James Maker statement: "In Support Of Morrissey" - James Maker FB (1 June, 2019)

"In support of Morrissey:

The truth is, there is a hate campaign which is artificial, fabricated and does not reflect the views of real people: people who attend concerts and buy records. 'For Britain' is repeatedly described as a 'far right-wing party', when it isn't. It is run by an irish lesbian who opposes patriarchy.

People are murdered on London Bridge, or children destroyed by nail bombs at concerts, or....the list is legion....There is a very much a problem linked to extremist Islam: its 21st-century core beliefs are still affirmatively anti-feminist, anti-LGBT, and anti-democratic. This is NOT anti-Muslim; it is anti-undemocratic; anti-patriarchy; anti-religious extremism.

Morrissey was a contrarian in the 1980s and 1990s. and who saved many people's lives—as many hundreds avow—through the messages of his songs., In 2019, he is still a contrarian. Yet, in the UK, he is a hate figure whom a British newspaper is bent upon destroying.

For a person who could have given such pleasure to millions, over the years, this is very sad, indeed. x"

James' previous (much longer) statement last April was deleted from Facebook, but a copy of the text is available here and was entitled: "Is Morrissey A Racist?"

Yes Yes Yes - please do point out the evidence for your ridiculous assertion.

From their website - 'For Britain believes in low and appropriate inward migration to the United Kingdom in order to preserve traditional British liberties.'

Sounds quite reasonable to me.

No mention of mass deportations? Legally please explain how any British government would be able to deport Muslims who are British citizens? Please do give evidence.

But limiting further immigration is a point of view. Nothing far right or fascist about it.

I never said anything about "mass deportations," stop trying to puts words in my mouth.

'For Britain believes in low and appropriate inward migration to the United Kingdom in order to preserve traditional British liberties.' Lol!
Anne Marie Waters at 29:13 "Stop all Muslim immigration now"

John Cleese shares the views of Morrissey . You guys gonna boycott Monty Python too?

Best part of this clip is the dislike ratio and the fact that all the minorities on this panel say London IS filled with foreigners apparently not realizing they are proving Johns Cleese's point
John Cleese shares the views of Morrissey . You guys gonna boycott Monty Python too?

Best part of this clip is the dislike ratio and the fact that all the minorities on this panel say London IS filled with foreigners apparently not realizing they are proving Johns Cleese's point

That was f***ing painful to watch with them repeatedly conflating British and English.

It's simple "British" is a nationality. "English" is an ethnicity. Non-whites can be British but they can not be English. JFK was Irish. His nationality was American and his ethnicity was Irish. He did not cease to be Irish because he was born in America.
You think that is my point?
That's interesting I guess (no, it's not at all) but I think it says more about the way you're trying to fit these facts into your worldview. It's nothing to do with me or what I can or can't comprehend.
Moz obviously felt more personally about the Manc attack than the Norway massacre. The question is: Why?

You think that it's because he aligns himself more with nationalism than Islamic extremists, yes? You think he regards the Muslims as outsiders and therefore attacks them more readily?

If so, perhaps that plays a part, but I think the fact that it was in his home town on his birthday is a more compelling reason.

He once said this about the high level of patriotism among football hooligans, which is vaguely related:
"I understand the level of patriotism, the level of frustration and the level of jubilance. I understand the overall character. I understand their aggression and I understand why it must be released ... when I see reports on the television about hooliganism in Sweden and Denmark or somewhere I'm actually amused ... as long as people don't die, I am amused."
With a friend like James Maker does Morrissey really need enemies?

First a little bit of character assasination; Morrissey the contrarian. Not the best defence I've ever heard.

Next we have but he's been loved by so many and saved lives. That was very much in the past, dear - the saved lives bit is a tad much it reeks of desparation - things have moved on a bit since the 90s.

Then he clarifies that Waters is a lesbian. Why? Why is this in any way relevant?

He does, I note, fail to state that the leader of For Britain is an Irish citizen. Such irony.

The Guardian is a shit newspaper but this laughable conspiracy theory i.e. that they have nothing better to do than attack Morrissey says a lot about Morrissey's fragile ego. Pathetic.

Maybe Anne Widdicombe, yknow a member of another party Morrissey is fond of, could cure Morrissey of his 'gay ways' with science? What a homophobic old bastard.

