'It is better to speak' quote by Audre Lorde - M. Central update

It is better to speak - Morrissey Central
April 20, 2018


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As I posted elsewhere...

Oh look - it's a black person saying something inspirational. How on EARTH could a racist man post this kind of stuff? Some of my best friends, etc, etc...
Reckon Audre Lourde would also have agreed that sometimes it is better not to speak.
Please, stop defining people using colors.
You can't be black when human unless you get severe burns. Always found it to be a great insult to call brown people black.

We can never stop defining people by colour cause of criminality and the need to identify people however much you snowflakes believe that the world will become a paradise.
"Sometimes it's better to fart, than to hold it in. Better for you anyway, but those around you may not be so appreciative." I think Ghandi said that.
First it was those two black kids at his concert , now Audre Lorde. Does Morrissey even have any white friends? The world owes him an apology.
As I posted elsewhere...

Oh look - it's a black person saying something inspirational. How on EARTH could a racist man post this kind of stuff? Some of my best friends, etc, etc...
You're always first to comment but swimming the same deep water as you is hard. "The shallow drowned lose less than we" you said.
Assuming the quote has been used because the author is black and is thus being used as some sort of damage limitation based on the website entries of the last few days? Very cynical. Who’s the racist now? Ask yourself.
Assuming the quote has been used because the author is black and is thus being used as some sort of damage limitation based on the website entries of the last few days? Very cynical. Who’s the racist now? Ask yourself.
And he even used the CAT. f*** YOU MORRISSEY!!!! :crazy:
Actually Morrissey you should shut the f*** up when it comes to immigration.

You are talking to Morrissey? Imaginary Morrissey?:crazy: Because Morrissey is not here and he doesnt know you.
Repeat after me: "I dont know Moz, its only my neurosis at work".
Wow Freud would have had a field day with your prognois.
I reckon of course all of you foreigner terrorist anti-Americans are missing one huge point. All these black people are Americans that Uncle Steve idolizes. Sometimes I reckon Uncle Steve is more American than me m8.
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