Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration? - Hypebeast

Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Showbiz, they all do it. He has great taste in clothes, he really should have his own clothing line.Most men throw on a blue shirt and tan pants. He is incredibly attractive man, wrinkles and all just made him more sexy.
I don't see this as something negative. I think this is a step in right direction. Promoting the coolest (or hottest if you want), almost underground clothing brand is something only to his benefit. Wider exposure to a new audience, etc. He is incredibly sexy, always had been. I want that poster. Where can I get it?
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

I'm always up for new words and such. What is an 'ortabilly'?

Seems like some people are trying too hard to impress us with their phony vocabulary. They never use peculiar words in everyday life, yet pepper their posts with awkward and cumbersome words just to elevate their mediocre articulation. How sad.
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Morrissey circa 2016: listens to Eminem and Public Enemy, and wears skateboarding clobber. Who'd a thunk it?
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Seems like some people are trying too hard to impress us with their phony vocabulary. They never use peculiar words in everyday life, yet pepper their posts with awkward and cumbersome words just to elevate their mediocre articulation. How sad.

That may be true for some but i type just how I speak in person. I don't see a distinction in the communication here or I. Person so why would I or any on change it. I'm the guy the leaves lkne s in the quote threads and I for sure talk like that everyday
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Seems like some people are trying too hard to impress us with their phony vocabulary. They never use peculiar words in everyday life, yet pepper their posts with awkward and cumbersome words just to elevate their mediocre articulation. How sad.

ORTABILLY (MALE VERSION OF "TORTABILLY"): subject of Moz's nocturnal emissions



Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

I've called the NYC and LA stores and nobody answers. :(I'd like a poster, too.
How can they do business by not answering their phone lines?

I don't see this as something negative. I think this is a step in right direction. Promoting the coolest (or hottest if you want), almost underground clothing brand is something only to his benefit. Wider exposure to a new audience, etc. He is incredibly sexy, always had been. I want that poster. Where can I get it?
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

I've called the NYC and LA stores and nobody answers. :(I'd like a poster, too.
How can they do business by not answering their phone lines?

Try online as no one answers phones much anymore. Especially not young people and this seems like a youth oriented business.answering a public phone number in a business I imagine like theres is a waste of time
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Yup, emailed them as well. No answer, either.

Try online as no one answers phones much anymore. Especially not young people and this seems like a youth oriented business.answering a public phone number in a business I imagine like theres is a waste of time
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

agree to disagree i guess lol, i don't think he has aged well tbh (it's my opinion plz don't kill me) :straightface:

I've put my gun away to type this ;) He is in his mid-fifties no longer in his twenties. To me he looks more refined and handsome than many men his age. The quiff may be gone but he's still a good man!
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

I've put my gun away to type this ;) He is in his mid-fifties no longer in his twenties. To me he looks more refined and handsome than many men his age. The quiff may be gone but he's still a good man!

bewhiffed.....must be sprouting out round his anal cavity these days I reckon - he needs the extra padding in that area !

Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Morrissey circa 2016: listens to Eminem and Public Enemy, and wears skateboarding clobber. Who'd a thunk it?

That's what happens when you let your nephew become your manager to cut costs.
The plot thickens!! Supreme hit back to our Mozzholy crap this highly entertaining, Morrissey- solo update news PLZ!!
Re: Is Morrissey the subject of Supreme's next celebrity collaboration?

Try online as no one answers phones much anymore. Especially not young people and this seems like a youth oriented business.answering a public phone number in a business I imagine like theres is a waste of time

This poster is much better than the one Sam produced.

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