James Maker makes statement re: "England is Mine"

Via James Maker's FB:
(Text included as this type of post tends to vanish eventually).

Statement: 'ENGLAND IS MINE' (film)

According to the trailer of 'England Is Mine', Morrissey was an autistic, retiring creature with both curly hair and a natural crimp, who had to be physically pushed into becoming a singer by a well-meaning friend (one who did not actually communicate with Morrissey throughout The Smiths' success). Worse, they have put him in a green duffle coat and given him not one line of the Morrissyean wit we have all come to know. It is not a biopic, but historical fiction. A strange move, considering that those formative years have been so abundantly well-documented.

I knew him then, and I knew the house at 384 Kings Road. Morrissey’s mother should sue the filmmakers on their misrepresentation of her curtaining, alone. But the fact is, this is not Morrissey. The premise that if Morrissey could be a singer, then anybody could, is disingenuous, and rather insulting to his original talent as an artist.

At the time, and previous to the formation of The Smiths, Morrissey had very few close friends. This is documented in Morrissey’s memoir, ‘Autobiography’, and my memoir, ‘AutoFellatio’. I do not appear in the film, and characters who did not exist in real life are invented by the film-makers.

I am relieved not to be included, because if they can portray the protagonist as a person with crimped hair who relies upon guiding hands on shoulders, to thrust him through life’s revolving doors, then I am merely someone who, miraculously, managed to venture further than the 'NO BALL GAMES' sign posted adjacent to my bedroom window.

James Maker


So, you're an old guy with an unhealthy obsession with a celebrity and you fantasise about being a rapist.

I still can't identify you though, because when it comes to renowned public intellectuals, that doesn't narrow it down much. I think we need more clues.

Patience!.....no clues....I'm a decoy, a cypher for the real 'BrummieBoy'. It's like people who think Banksy is just one person....some people think BrummieBoy is Bansky....I have no idea...but it's fun to speculate...there are at least a dozen publicly identified 'BrummieBoys' all of them are the Praetorian Guard. I think it's highly probable that BB is actually a woman....the wife of one of the fake BB's, or one of their children...nobody knows....that's just how it goes...nobody will ever know...so just relax, kick back and wait for 'VegAnarchy In The UK' to drop and for the accompanying video wherein BrummieBoy crucifies Morrissey on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury for his 35 years of fake-ass animal rights Dairy Queen lies...you think I'm/he's/she's joking? That we don't intend to, metaphorically, literally slaughter Morrissey in that song and reduce his career and legacy to total ruin?


BB or one of his/her clones
I note with wry amusement that Maker's fluffer FB post has vaporised. That's what you get for trying it on in the big boy's playground, mofo. Keep to re-hashing the Dolls and trying to avoid a dotage of sucking cocks for loose change in bus stations by being the ra-ra pom-pom cheerleader for The Morrissey Legacy Industry. Total load of shite...let's hope the next album is at least some good lulz....

Oi Morrissey, ya puff! Wanna step into the ring with BrummieBoy.....?

*as if he'd ever dare to challenge me*

I note with wry amusement that Maker's fluffer FB post has vaporised. That's what you get for trying it on in the big boy's playground, mofo. Keep to re-hashing the Dolls and trying to avoid a dotage of sucking cocks for loose change in bus stations by being the ra-ra pom-pom cheerleader for The Morrissey Legacy Industry. Total load of shite...let's hope the next album is at least some good lulz....

Oi Morrissey, ya puff! Wanna step into the ring with BrummieBoy.....?

*as if he'd ever dare to challenge me*

At least the former is an honest living.
I note with wry amusement that Maker's fluffer FB post has vaporised. That's what you get for trying it on in the big boy's playground, mofo. Keep to re-hashing the Dolls and trying to avoid a dotage of sucking cocks for loose change in bus stations by being the ra-ra pom-pom cheerleader for The Morrissey Legacy Industry. Total load of shite...let's hope the next album is at least some good lulz....

Oi Morrissey, ya puff! Wanna step into the ring with BrummieBoy.....?