Who will the contrarian Morrissey support next? He seems to be all out of ists and isms and they are all being thrown back his way to stay. Good.
As fascinating as this whole racism, alt-right, left wing, fake news, policor, islamophobic, #metoo discussion is, it’s getting quite tiresome.

The real issue is not these topics. The real issue is the ever growing divide between the wealthy and the rest of society. Everything else is just diversion.

Before we start accusing each other of all sorts of nasty shit we need to wake up and smell the coffee.

There’s a bigger picture.

This is infantile and without merit. "wake up and smell the coffee?" Sage advice indeed oh wise one. Who are these wealthy people? Are they predominantly male and white? And .... wouldn't that feed into the issues you refer to as diversions? The growing divide between wealth and poverty is important as are the mitigating socio/demographic factors.

Worse thing about this post: 8 people 'liked' it. The world is f***ed.
John Cleese shares the views of Morrissey . You guys gonna boycott Monty Python too?

Best part of this clip is the dislike ratio and the fact that all the minorities on this panel say London IS filled with foreigners apparently not realizing they are proving Johns Cleese's point

You can be from an ethnic minority and not be a “foreigner”, you suppurating bell-end.
That was f***ing painful to watch with them repeatedly conflating British and English.

It's simple "British" is a nationality. "English" is an ethnicity. Non-whites can be British but they can not be English. JFK was Irish. His nationality was American and his ethnicity was Irish. He did not cease to be Irish because he was born in America.
“English” is an ethnicity but it’s also a culture. If you’re brought up in England or you move there and absorb the culture, you’re English.

The English ethnicity was the product of ethnic mingling - Celtic Britons, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Normans. That process is ongoing. Acting as if there’s a cut-off point after which newcomers aren’t and can never be properly English is absurd. It was the product of absorbing new blood and it will continue to be.
The English ethnicity was the product of ethnic mingling - Celtic Britons, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Normans. That process is ongoing. Acting as if there’s a cut-off point after which newcomers aren’t and can never be properly English is absurd. It was the product of absorbing new blood and it will continue to be.

If it's not broken, why try to fix it? Somalians have an average IQ over 30 points lower than the average white Briton.
“English” is an ethnicity but it’s also a culture. If you’re brought up in England or you move there and absorb the culture, you’re English.

The English ethnicity was the product of ethnic mingling - Celtic Britons, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Normans. That process is ongoing. Acting as if there’s a cut-off point after which newcomers aren’t and can never be properly English is absurd. It was the product of absorbing new blood and it will continue to be.

No your not dummy. If i move to Japan and absorb the Japanese culture am i now Japanese? No, I will always be gaijin.
It's hard to say. I do understand about the idea of treating him he's only there to entertain. I could only speculate on where the comments come from. Some of them seem to come from PETA. The really horrible comment about Madonna and her "African child" came a day after he met with Ingrid from PETA, and the Canadian boycott was pure PETA.
Other comments seem like they might come out of a bottle of vodka and a genuine longing for some idealized past that never was.
Still other comments seem like they might come from a wish to make the interviewer or the audience swallow their gum. He has been getting headlines for things he says since the very beginning and I think he's addicted to it.
I've said it too many times already but what makes sense to me is that he wants to be a public figure whose words shock people. A troll, though I don't mean that in a negative way. But I think he is a public figure first and then a singer. "Fame, fame, fatal fame..."
I know it's not about selling records or being the biggest draw in the world.

Madonna and her bought third world child? You're defending that? Ok.
@bhops I notice @The Truth is so afraid of @Stephen Hofmann's intellect that he's refusing to debate him....
@Born to Harangue how can I "debate" that post about me "defending Madonna for adopting a third world child?" What should I say about that subject that isn't completely obvious?
"Yes, she has the right to adopt a child!!!!" or "why is it an issue that the child is African?"
Is that really what you want to read? I know it's not what I want to write.
Well if the Kiwis in question are there illegally they need to go.......
Well they aren't really here illegally exactly. They followed the legal requirements to come here. I'm just making a distinction between what might be an oversight and actually coming to the country through illegal means. Some of them could probably stay if they had kept up on their paperwork, which is probably important, but still a different thing.
I do think that with limited resources Trump's plan to stop prioritizing criminals and sending back nice, mostly law-abiding but possibly absent-minded people seems like a bad move.

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