Is music important?

Its probably the only art form that can change your mood instantly. For example, a book takes awhile to develop, same for a movie or TV. But put on saw "I Won't Share You" or similar song and your mood changes almost instantly.

At least for me it does.
A piece of music can take you any place in time, evoke memories good and bad..
Music is important because;

it's a way of experiencing and expressing emotions

It's connecting something in you to something outside you,
so it connects people to the world and it consoles those suffering or feeling disconnected from the world

It can be made solo or as part of a group event
It communicates and helps create/sustain community - eg in the Church, the choir, the brass band, the football ground, the bedroom

It's something that almost anyone can do, almost anywhere.

It's great to see people create their own music, not only for a career, but for pleasure of being creative and sharing the experience with friends, like the graffiti on the wall - messy, original, personal.

Much of the commercial "music" we are offered is brought to us by people who control the artists, the venues, the ticket sales, the merchandise and much of the media which promotes it.
It will last only as long as people have confidence in the story they are sold.

...but people will not stop making their own noise, in their own way :guitar::guitar:
Hello comrades, I am to write an article on why music is important to people, so I would like your input, being hard core music fans. Just answer the one question for me. Why is music important to you?

I believe that music must be the original language. Before there were words we were able to make sounds. Babies naturally test their voices showing that it is within us to express ourselves vocally. The untrained ear would have been raised to a new level of consciousness when discovering harmonious sounds. Rhythm is within us, in our breathing and our heartbeat. The elements of music come naturally to us. Performing music or singing, when you are really becoming a vehicle for an emotion or idea takes you to a place that seems outside of time and material circumstances. It's a vehicle to express something that would be difficult to express verbally.

When other people are in this state and you have some similar experience of the emotions or ideas they are expressing it can lift you out of your everyday thoughts of the mundane details of life and alter your consciousness. They express the inexpressible, or allow you to understand yourself better acting like a mirror to your own experience.
I believe that music must be the original language. Before there were words we were able to make sounds. Babies naturally test their voices showing that it is within us to express ourselves vocally. The untrained ear would have been raised to a new level of consciousness when discovering harmonious sounds. Rhythm is within us, in our breathing and our heartbeat. The elements of music come naturally to us. Performing music or singing, when you are really becoming a vehicle for an emotion or idea takes you to a place that seems outside of time and material circumstances. It's a vehicle to express something that would be difficult to express verbally.

When other people are in this state and you have some similar experience of the emotions or ideas they are expressing it can lift you out of your everyday thoughts of the mundane details of life and alter your consciousness. They express the inexpressible, or allow you to understand yourself better acting like a mirror to your own experience.

Plus it gives me something to do when I drink and smoke.

And it's useful for when the FBI wants to get a dangerous manifesto-writing crazy out of his compound.
Music has the effect of a mental transport for me always has. I can create my own environments and dream states inside a piece of music.

As a child my best friend was a set of headphones...they blocked out a hostile environment and afforded me shelter in my music. Within that safe realm I was free to dream...

Later in life it has been more of an escape than a shelter. I create elaborate designs and visual clips that play out quite vividly in my mind. Some are turned into reality in built form and others find life on canvas.

Music inspires me, provokes me, takes it's energy through me...I feel it, I live it and it blesses me...

In ways that a verbal description cannot do justice...

The imprint in my life is profound...
this bloke here is just stealing your thoughts

I don't usually charge a fee. :D
It's not unusual for people to come here asking for ideas. Research. Does this prove we are not the bunch of ignorant whining ingrates Morrissey would Disapprove of (according to those who claim to be in the know)? Maybe? :blushing:

Depends on who can be bothered to answer, and whether our replies add to the Quester's knowledge in any way. I hope they do give feedback. So often promised, but rarely acknowledged. :(
it's not sex=important
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