*as if he'd ever dare to challenge me*


Do you have a eating disorder of some kind?

I did when I was in my teens but it did not last very long.
it probably wasnt an "eating disorder" then if it "didnt last very long". most people who are eating disordered struggle their entire lives. of course lots of people fall into irregular eating habits every now and again due to many things, and i wouldnt say that this is an "eating disorder". one also has to question why normal eating habits are considered normal. is it normal to eat three meals a day? why? who said? there are some monks who eat only every three days--to them, this is normal, though if your average american did just that they might be considered eating disordered.

to answer your question no, i am not eating disordered at all. but i am a very "all or nothing" type person, and owing to a rather lacklustre life i like to make bold commitments to things. for example! i say: "see that 300g box of baklava, im going to eat the whole thing!". or i say "im not going to eat tomorrow, or the next day, or for the next ten! and then on the tenth day im gonna eat everything in sight!". just, you know, for something to do, to see what happens. *shrug* although lately i've been doing more of the former..... gotta change that. tomorrow i fast forever!

disclaimer: im only talking to you because im beastly bored
obvious troll is obvious...FAIL...there is no 'search for fame and recognition' such as Morrissey has wasted his life on. I do not arise to become 'famous' but to destroy 'Fame' itself. The bleatings of an anonymous troll on the Morrissey payroll is hardly likely to distract me, is it?

As you are clearly in the midst of some sort of breakdown it is probably best to draw a line under things.
Best of luck.
it probably wasnt an "eating disorder" then if it "didnt last very long". most people who are eating disordered struggle their entire lives. of course lots of people fall into irregular eating habits every now and again due to many things, and i wouldnt say that this is an "eating disorder". one also has to question why normal eating habits are considered normal. is it normal to eat three meals a day? why? who said? there are some monks who eat only every three days--to them, this is normal, though if your average american did just that they might be considered eating disordered.

to answer your question no, i am not eating disordered at all. but i am a very "all or nothing" type person, and owing to a rather lacklustre life i like to make bold commitments to things. for example! i say: "see that 300g box of baklava, im going to eat the whole thing!". or i say "im not going to eat tomorrow, or the next day, or for the next ten! and then on the tenth day im gonna eat everything in sight!". just, you know, for something to do, to see what happens. *shrug* although lately i've been doing more of the former..... gotta change that. tomorrow i fast forever!

disclaimer: im only talking to you because im beastly bored

I appreciate your answer that makes sense and you are right in that my disorder probably does not qualify as being seen as one cause it did not last long but I think I know the feeling and why some end up having a lot of guilt when they eat.

I am like you and I cannot stop myself from eating something if it is there in front of me but not all the time of course. I am still thinking about fasting this summer for 10 days.

Is boredom something that you "cure" by eating things?
Well I still do not see how ANY film can EVER hope to make ANY inroads into the characters that were involved in "The Smiths" or this subject more generally, without talking to ANY of those characters. And that includes talking to the Lawnmower Repair Boy too (albeit so very briefly....)

Still, that's why I am sat here of an evening, reading and laughing about Speeding Sam (sorry!) as opposed to editing a shit film, that's never, ever, going to succeed, ever, either in this century or the next. Such a wasted opportunity.

And lastly - although Morrissey may have been a box-bedroom-rebel (aren't we all?) - he did leave the house. He was seen several times in Piccadilly Gardens and visiting the Library.

Another member of "The Smiths" used to visit THAT record shop which had all the bloody holes cut out of the middle of the records. Together with rather annoying cuts in the cardboard record covers (in the top corner usually.) Madness !

I thought this was an April Fool until news 'appeared' from BB - sadly not the real and talented BB - but rather some fool called Benny-The-Butcher.

I'll see the film one day, but from the looks of things it is designed with the artistic, social and political sensibilities of 2017 in mind. That's maybe not a bad idea if you want to make money by flattering the present. It's probably less good if you're trying to tell the story of an artist who didn't even belong in 1980, let alone in our hallucinatory times. Pity there's no Tony Richardson or Lindsay Anderson in British film now; that's who a Morrissey biopic needed.

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