Yes someone is putting outrageous prices on replicas or handmade bootlegs on new shirts with old tour data, trying to confuse the NAIVE rich too.
I also never thought that was the value. 1989 Interesting Morrissey,(Interesting Drug promo shirt) and picture on shirt was on the back of the 12" single of Interesting Drug,
others on the sight have this shirt also( maybe they are the ones selling who knows!).
The shirt is posted in collectors corner early Morrissey shirts checklist also. And yes it's very old and it's a promo from the early singles before Kill Uncle and Bona Drag. So it's one of the first solo shirts sold or given away.
NOW THE Queen is Dead shirt i would question authentication . Now I don't know about the UK, but the 1986 show I saw in the states(Dallas Bronco Bowl, named after Dallas pro bowling team The Broncos) had no merchandise for sale, of course UK could be different . And in old Smiths pictures I do see Morrissey with Queen is Dead shirt but the back words are not there that I've ever seen. StrangwaysNYC probably could answer on the Smiths Shirt authentication. Anyways , be careful on buying.