Jiangmen City Residents Claim Victory in Saving Their Dogs

While we're on the subject of dogs in China, here is a wonderful/heartbreaking story about the rescue of over 500 dogs destined to be slaughtered for food. One outraged animal rights activist stopped a truck carrying the dogs in cramped cages without food or water. He was soon joined by 100 more activists; eventually the dogs were saved (one dog gave birth in her tiny cage), but there are no animal cruelty laws in China, and these animals are only alive today thanks to a hefty amount of money paid by the rescuers.

It's a tough video to watch:


Hopefully the tide is turning in China, hopefully the cause of animal welfare will take root and flourish. These activists give one hope that that day will come sooner rather than later.
My friend, who is from China, says this is how officials there approach a rabies problem. She asked her father why they didn't just start mandatory vaccination and registration of animals, and he told her she'd been in America for too long. :rolleyes:
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