So to illustrate your point about Israel you link to two Jews, which is like if I wanted to convince you that smoking is good for you so I link you to videos of two guys who own tobacco companies.
The only thing Shapiro and Maher debunk is the idea that they're capable of providing impartial analysis.
Shapiro who says he "couldn't care less about the browning of America", but the thought of the same thing happening in Israel keeps him awake at night. In fact he's fine with Israeli troops injuring thousands of people to ensure no "browning" occurs.
Then he gets the likes of you to cheer him on just because he talks fast and went to Harvard or wherever, and because he "owns" blue haired feminists and BLM supporters from time to time which we know requires such incredible brainpower to do
And yes, Maher is Jewish too. His mother is a Hungarian Jew which makes him Jewish as well in Jewish law (it's passed down on the mother's side). He was raised in the Catholic church by his father but left the church when he was 13 which was around the same time he found out his mother was Jewish.
A bit like his late friend Christopher Hitchens, he also found out later in life that he had Jewish lineage on his mother's side. There's an interview with him on YouTube conducted shortly before his death where he's asked about anti-semitism and his response is "I think we should do more to deserve it". Not "they", not "you", but "we".
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Maher has a similar attitude, judging by the views he espouses.
That was neo-conservative Christopher Hitchens; Ben Shapiro also has neo-conservative tendencies, as do plenty of other prominent 'conservative' American Jews like Bill Kristol. Neo-conservatism is basically a Jewish ideology, whereby through lies and deceit they invade/sanction/otherwise attack Arab/Middle Eastern countries in "defence" of Israel. That's what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Palestine, and is now happening with Iran and Syria.
If Iran doesn't want new sanctions placed on it, literally all they have to do is say "we support Israel" and the notion of sanctions would disappear almost immediately. Then they can begin trading with USA/Israel, open American banks, open a chain of McDonald's restaurants, and all would be forgiven.
Look how quickly the view of Kim Jong-Un changed in the American (Jewish) media when it began to look like he would hold talks with the USA (Israel's pitbull). Almost immediately it was announced that North Korea may open, you guessed it, a chain of McDonald's. Gotta love that American style freedom and democracy!
It seems you subscribe to a few of the main tenets of neo-conservatism too bhops (and Derek); the alt-lite and neoconservatives aren't so different after all (which is the typical any time American Jews dominate a movement, defence of Israel becomes the front and centre object of concern).
The same with Trumpism, 'America first' became 'Israel first' in the blink of an eye, so fast that most of you who still support him didn't even notice the shift. The defence of Israel's border, the moving of the embassy became of paramount importance while the
wall along the USA's southern border got pushed aside yet again for another while longer, a year and a half into his Presidency.
When the Democrats likely take control of the house in the elections coming up this year, there will be no hope at all of a wall being built. But at least Israel got 'defended'! (Not that Chuck Schumer and co. would have voted against the moving of the US embassy or anything, Schumer praised Trump for it you'll be shocked to learn -- although not shocked if you're aware of Schumer's ethno-religious background and the role that plays in informing his decisions.)
Just like it informs the decisions of black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and every other racial group apart from white people who have been trained/bullied/forced over the years into not think tribally, something which every other group in existence still does and will continue to do, which we often choose to forget/ignore. And which is why all those other groups will survive, while white people will be minorities in many currently majority white countries (including the countries you, I, Truth, and Derek live in), within half a century. At least we moved embassies for other groups and kept our mouths shut so we weren't called racists or "neo nazis", am I right?