James Maker makes statement re: "England is Mine"

Via James Maker's FB:
(Text included as this type of post tends to vanish eventually).

Statement: 'ENGLAND IS MINE' (film)

According to the trailer of 'England Is Mine', Morrissey was an autistic, retiring creature with both curly hair and a natural crimp, who had to be physically pushed into becoming a singer by a well-meaning friend (one who did not actually communicate with Morrissey throughout The Smiths' success). Worse, they have put him in a green duffle coat and given him not one line of the Morrissyean wit we have all come to know. It is not a biopic, but historical fiction. A strange move, considering that those formative years have been so abundantly well-documented.

I knew him then, and I knew the house at 384 Kings Road. Morrissey’s mother should sue the filmmakers on their misrepresentation of her curtaining, alone. But the fact is, this is not Morrissey. The premise that if Morrissey could be a singer, then anybody could, is disingenuous, and rather insulting to his original talent as an artist.

At the time, and previous to the formation of The Smiths, Morrissey had very few close friends. This is documented in Morrissey’s memoir, ‘Autobiography’, and my memoir, ‘AutoFellatio’. I do not appear in the film, and characters who did not exist in real life are invented by the film-makers.

I am relieved not to be included, because if they can portray the protagonist as a person with crimped hair who relies upon guiding hands on shoulders, to thrust him through life’s revolving doors, then I am merely someone who, miraculously, managed to venture further than the 'NO BALL GAMES' sign posted adjacent to my bedroom window.

James Maker


Yes, because sitting in your bedroom reading google results is where the real world is, indeed. Now, I'm convinced you must by an over-achieving millennial who has yet to step a foot out of his bedroom.

Years ago, you said fame was awaiting you, what happened? Was it college tuition? Please, when is this great moment going to happen for you? Meantime, tick tock tick tock. The pages of solo continue to fill and you continue to have zero credibility. James was there, where were you? Where will you be? Will your acne ever clear? Inquiring minds want to know. Your public, lol, awaits...
Many questions so let me answer each:

I went out once but it was not for me.

I said I never had any ambition and not even someone like me would ever believe fame would come. Fame takes hard work unless you get lucky and luck is not a friend of mine.

Solo posts from me is me wasting time but I am not alone, dum de dum.

My acne cleared long ago but only thanks to vitamins and minerals. These to be precise:

Zinc fluid
B1, B2, B5 and B6 and B7

Send that to the house of the not so interested.
Nobody? Hilarious...ask Morrissey if he thinks BrummieBoy is a 'nobody' or the most incandescent star of the 20th/21st centuries. You think I haven't 'released' anything? I have. Loads of it, but it's all in code...for now....revisit this in 5 years when I'm the biggest star on this or any other planet...isn't that right, Steven?....LOL!

I asked him.
He said brummiewho?
That's a name a kid would give to their bear.
Come on brummieboy, have a little nap now.
No, no, no you can't do that brummieboy, naughty bear!
Now close your eyes, tomorrow you get a sugarcane.
Yes, because sitting in your bedroom reading google results is where the real world is, indeed. Now, I'm convinced you must by an over-achieving millennial who has yet to step a foot out of his bedroom.

Years ago, you said fame was awaiting you, what happened? Was it college tuition? Please, when is this great moment going to happen for you? Meantime, tick tock tick tock. The pages of solo continue to fill and you continue to have zero credibility. James was there, where were you? Where will you be? Will your acne ever clear? Inquiring minds want to know. Your public, lol, awaits...

I have no desire to be noticed by your moronship.

THAT was intended for me!

Admit it now Woody woodpecker!

I have never seen or heard anything from him or about him and that's weird as hell. I did google him the other night but was too lazy to find the strength to read it all.

Let me guess, another failed author whose achievements can be measured in the number of coffees he had and the half finished cigarettes he left behind rather than awards and Nobel prizes?

Says who?
Would you like to share with us the awards and Nobel prizes you won? Or if that could be somewhat inconvenient right now, any artistic output or even tryout in that sense?
Mind you, I wouldn't even judge that very critically cause any attempt is always gonna be respected initially as compared to do nothing yourself but criticizing others. So easy.
Yes, because sitting in your bedroom reading google results is where the real world is, indeed. Now, I'm convinced you must by an over-achieving millennial who has yet to step a foot out of his bedroom.

Years ago, you said fame was awaiting you, what happened? Was it college tuition? Please, when is this great moment going to happen for you? Meantime, tick tock tick tock. The pages of solo continue to fill and you continue to have zero credibility. James was there, where were you? Where will you be? Will your acne ever clear? Inquiring minds want to know. Your public, lol, awaits...

I have no desire to be noticed by your moronship.

