It’s not about politics

The guy who religiously cyberstalks my social media and responds to all of my posts within minutes is claiming that no one is interested in what I have to say.
There is absolutely no one here with any interest in what you have to say. Why you come to this forum to push white nationalist politics and post embarrassing meme videos is beyond anyone's comprehension. The fact that you throw a little hissy fit anytime I bring this to your attention proves how insecure it makes you feel.
Oh my. We've got levels of projection that shouldn't be possible.

There is absolutely no one here with any interest in what you have to say. Why you come to this forum to push white nationalist politics and post embarrassing meme videos is beyond anyone's comprehension.

No, it's within many people's realm of comprehension. Maybe you're just stupid.

The fact that you throw a little hissy fit anytime I bring this to your attention proves how insecure it makes you feel.

Sure, Hannah. I'M the one throwing hissy fits. Not you. Me. OK... That is too stupid for me to give a serious rebuttal to. At this point, you're just throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Although I must say, Hannah, I am curious as to what you are hoping to achieve.
Are you hoping to run me off this website? I mean, you haven't thought of a new insult to hurl at me in over a year. If the same insults didn't run me off before what makes you think the same insults will run me off now?
Now if you are just dopamine-chasing (which I think is more likely), then hell, knock yourself out. Go get your dopamine. Dopamine is a wonderful thing. If insulting me helps you get that sweet taste of dopamine, well, I'm happy to help.

Lemme tell you something, Hannah. I have made extraordinary sacrifices for what I believe. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that you would be willing to make the kind of sacrifices that I have made for anything that you believe ( this is, of course. assuming that you believe anything, which I also doubt).
I have lost life-long friends. I have a brother that I'm not speaking terms with anymore. But you know what? If I had the chance, I would do it all over again because the alternative would be to live a lie.
Now, those were people that I f***ing LOVED. I really, REALLY did not want to lose those people but I did and I have no regrets. Given that, do you REALLY think that I give that much of a shit about you? Some random nobody on a message board? I know this may be hard for you to believe but I actually don't. Like my own brother could not dissuade me but you think that YOU are gonna be the one that gets to me? Like REALLY?

If you bother me at all, it is due to the fact that you are quite obviously a sociopath and I know what sociopaths are capable of. Ideally, I would prefer to not have sociopaths obsessing over me. But at this point, it's pretty clear that you have shot your proverbial load. If you could do more against me, you would have done it by now. I've seen your worst and your worst ain't shit. So I think I'm pretty safe.

Anyway, I shouldn't be talking to you. I realize that I am feeding a stray dog here against my better judgement. But what the hell. It's Saturday night. What's the point of Saturday night if you can't let your hair down and make bad decisions?
Oh my. We've got levels of projection that shouldn't be possible.

No, it's within many people's realm of comprehension. Maybe you're just stupid.

Sure, Hannah. I'M the one throwing hissy fits. Not you. Me. OK... That is too stupid for me to give a serious rebuttal to. At this point, you're just throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Although I must say, Hannah, I am curious as to what you are hoping to achieve.
Are you hoping to run me off this website? I mean, you haven't thought of a new insult to hurl at me in over a year. If the same insults didn't run me off before what makes you think the same insults will run me off now?
Now if you are just dopamine-chasing (which I think is more likely), then hell, knock yourself out. Go get your dopamine. Dopamine is a wonderful thing. If insulting me helps you get that sweet taste of dopamine, well, I'm happy to help.

Lemme tell you something, Hannah. I have made extraordinary sacrifices for what I believe. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that you would be willing to make the kind of sacrifices that I have made for anything that you believe ( this is, of course. assuming that you believe anything, which I also doubt).
I have lost life-long friends. I have a brother that I'm not speaking terms with anymore. But you know what? If I had the chance, I would do it all over again because the alternative would be to live a lie.
Now, those were people that I f***ing LOVED. I really, REALLY did not want to lose those people but I did and I have no regrets. Given that, do you REALLY think that I give that much of a shit about you? Some random nobody on a message board? I know this may be hard for you to believe but I actually don't. Like my own brother could not dissuade me but you think that YOU are gonna be the one that gets to me? Like REALLY?

