James Maker makes statement re: "England is Mine"

Via James Maker's FB:
(Text included as this type of post tends to vanish eventually).

Statement: 'ENGLAND IS MINE' (film)

According to the trailer of 'England Is Mine', Morrissey was an autistic, retiring creature with both curly hair and a natural crimp, who had to be physically pushed into becoming a singer by a well-meaning friend (one who did not actually communicate with Morrissey throughout The Smiths' success). Worse, they have put him in a green duffle coat and given him not one line of the Morrissyean wit we have all come to know. It is not a biopic, but historical fiction. A strange move, considering that those formative years have been so abundantly well-documented.

I knew him then, and I knew the house at 384 Kings Road. Morrissey’s mother should sue the filmmakers on their misrepresentation of her curtaining, alone. But the fact is, this is not Morrissey. The premise that if Morrissey could be a singer, then anybody could, is disingenuous, and rather insulting to his original talent as an artist.

At the time, and previous to the formation of The Smiths, Morrissey had very few close friends. This is documented in Morrissey’s memoir, ‘Autobiography’, and my memoir, ‘AutoFellatio’. I do not appear in the film, and characters who did not exist in real life are invented by the film-makers.

I am relieved not to be included, because if they can portray the protagonist as a person with crimped hair who relies upon guiding hands on shoulders, to thrust him through life’s revolving doors, then I am merely someone who, miraculously, managed to venture further than the 'NO BALL GAMES' sign posted adjacent to my bedroom window.

James Maker


They probably think they are making an interesting film that will earn a profit. If it was all about the money they would have made the Amy Winehouse story wouldn't they? I'm sure she wasn't sitting in her room writing letters about the New York Dolls, as fascinating as that sounds.
I am somewhat of a back bedroom casualty as Morrissey described himself.

4:05 in:

They probably think they are making an interesting film that will earn a profit. If it was all about the money they would have made the Amy Winehouse story wouldn't they? I'm sure she wasn't sitting in her room writing letters about the New York Dolls, as fascinating as that sounds.

She was slumped in her room going slightly putrid. The real Steve McQueen could make a decent film out of that.
Yes, because sitting in your bedroom reading google results is where the real world is, indeed. Now, I'm convinced you must by an over-achieving millennial who has yet to step a foot out of his bedroom.

Years ago, you said fame was awaiting you, what happened? Was it college tuition? Please, when is this great moment going to happen for you? Meantime, tick tock tick tock. The pages of solo continue to fill and you continue to have zero credibility. James was there, where were you? Where will you be? Will your acne ever clear? Inquiring minds want to know. Your public, lol, awaits...

I have no desire to be noticed by your moronship.

They probably think they are making an interesting film that will earn a profit. If it was all about the money they would have made the Amy Winehouse story wouldn't they? I'm sure she wasn't sitting in her room writing letters about the New York Dolls, as fascinating as that sounds.

But it was and still IS fascinating, even more so as if there was ever an unlikely to be popstar it was Moz. In contrast with Amy Whitehouse I guess.
Nobody saw it coming. I think Tony Wilson claimed he was somewhere aware that he was there like an irritating particle in his eye when he was trying to focus on the up and coming artists at that time.

Those letters about the New York Dolls were fascinating, obsessive and delightful as any other subject he wrote about.
As if nobody realized as to what extend his fantasy and fascination drove him to and the enormous amount of documentation about anything that interested him he absorbed like a sponge.
I think this is essential if you would want to understand anything about his enigmatic persoñality.
Any biopic has to condense the story it is telling into something that it's possible to watch without needing toilet breaks. Some events will be cut, others will be shifted in time. Some characters will disappear and some will get amalgamated. Whether there's a Maker-shaped hole in the film is something we can only find out by watching it.

What we can say for sure, though, is that he's kidding no-one when he claims to be glad he's not in it.

'Any biopic has to condense the story it is telling into something that it's possible to watch'

Sure, I can see that they would need to 'condense', IF the story they are telling is not based on the truth, and so they of course then would have to cut out important key figures that are in the true story in order to tell their version of the story which is not the true story, then YES, I agree, they would need to 'condense'.

'Whether there's a Maker-shaped hole in the film is something we can only find out by watching it.'

