to go on the stage - hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Cashed in on him. How? I’ve promoted his career and produced a beautiful book that goes beyond regular fandom appeal. I’ve helped with t shirts and record sleeves - it’s my job ... do you cash in every Friday when you get paid or do you think you’ve earned your wages ... ?
He's never defended him............he's cashed in on him big time.
The reason is, he was for the people then. He could have said he would be happy if Blair died as well, nobody would mind.

This is about bullying minorities. It's now gone beyond main steam politics. Now it's sharing videos from real racist sites.
He f***ed up. Big time.

Even if you want to go and Just listen to the music, who would want to hang around with his current fans, especially in the UK. Jesus f***ing christ.

'Real racist sites' - what's racist about what the Morgoth guy says? Quotes needed please. Twitter has a policy on hate speech.
f***, they will be calling Anne Marie Waters a white supremacist next. Goodbye freedom of speech - it was nice knowing you...
So, basically - if you don't like mass immigration, and think Brexit is probably a good thing, and don't think Islam is a misunderstood religion of peace...then you are a white supremacist.

Not necessarily, but if you let people use terms like “negroid,” and “jungle bunny,” and crack jokes about fried chicken, etc., on you personal page, then you probably are... And when someone links and shares said postings on their official website, they are just as f***ing guilty. Forget about all of the dubious comments in interviews the last few years, sharing videos from that Styx c***, etc., and now this? How blind do you have to be? It’s beyond belief the number of people still defending him, unless of course you agree with these type of far right views. In that case, good luck to you. Do you understand?
'Real racist sites' - what's racist about what the Morgoth guy says? Quotes needed please. Twitter has a policy on hate speech.

I’m not the op., but read the comments under the YouTube video Morrissey shared. Nothing the guy says in the video can be considered racist enough to be removed, imo, but it’s all dog whistles and we know what he really means. Now tell me if you think that those comments that other people are making acceptable, and if you agree with them. Now, after seeing that video and reading the comments (which Morgoth allows and doesn’t condemn) would you be happy to share that video with work colleagues, family members, friends, etc.? Do you see where I am going here?
I'm 51. I lived through Thatcher's Britain. I grew up on a shitty council estate in a one-parent family. I know what deprivation is. It made me appreciate people's help no matter what colour they were or where they come from.

I'm not going to take lectures from anyone on this stuff. I lived through it in late 70s Bradford. We all got on. Because we had to.

I despise anyone who seeks to divide us based on hate and prejudice.

Thank you Skinny. That's the funniest post I've read in quite some time. Hilarious! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Still laughing...
Not the same as Moz. Also Stormzy is for all the people not just kiipers and c***s.

Yanks won't really get the seriousness of it all. They never do.

Yeah, man. It's not like America has been dealing with multiracialism for centuries or anything. Britain, a country that was +95% white until about 15 minutes ago, knows so much more about this stuff than we do.
And it's not like Stormzy's shtick is just Public Enemy dressed up in 21st century clothes.
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