If you bother me at all, it is due to the fact that you are quite obviously a sociopath and I know what sociopaths are capable of. Ideally, I would prefer to not have sociopaths obsessing over me. But at this point, it's pretty clear that you have shot your proverbial load. If you could do more against me, you would have done it by now. I've seen your worst and your worst ain't shit. So I think I'm pretty safe.

Anyway, I shouldn't be talking to you. I realize that I am feeding a stray dog here against my better judgement. But what the hell. It's Saturday night. What's the point of Saturday night if you can't let your hair down and make bad decisions?

Travis if you're losing loved ones for a spectacularly stupid/appalling ideology then there's no point in getting grandiose with Verso.

It's very sad that you're doing this to your life.

Come to your senses. Write about Hollywood. Do anything else.

WTF BGVelcro you throw more hissy fits than Fake C psycho babbles FFS.
put on a thinking cap before you post:rolleyes:
Travis if you're losing loved ones for a spectacularly stupid/appalling ideology then there's no point in getting grandiose with Verso.

There's no point in talking to Verso under any circumstances. I do so because I am a masochist.

I mean, what do you expect me to do? I can't UN-believe what I believe. Sure, I could LIE about what I believe but I can't just CHOOSE to stop believing what I believe. If I could, I would.

It's true that I have lost loved ones over what I believe and that makes me sad. But that's OK. Time will exonerate me. One day, they will all understand. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but someday they will. They might not ever agree with me. But they will understand.

There's a song by Queen called Father to Son. It contains this passage:
"Take this letter that I give you
Take it sonny, hold it high
You won't understand a word that's in it
But you'll write it out again before you die."

That is how I feel about the people I have lost. After all, it is for them that I do what I do. They may not appreciate it. They may even hate me and denounce me for it. That's OK. If you dragged a loved one off to a rehab clinic, they would probably be cursing and spitting at you all along the way. It's true that I hate other groups but I am not motivated by hate. I am motivated by love. I would not be willing to be despised by 90% of society for hate. I am willing to take that hit because I love what I love.

People say to me all the time "Oh, you are just insecure about yourself and latch on to the achievements of the whites (which you had nothing to do with) to boost your self-esteem." NO!!! None of what I believe makes me happy. Nothing about what I believe makes me feel better about myself. I would LOVE to be wrong. I would have a lot less to worry about and would sleep a lot better at night if I did not know what I know. That's what's called "the redpill blues". I am actually nostalgic about my bluepilled days.
Honestly, knowing the truth is a f***ing curse. Because knowing the truth comes with certain responsibilities and moral obligations. You can not know what I know and then choose to do nothing. Maybe some people can. But I can't.

It's very sad that you're doing this to your life.

I partially agree. The sad thing is that it came to this. The sad thing is that I was put in a position that I HAD to do this.
I never wanted this. Do you think that when I was a kid that I was like "When I grow up, I want to be society's idea of the ultimate embodiment of evil"? Lemme tell you that was never anything that I thought or said. But after crunching the numbers and reviewing all the data, I have come to the conclusion that it's either white nationalism or barbarism.
I'll admit that being edgy is fun. Ruffling people's feathers is fun. Seeing people get triggered by the truth is frequently hilarious. But honestly, I would much rather live in a world where I didn't have to do any of this.

I never wanted this. There were other things that I wanted to do with my life. This was forced upon me. I wish things were different but they aren't. All I can do is deal with things as they are, not as I wish they were or as I think they could or should be. Doing nothing is simply not an option for me.

Come to your senses. Write about Hollywood. Do anything else.

I do write about Hollywood.

Believe me. My eyes are wide open. I did not choose this path lightly. I struggled over it for a very long time. If there were another way, I would be for that way. But there is no other way. I'm not happy about it but it is what it is.
There's no point in talking to Verso under any circumstances. I do so because I am a masochist.