As far a 'Maker shaped hole', there will be a large one seen and felt if one is familiar with the stories that both Morrissey and James have told about their friendship together. Which IS a big part of the Morrissey story before the Smiths, and Maker IS a key figure. But the public at large(non-fans) won't miss it because they will not know of the true stories already told by the two people that were there... MAKER and MORRISSEY.

'What we can say for sure, though, is that he's kidding no-one when he claims to be glad he's not in it.'

I think he's more upset that it's NOT the true story, and that he is right to call it a fiction.

But WHY was he not included in the story he helped to shape? is, to say the least....


I will destroy The Fame as and when it pleases me to do so. I have more credibility than Morrissey, having totally debunked his 35 years of fake-arse animal rights nonsense. His arse is mine. So is yours. Bend and spread. No lube.

Your writing reminds me of the violent sex offender Max Cady from the film Cape Fear (1991) :

'I ain't no white trash piece of shit. I'm better than you all! I can out-learn you. I can out-read you. I can out-think you. And I can out-philosophize you. And I'm gonna outlast you. You think a couple whacks to my guts is gonna get me down? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that, Counselor, to prove you're better than me!'
A desperate attempt to avoid the issues I raise, similar to that of the Japan-based expat troll but more wind-baggery. I am a gifted writer. Morrissey isn't. James Maker isn't. Deal with it, honey.

Oh Brum, bless you for being lovely.

If by 'gifted writer' you actually mean 'feverishly pretentious and conceited scribbler of blinkered diatribes that make little or no sense' then yes, you are a gifted writer. Well done.

I find it hard to address 'the issues you raise' as, after reading your post 4 times, I'm still unclear as to what point you are trying to make. You use an awful lot of words to say very little. Anyway, your search for fame and recognition may be coming to an end...I've sent your post to Pseud's Corner. I'm pretty confident it will get published.

But as mentioned before, I'd much rather read your musings than UnclePeter's obnoxious blather or Benny's desperate 'look at me!' bullshit. Let me know if you are passing by and I'll buy you a pint of vegan scrumpy.
Morrissey is portrayed in a way that resembles more a highly intelligent but kind of autistic crime officer is SOKO Stuttgart. :lbf: At least watching the trailer, I immediately thought of him because of his mannerisms and not the real Morrissey.

I was a bit surprised to see so many "fans" claim that this portrayal of Morrissey is supposedly so close to the real one. But then again I find that many have funny ideas about him and his career anyway.

To me there is barely any resemblence to the Morrissey we know from the early Smiths interviews and documentaries and I wondered how the actor arrived at this portrayal after these. I am however also highly influenced by the assessment of a concert organizer, a very well known and influencial one, who described Morrissey as an extravert. If you let this sink in and have another look at Morrissey you notice that he was right. I funnily think that much of Morrissey's "reclusiveness" boils down to him simply not wanting to interact with others too much so that they don't get too much insight into the real him, even though if you have dealt with such characters in your life before, you can spot it despite. Morrissey is desperatly hiding a few things from the public, which his tour manager unsurprisingly to me mentioned to me when I had a brief chat with him almost a decade ago. I guess he mentioned it because he rightly assumed that I had already spotted it anyway, which indeed I did. I find it is so obviously there despite other people's claim to the contrary for the public image. But then again, others like to live in the clouds, some fairy wonderland...

One must, when looking at Morrissey's success, not forget the environment that he lived in during these years. His surroundings were after all very favourable for what was to come. Had he not lived in that house in Manchester so close to so much and made those many trips to London but really stayed indoors in some 15,000 inhabitants village in rural England, you don't think anybody would have really ever have paid any attention to him, despite his supposed "genius", do you? So yeah, James Maker is right, if you think that if Morrissey could make it, anybody could, you are mad, he is right, because others have everything far worse against him than Morrissey ever experienced. And let's not forget, Morrissey hasn't been particularly helpful to others in similar or better more adversary situations either, on the contrary, he and his f***ing friends have been all full of themselves with their endless navel gazing on how wonderful and important they themselves are... me me me me me me people of the finest just like his fans. I have developed a funny adversity against people like him and them and you in the meantime. An incredible adversity because of the selfishness that underlines it all.
Clearly you don't know Morrissey's story. James was a key and influential figure. Not including him, is absurd. But go on, go ask Dale Hibbert about Morrissey, he'll tell you EVERYTHING including Morrissey's favorite Shoeshine.

