Johnny Marr - News At Ten - talks about reunion offers (October 21, 2021)

Usual Smiths references - Johnny is on the News At Ten (UK National News bulletin) shortly:

The above post was initially promoting the appearance on ITV and the text was subsequently changed.
News At Ten averages approx. 2.5 million viewers nightly.

Brief video clips, Morrissey mention by Nina.
Blossoms & Rick - the 'heads up would be nice' restated.
Couple of offers to reform - not as many as suggested.
Re: being offered any money to reform The Smiths:
'Because there has to be a friendship there... and the band aren't really friends.'


Do Morrissey/Marr need to be friends? If Marr ever accidentally comes up with tunes he genuinely thinks only Moz could make great he should send them to him and if Morrissey in turn weaves the magic get the lawnmowers in, no tour, no t shirts, make a beautiful thing, give the profits to the RSPCA, done, thanks goodnight.
No amount of money.......remember when John Squire said that and three years later the roses were on tour
Plenty don’t care if Andy, Craig, Johnny, Mike and Moz never share a stage again. They’ve all moved on as people. The moment has gone forever.
Just looked it up on Wiki, and Johnny Marr is credited for playing guitar on that Billie Eillish theme song, but he isn’t one of the composers. Perhaps it is better that way because it isn’t a very good song IMO though hugely popular.
I’m not even sure it’s all that popular? But yes, it’s definitely dire.

As a Bond fan, I could weep at the fate of the music since John Barry’s involvement ended: two good songs in twenty-six years (Goldeneye and Skyfall). But that latest was a turd amongst turds.

another :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: debacle. More bogus credits :handpointleft:
0 money from the no 1 vinyl single since you have to
actually sell items for you to be paid and in this case
no items exist.
now, he didnt write the dumb billie eilish song. all the pap he talked
in interviews and he didnt write it :lbf:
just played a bit of sucky :guitar: along with a dozen other poorly paid
dorks. no money here either. broke. :hammer:
You must be joking. Both the song and the video are awesome.
The video looks like it was knocked up in ten minutes using GFX rendering left over from a 90's video game. The song sounds like an homage to a New Order B-Side. Awful. Embarrassing. Not that Morrissey has ever made a decent video since "Suedehead", I'll give you that.
The video looks like it was knocked up in ten minutes using GFX rendering left over from a 90's video game. The song sounds like an homage to a New Order B-Side. Awful. Embarrassing. Not that Morrissey has ever made a decent video since "Suedehead", I'll give you that.
Ouija board?
Jacki........ only joking with Jacki😁

Apparently it was up for an Oscar as I’ve been led to believe
The video looks like it was knocked up in ten minutes using GFX rendering left over from a 90's video game. The song sounds like an homage to a New Order B-Side. Awful. Embarrassing.

Not that Morrissey has ever made a decent video since "Suedehead", I'll give you that.

Wha ?! there’s been many since then, a few highlights...

... November Spawned, Sing Your Life, Tomorrow, The More You Ignore Me, Dagenham Dave, All You Need Is, Spent The Day In Bed ...
Ouija board?
Jacki........ only joking with Jacki😁

Apparently it was up for an Oscar as I’ve been led to believe

Yes and Ouija Board !

Jackie may not be one of M’s best, but it’s hell of a lot better than Marr’s latest vid.
Yes and Ouija Board !

Jackie may not be one of M’s best, but it’s hell of a lot better than Marr’s latest vid.
Just been looking for all you need is me video as I can’t remember it. Couldn’t find it either😬
I’m not even sure it’s all that popular? But yes, it’s definitely dire.

As a Bond fan, I could weep at the fate of the music since John Barry’s involvement ended: two good songs in twenty-six years (Goldeneye and Skyfall). But that latest was a turd amongst turds.

I agree it’s not very good, however It‘s very popular, reached platinum status in both the UK and US and sold over 3 million to date
I agree it’s not very good, however It‘s very popular, reached platinum status in both the UK and US and sold over 3 million to date
My daughter wanted to see her in Manchester, but it had sold out by the time I got around to looking. I feel I’ve dodged a bullet; James Bond style.
JM video is fine I think

fine for what it is. Though I don’t know why skinny had to resort to comparing a Moz video to Marr’s recent one in the first place.

I like the simplicity and playfulness of this vid, though I wish they didn’t keep cutting away so quickly from M ! Lol.

what does it matter? :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: has no song writing credit so he makes no money
but the 50 quid studio fee🤒

you would think he was james bond himself from listening to his dumb hausfrau
interviews :hammer:

what does it matter? :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: has no song writing credit so he makes no money
but the 50 quid studio fee🤒

you would think he was james bond himself from listening to his dumb hausfrau
interviews :hammer:
Interesting that you take time to listen to his interviews when claiming to hate him so much ....
fine for what it is. Though I don’t know why skinny had to resort to comparing a Moz video to Marr’s recent one in the first place.

I like the simplicity and playfulness of this vid, though I wish they didn’t keep cutting away so quickly from M ! Lol.

It’s pleasant enough...
But as videos go nowadays it’s pure
B and M
Thanks for taking the time to post it 👍

another :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: debacle. More bogus credits :handpointleft:
0 money from the no 1 vinyl single since you have to
actually sell items for you to be paid and in this case
no items exist.
now, he didnt write the dumb billie eilish song. all the pap he talked
in interviews and he didnt write it :lbf:
just played a bit of sucky :guitar: along with a dozen other poorly paid
dorks. no money here either. broke. :hammer:

I usually like bond songs but this one is probably the worst one

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