I mean, what do you expect me to do? I can't UN-believe what I believe. Sure, I could LIE about what I believe but I can't just CHOOSE to stop believing what I believe. If I could, I would.

It's true that I have lost loved ones over what I believe and that makes me sad. But that's OK. Time will exonerate me. One day, they will all understand. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but someday they will. They might not ever agree with me. But they will understand.

There's a song by Queen called Father to Son. It contains this passage:
"Take this letter that I give you
Take it sonny, hold it high
You won't understand a word that's in it
But you'll write it out again before you die."

That is how I feel about the people I have lost. After all, it is for them that I do what I do. They may not appreciate it. They may even hate me and denounce me for it. That's OK. If you dragged a loved one off to a rehab clinic, they would probably be cursing and spitting at you all along the way. It's true that I hate other groups but I am not motivated by hate. I am motivated by love. I would not be willing to be despised by 90% of society for hate. I am willing to take that hit because I love what I love.

People say to me all the time "Oh, you are just insecure about yourself and latch on to the achievements of the whites (which you had nothing to do with) to boost your self-esteem." NO!!! None of what I believe makes me happy. Nothing about what I believe makes me feel better about myself. I would LOVE to be wrong. I would have a lot less to worry about and would sleep a lot better at night if I did not know what I know. That's what's called "the redpill blues". I am actually nostalgic about my bluepilled days.
Honestly, knowing the truth is a f***ing curse. Because knowing the truth comes with certain responsibilities and moral obligations. You can not know what I know and then choose to do nothing. Maybe some people can. But I can't.

I partially agree. The sad thing is that it came to this. The sad thing is that I was put in a position that I HAD to do this.
I never wanted this. Do you think that when I was a kid that I was like "When I grow up, I want to be society's idea of the ultimate embodiment of evil"? Lemme tell you that was never anything that I thought or said. But after crunching the numbers and reviewing all the data, I have come to the conclusion that it's either white nationalism or barbarism.
I'll admit that being edgy is fun. Ruffling people's feathers is fun. Seeing people get triggered by the truth is frequently hilarious. But honestly, I would much rather live in a world where I didn't have to do any of this.

I never wanted this. There were other things that I wanted to do with my life. This was forced upon me. I wish things were different but they aren't. All I can do is deal with things as they are, not as I wish they were or as I think they could or should be. Doing nothing is simply not an option for me.

I do write about Hollywood.

Believe me. My eyes are wide open. I did not choose this path lightly. I struggled over it for a very long time. If there were another way, I would be for that way. But there is no other way. I'm not happy about it but it is what it is.
My god, this is a complete joke. You can blather on and on all you like about your so-called sacrifices and the nobility of your dead-end political agenda, but all anyone else will see is raging narcissism, delusions of grandeur and a martyr complex bursting at the seams. I mean, you really think you're Joan of Arc for posting racist bullshit on the internet. Your shtick is a dime-a-dozen. No one cares.
There's no point in talking to Verso under any circumstances. I do so because I am a masochist.

I mean, what do you expect me to do? I can't UN-believe what I believe. Sure, I could LIE about what I believe but I can't just CHOOSE to stop believing what I believe. If I could, I would.

It's true that I have lost loved ones over what I believe and that makes me sad. But that's OK. Time will exonerate me. One day, they will all understand. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but someday they will. They might not ever agree with me. But they will understand.

There's a song by Queen called Father to Son. It contains this passage:
"Take this letter that I give you
Take it sonny, hold it high
You won't understand a word that's in it
But you'll write it out again before you die."

That is how I feel about the people I have lost. After all, it is for them that I do what I do. They may not appreciate it. They may even hate me and denounce me for it. That's OK. If you dragged a loved one off to a rehab clinic, they would probably be cursing and spitting at you all along the way. It's true that I hate other groups but I am not motivated by hate. I am motivated by love. I would not be willing to be despised by 90% of society for hate. I am willing to take that hit because I love what I love.