Morrissey has been very honest about who he is and what he is, the movie is ridiculous.

Of course. The only one around here who is Morrissey.......is Jose Maldonaldo!

Doubt it. I think James is very content with who is and where he is. He's had a very interesting and successful life, many cannot say this. I wonder how you would feel if this guy played you in a movie?

I think there is a need for the film. Those were fascinating times and the basis, actually, of The Smiths. After all, James Maker Gided The Ripper, if you will, and if you morons would merely pay attention...

There won't be any money made on the film as it will be pirated with impunity. They should've tried to work with Mozzer, so fail on so many levels.

I mean, for God's sake, Morrissey was friends with Howard Devoto, is that even f***ing mentioned in the film? Kind of important, a little.

I think James is being honest, you mongoloid, he was f***ing THERE, for f***'s sake. He would know.

Artistic license about a real person? Are you joking? Are you stupid? Yeah, let's just make a movie about how Bowie was really a woman, yeah, let's do that.:paranoid: What planet is this? Tell Sharon to put the kids to bed and beam me up, Major Tom!

Wow you really have an attitude problem. Your insults reflect more on you than on anyone else. I was going to resort to insults too but I couldn't be bothered. Why people can't post their opinions on this site without being viciously attacked is beyond me.
Wow you really have an attitude problem. Your insults reflect more on you than on anyone else. I was going to resort to insults too but I couldn't be bothered. Why people can't post their opinions on this site without being viciously attacked is beyond me.

Morrissey is portrayed in a way that resembles more a highly intelligent but kind of autistic crime officer is SOKO Stuttgart. :lbf: At least watching the trailer, I immediately thought of him because of his mannerisms and not the real Morrissey.

I was a bit surprised to see so many "fans" claim that this portrayal of Morrissey is supposedly so close to the real one. But then again I find that many have funny ideas about him and his career anyway.

To me there is barely any resemblence to the Morrissey we know from the early Smiths interviews and documentaries and I wondered how the actor arrived at this portrayal after these. I am however also highly influenced by the assessment of a concert organizer, a very well known and influencial one, who described Morrissey as an extravert. If you let this sink in and have another look at Morrissey you notice that he was right. I funnily think that much of Morrissey's "reclusiveness" boils down to him simply not wanting to interact with others too much so that they don't get too much insight into the real him, even though if you have dealt with such characters in your life before, you can spot it despite. Morrissey is desperatly hiding a few things from the public, which his tour manager unsurprisingly to me mentioned to me when I had a brief chat with him almost a decade ago. I guess he mentioned it because he rightly assumed that I had already spotted it anyway, which indeed I did. I find it is so obviously there despite other people's claim to the contrary for the public image. But then again, others like to live in the clouds, some fairy wonderland...

One must, when looking at Morrissey's success, not forget the environment that he lived in during these years. His surroundings were after all very favourable for what was to come. Had he not lived in that house in Manchester so close to so much and made those many trips to London but really stayed indoors in some 15,000 inhabitants village in rural England, you don't think anybody would have really ever have paid any attention to him, despite his supposed "genius", do you? So yeah, James Maker is right, if you think that if Morrissey could make it, anybody could, you are mad, he is right, because others have everything far worse against him than Morrissey ever experienced. And let's not forget, Morrissey hasn't been particularly helpful to others in similar or better more adversary situations either, on the contrary, he and his f***ing friends have been all full of themselves with their endless navel gazing on how wonderful and important they themselves are... me me me me me me people of the finest just like his fans. I have developed a funny adversity against people like him and them and you in the meantime. An incredible adversity because of the selfishness that underlines it all.

Oh geez, another anonymous amateur psychiatric know it all, who pretends to have insight and who had his insights confirmed by an oh so important tour organizer who of course has that psychiatric analyzing ability too, during a brief chat. Or did you obtain your knowledge from Google, or Wikipedia?

If you don't know by now, artists are selfish. By the nature of their artistic talent. You can accuse any artist of being selfish.
If they were not, there wouldn't be any art.
Maybe you don't mind about that, but I do.
By the way, maybe you noticed selfishness is not restricted to artists only and whatever the other selfish persons attributed to the world, it's not art.
Oh Brum, bless you for being lovely.