Hilarious stuff! ...keep it up...my kids are 'millenials'..I'm almost as old as that decrepit tosser Morrissey or his fluffer James Maker. I will destroy The Fame as and when it pleases me to do so. I have more credibility than Morrissey, having totally debunked his 35 years of fake-arse animal rights nonsense. His arse is mine. So is yours. Bend and spread. No lube.
:thumb: Maker knows what's up !

Says who?
Would you like to share with us the awards and Nobel prizes you won? Or if that could be somewhat inconvenient right now, any artistic output or even tryout in that sense?
Mind you, I wouldn't even judge that very critically cause any attempt is always gonna be respected initially as compared to do nothing yourself but criticizing others. So easy.
If he is unknown to me he is unknown to everybody and the saddest bit is that he HAD ambition unlike me.

This is the first ever gif that I made myself, no idea it was so easy:

For the record, I never ever bothered with the people surrounding Morrissey no matter if it was band members or friends or fans. I cannot for the life of me see any worth at all in that.

Sorry if that offends some.
Hilarious stuff! ...keep it up...my kids are 'millenials'..I'm almost as old as that decrepit tosser Morrissey or his fluffer James Maker. I will destroy The Fame as and when it pleases me to do so. I have more credibility than Morrissey, having totally debunked his 35 years of fake-arse animal rights nonsense. His arse is mine. So is yours. Bend and spread. No lube.

So, you're an old guy with an unhealthy obsession with a celebrity and you fantasise about being a rapist.

I still can't identify you though, because when it comes to renowned public intellectuals, that doesn't narrow it down much. I think we need more clues.
His surname must be awful considering he didn't make a fooking thing of worth. I still have no clue who this man is so please someone post a wikipedia or something and maybe I will read it in 2022 if I am still alive and bored enough and still not touching alcohol.

James Saddlemaker
James Hatmaker

All he left behind was coffee cups and fags.
Many questions so let me answer each:

I went out once but it was not for me.

I said I never had any ambition and not even someone like me would ever believe fame would come. Fame takes hard work unless you get lucky and luck is not a friend of mine.

Solo posts from me is me wasting time but I am not alone, dum de dum.

My acne cleared long ago but only thanks to vitamins and minerals. These to be precise:

Zinc fluid
B1, B2, B5 and B6 and B7

Send that to the house of the not so interested.

I'm very aware you attract hot women. It was directed at DummieBoy, sorry.
James Maker statement July 2017:

"Today I had 8 cups of coffee and finished about 2 packets of fags. I am the envy of the world. Not a near success or anything to be bitter about. Find me in the yellow pages if you have one lying about somewhere that was printed in the 80's.

I will call you!"

I'm very aware you attract hot women. It was directed at DummieBoy, sorry.
No, I don't!

Attraction comes from both not just one. Women and football clubs choose you. Men have no idea how powerless they are and how happy they are to be just that.
back on topic !!! .....

I somehow get the feeling James Maker is a bit miffed he hasn't been included as a character in the film.

That's sorta the impression I got. His total denunciation based on watching the trailer and the pettiness of some of his comments, curtains coats and crimped hair, strikes me as someone over reacting and taking something personally. Especially when he says characters who are invented but I'm not in the film etc. who's he referring to here I don't know as the main characters of linder and Duffy are real and most others I saw in the trailer are incidental like co workers etc. for the real story of morrissey apparently we need to read makers bio I guess. I don't know, I agree he's an important figure missing from the film but his criticisms of it (or he trailer I guess) don't ring true or honest but rather as made by someone with a grudge
back on topic !!! .....


I am willing to do so if Moz says so. ;)
Or are your sources saying it must be kept secret?
That might be a strange strategy in this case. :rolleyes:
But I am tempted to trust you and boycott it.
I promise you to not even try to watch it illegally.
That won't be difficult cause I am clueless how to do so!
Cheerio Ketamine Sun!
Good luck with the campaign :D
I think about it differently.
This it the filmindustry and business.
Even so-called lowcost, independent companies want to make money. Look at the cast, there are some well-known names in it.
They could be in it because it is good for their career but they are paid and someone has to pay them.
It's not that they had great expectations to earn a lot of money but it's more like gambling on it. Thoughts like, it could be huge and maybe Hollywood would knock on the door.
And by the way, if it is not about the money but to make a good historical fiction movie but you leave out some very important facts from that period then I start wondering about the motives and the goal for making that movie.

They probably think they are making an interesting film that will earn a profit. If it was all about the money they would have made the Amy Winehouse story wouldn't they? I'm sure she wasn't sitting in her room writing letters about the New York Dolls, as fascinating as that sounds.

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