People say to me all the time "Oh, you are just insecure about yourself and latch on to the achievements of the whites (which you had nothing to do with) to boost your self-esteem." NO!!! None of what I believe makes me happy. Nothing about what I believe makes me feel better about myself. I would LOVE to be wrong. I would have a lot less to worry about and would sleep a lot better at night if I did not know what I know. That's what's called "the redpill blues". I am actually nostalgic about my bluepilled days.
Honestly, knowing the truth is a f***ing curse. Because knowing the truth comes with certain responsibilities and moral obligations. You can not know what I know and then choose to do nothing. Maybe some people can. But I can't.

I partially agree. The sad thing is that it came to this. The sad thing is that I was put in a position that I HAD to do this.
I never wanted this. Do you think that when I was a kid that I was like "When I grow up, I want to be society's idea of the ultimate embodiment of evil"? Lemme tell you that was never anything that I thought or said. But after crunching the numbers and reviewing all the data, I have come to the conclusion that it's either white nationalism or barbarism.
I'll admit that being edgy is fun. Ruffling people's feathers is fun. Seeing people get triggered by the truth is frequently hilarious. But honestly, I would much rather live in a world where I didn't have to do any of this.

I never wanted this. There were other things that I wanted to do with my life. This was forced upon me. I wish things were different but they aren't. All I can do is deal with things as they are, not as I wish they were or as I think they could or should be. Doing nothing is simply not an option for me.

I do write about Hollywood.

Believe me. My eyes are wide open. I did not choose this path lightly. I struggled over it for a very long time. If there were another way, I would be for that way. But there is no other way. I'm not happy about it but it is what it is.

Ach, time won't exonerate you, you are wrong. Your love is misplaced.

There is another way.

You just need to take it.
My god, this is a complete joke. You can blather on and on all you like about your so-called sacrifices and the nobility of your dead-end political agenda, but all anyone else will see is raging narcissism, delusions of grandeur and a martyr complex bursting at the seams. I mean, you really think you're Joan of Arc for posting racist bullshit on the internet. Your shtick is a dime-a-dozen. No one cares

Shut up, loser. Grown-ups are talking
Ach, time won't exonerate you, you are wrong. Your love is misplaced.

There is another way.

You just need to take it.

Does the "other way" involve posting dancing Kamala Harris gifs? Maybe it involves posting here 10,000 times in 18 months about Morrissey being misunderstood. Time is more likely to exonerate Travis than exonerate you, if we're talking about "dead end ideologies".

Morrissey has held white nationalist viewpoints since before Travis was even born.
Shut up, loser. Grown-ups are talking
Look at you spiral. It’s so telling. You need your pathetic, dead-end politics as an eternal cope to explain away everything else your life blatantly lacks. I gave this up, I gave that up. Sure, dude. No one buys it. But unlike Nerak, I don’t believe there’s another path for you. You’ll probably die as you lived: an unrelenting bore carrying the torch for something that never panned out, was never a remote possibility and only looked like a pitiable LARPing hobby to anyone else with sense.
You have your home now & you're attempting to wreck it, while actually wrecking your real life, for a self-flattering fantasy.

I have a place where I am from but I do not have a home.
The essence of "home" is a sense of belonging. Multiculturalism is a society where no one feels at home.

In the grand scheme of things, my life is insignificant. I'm not in this to flatter myself. This isn't about me at all. If all I wanted was attention, I would have stuck to doing pithy one-liners on Twitter. I was getting a lot more attention doing that than what I am doing now. I had my tweets reprinted in Reader's Digest,, Funny or Die, College Humor, Huffington Post, the Federalist and probably a bunch of other places. I dunno.