If by 'gifted writer' you actually mean 'feverishly pretentious and conceited scribbler of blinkered diatribes that make little or no sense' then yes, you are a gifted writer. Well done.

I find it hard to address 'the issues you raise' as, after reading your post 4 times, I'm still unclear as to what point you are trying to make. You use an awful lot of words to say very little. Anyway, your search for fame and recognition may be coming to an end...I've sent your post to Pseud's Corner. I'm pretty confident it will get published.

But as mentioned before, I'd much rather read your musings than UnclePeter's obnoxious blather or Benny's desperate 'look at me!' bullshit. Let me know if you are passing by and I'll buy you a pint of vegan scrumpy.

obvious troll is obvious...FAIL...there is no 'search for fame and recognition' such as Morrissey has wasted his life on. I do not arise to become 'famous' but to destroy 'Fame' itself. The bleatings of an anonymous troll on the Morrissey payroll is hardly likely to distract me, is it?
Your writing reminds me of the violent sex offender Max Cady from the film Cape Fear (1991) :

'I ain't no white trash piece of shit. I'm better than you all! I can out-learn you. I can out-read you. I can out-think you. And I can out-philosophize you. And I'm gonna outlast you. You think a couple whacks to my guts is gonna get me down? It's gonna take a hell of a lot more than that, Counselor, to prove you're better than me!'

The comparison is asinine and irrelevant. But nice try..better than the rest of the 'paid by the post trolls on Morrissey's payroll'.
that blueberry pie oreo guy was so hard to watch (especially when he stuck the entire oreo in his mouth and you had to watch and listen to him chew it for an hour) that i had to watch him twice. i hope he gets nice reviews and people arent mean to him.

well im off to check out his other videos!
Morrissey is portrayed in a way that resembles more a highly intelligent but kind of autistic crime officer is SOKO Stuttgart. :lbf: At least watching the trailer, I immediately thought of him because of his mannerisms and not the real Morrissey.

I was a bit surprised to see so many "fans" claim that this portrayal of Morrissey is supposedly so close to the real one. But then again I find that many have funny ideas about him and his career anyway.

To me there is barely any resemblence to the Morrissey we know from the early Smiths interviews and documentaries and I wondered how the actor arrived at this portrayal after these. I am however also highly influenced by the assessment of a concert organizer, a very well known and influencial one, who described Morrissey as an extravert. If you let this sink in and have another look at Morrissey you notice that he was right. I funnily think that much of Morrissey's "reclusiveness" boils down to him simply not wanting to interact with others too much so that they don't get too much insight into the real him, even though if you have dealt with such characters in your life before, you can spot it despite. Morrissey is desperatly hiding a few things from the public, which his tour manager unsurprisingly to me mentioned to me when I had a brief chat with him almost a decade ago. I guess he mentioned it because he rightly assumed that I had already spotted it anyway, which indeed I did. I find it is so obviously there despite other people's claim to the contrary for the public image. But then again, others like to live in the clouds, some fairy wonderland...

One must, when looking at Morrissey's success, not forget the environment that he lived in during these years. His surroundings were after all very favourable for what was to come. Had he not lived in that house in Manchester so close to so much and made those many trips to London but really stayed indoors in some 15,000 inhabitants village in rural England, you don't think anybody would have really ever have paid any attention to him, despite his supposed "genius", do you? So yeah, James Maker is right, if you think that if Morrissey could make it, anybody could, you are mad, he is right, because others have everything far worse against him than Morrissey ever experienced. And let's not forget, Morrissey hasn't been particularly helpful to others in similar or better more adversary situations either, on the contrary, he and his f***ing friends have been all full of themselves with their endless navel gazing on how wonderful and important they themselves are... me me me me me me people of the finest just like his fans. I have developed a funny adversity against people like him and them and you in the meantime. An incredible adversity because of the selfishness that underlines it all.

Is this the rumour that Morrissey is a florid cocksucker? Who knew? *rollseyes*

but didn't he quash that speculation when he sacked Kristeen Young for telling his audience that he loves to play the hairy oboe?

that blueberry pie oreo guy was so hard to watch (especially when he stuck the entire oreo in his mouth and you had to watch and listen to him chew it for an hour) that i had to watch him twice. i hope he gets nice reviews and people arent mean to him.

well im off to check out his other videos!
Do you have a eating disorder of some kind?

I did when I was in my teens but it did not last very long.

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