I agree with everything you said. Do you ever wonder if Morrissey wasn’t so aloof with his attitude and more reliable and took his career more seriously that he could have been one of the planets biggest rockstars that he could have came close to the same fame as Elvis or Sinatra somewhere close to those lines, if he actually had proper management and was manageable his career could have been different maybe the Smiths would never have broken up or maybe they would have anyways further down the line, I always wondered about the untapped possibility of what his career and fame could have gotten too if he didn’t get in his own way and make stupid decisions after another.
Absolutely. In fact, there was talk at the time of Vauxhall & I that Morrissey had sabotaged his career momentum by not touring for it. He then went on to tour, and release two his worst albums before he was let go by the record company.
He abandoned the Bowie tour because he didn't like Bowie's on stage duet suggestion.
Even in The Smiths, he would refuse to make appearances, while complaining about record company marketing support. It's one of the main reasons Marr left. He couldn't take the unpredictability, and lack of communication. He worked his ass off, only to have Morrissey blow it up, and leave him to deal with the fall-out. He treated Marr like he was Boz: Dress in costumes, and do as I wish.
I think it's good that Marr left because it stopped The Smiths from becoming what would most likely be musical dinosaurs of their time. We would then be talking about some good songs they made before they become boring, and silly.
The more I learn about that time, the more I realize that Marr was %70 of The Smiths.
I can't forget the story of Marr and the record company coming around to his house, and banging on the door to try, and get him to make an appearance, and Johnny finally snapping: "You're not the only member of this band!"
I don't know how Marr ever resisted not punching him in the mouth. Morrissey is disarming in that he can make himself seem vulnerable, and like a bit of a weed, but then he goes behind your back, and turns the screws. Passive-agressive.
There are rumors that Matt Walker's brother, and Morrissey's former bassist took a swing at him, and that's why he's no longer with him. I wouldn't doubt it.