If I am to be remembered at all, it will be for what I did and where I stood on the great existential questions of my day. No one will remember the people who spent these years making jokes about their dick. No one will remember the people who laughed at both sides while the world burned.
But there are two things that are absolutely for certain. The first is that whether we win or whether we lose, future generations will read about the last stand of Old America. The second that is for certain is that no matter who wins this great cosmic struggle, no one will be building statues of white liberals in the future.
When you actually take a step back and look at the big picture, when you understand the nature of the crossroads with which we find ourselves, when you consider at the enormity of the consequences of choosing one path or the other, it simply takes your breath away. All else, be it money, fame, sex, comfort, status, just pales in comparison. I could have done other things. I could still do other things. But knowing what I know, there is nowhere else that I would rather be than smack dab in the middle of the struggle.

And yet, I'm not in this to be remembered. This isn't about me. None of this is about me. White nationalism is probably the first thing that I have ever done in my life that wasn't all about me.

Anyway, I'm putting you back on ignore. You and Verso are just two sides of the same sociopathic coin. He's a narcissist and you are a liar. I wrote all of the above for the lurkers.

I have a place where I am from but I do not have a home.
The essence of "home" is a sense of belonging. Multiculturalism is a society where no one feels at home.

In the grand scheme of things, my life is insignificant. I'm not in this to flatter myself. This isn't about me at all. If all I wanted was attention, I would have stuck to doing pithy one-liners on Twitter. I was getting a lot more attention doing that than what I am doing now. I had my tweets reprinted in Reader's Digest,, Funny or Die, College Humor, Huffington Post, the Federalist and probably a bunch of other places. I dunno.

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If I am to be remembered at all, it will be for what I did and where I stood on the great existential questions of my day. No one will remember the people who spent these years making jokes about their dick. No one will remember the people who laughed at both sides while the world burned.
But there are two things that are absolutely for certain. The first is that whether we win or whether we lose, future generations will read about the last stand of Old America. The second that is for certain is that no matter who wins this great cosmic struggle, no one will be building statues of white liberals in the future.
When you actually take a step back and look at the big picture, when you understand the nature of the crossroads with which we find ourselves, when you consider at the enormity of the consequences of choosing one path or the other, it simply takes your breath away. All else, be it money, fame, sex, comfort, status, just pales in comparison. I could have done other things. I could still do other things. But knowing what I know, there is nowhere else that I would rather be than smack dab in the middle of the struggle.

And yet, I'm not in this to be remembered. This isn't about me. None of this is about me. White nationalism is probably the first thing that I have ever done in my life that wasn't all about me.

Anyway, I'm putting you back on ignore. You and Verso are just two sides of the same sociopathic coin. He's a narcissist and you are a liar. I wrote all of the above for the lurkers.


What am I supposed to be lying about?

You're American. You've always had a multi-culture. Trying to pretend all white people have the same culture & history is nonsensical.
I have a place where I am from but I do not have a home.
The essence of "home" is a sense of belonging. Multiculturalism is a society where no one feels at home.

[blah blah blah]

And yet, I'm not in this to be remembered. This isn't about me. None of this is about me. White nationalism is probably the first thing that I have ever done in my life that wasn't all about me.
Boo hoo, snowflake. What a patently absurd and sweeping generalization to make about "multiculturalism." But that's all that you and your ilk are capable of, taking personal grievances and clumsily trying to apply them to the macro as if they're self-evident truths regarding the nature of "how things really are."

And no one buys the humility act this late in the game. Every single one of your posts drips with a desperate self-importance. It's obscenely obvious that you think of yourself as a very special sort of racist when you are, of course, just another drop in the bucket of delusional dickheads who hate blacks and Jews online. Yawn.
Yes - it was over Anne Boleyn & it wasn't just a moan which would get an 🙄 - he used it as part of his political marketing. Tweeting her picture & making bigoted, misleading comments about the production entirely because of her skin colour. Foul way to treat another actor.

Yes, he did fail to get the part!

He's got a nerve - he's not that talented, he's a notorious coke head & he does ok because of his family. Who are mortified.
My favourite tweet about Laurence Fox:
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