Is it racist?

Another FC 'is this racist post' for your personal perusal:

Ok. Listen up. Yoko Ono art exists even before its made, got it? Art is eternal, making Yoko eternal, existing for thousand of years.

Now, on my way to get some supper at 7-11 I was attacked by a school of ducks. I was crossing the street when I approached me and suddenly A BLACK DUCK bit my foot through the hole in my boot. :( Yes my boots have holes in them, I was hoping for a new pair but I was slow on the uptake when the rioting started. Should have rioted and then protested instead of protesting and then rioting. All the good stuff was gone only thing left was puffy socks that white
dudes like to wear but dont go with boots.:(

so...yes the BLACK DUCK bit my toe through the hole in my boot. Bit good couldnt shake him.:straightface: I tried
waving my booted foot around and into the wall but the black duck would not let go:straightface:
when suddenly out of nowhere a WHITE DUCK bit the damned BLACK DUCK:), black duck rolled around
while the white duck put him out of his misery. thank you white duck.;)

I was not able to buy my dinner since I had a big hole in my boot and the 7-11 said I could have been contaminated with the Kung Flu viruso_O
how do you like that, what A Holes:(

so I went home and ate some crackers I had previously swiped from the Burger King.:) Then I posted BLM on the internets.

Now, where is the racism in this story?? Can you spot it? is the duck??
Another FC 'is this racist post' for your personal perusal:

Ok. Listen up. Yoko Ono art exists even before its made, got it? Art is eternal, making Yoko eternal, existing for thousand of years.

Now, on my way to get some supper at 7-11 I was attacked by a school of ducks. I was crossing the street when I approached me and suddenly A BLACK DUCK bit my foot through the hole in my boot. :( Yes my boots have holes in them, I was hoping for a new pair but I was slow on the uptake when the rioting started. Should have rioted and then protested instead of protesting and then rioting. All the good stuff was gone only thing left was puffy socks that white
dudes like to wear but dont go with boots.:(

so...yes the BLACK DUCK bit my toe through the hole in my boot. Bit good couldnt shake him.:straightface: I tried
waving my booted foot around and into the wall but the black duck would not let go:straightface:
when suddenly out of nowhere a WHITE DUCK bit the damned BLACK DUCK:), black duck rolled around
while the white duck put him out of his misery. thank you white duck.;)

I was not able to buy my dinner since I had a big hole in my boot and the 7-11 said I could have been contaminated with the Kung Flu viruso_O
how do you like that, what A Holes:(

so I went home and ate some crackers I had previously swiped from the Burger King.:) Then I posted BLM on the internets.

Now, where is the racism in this story?? Can you spot it? is the duck??
“Racist” is whatever our media, government, and academic overlords say it is. If you try to make it any more complicated than that, you’re overthinking it.

There’s really nothing to discuss.“Racist” is whatever they say it is and it doesn’t matter whether you agree or not. When the social justice mob comes for you, YOUR personal definition of “racist” isn’t going to mean shit.
“Racist” is whatever our media, government, and academic overlords say it is. If you try to make it any more complicated than that, you’re overthinking it.

There’s really nothing to discuss.“Racist” is whatever they say it is and it doesn’t matter whether you agree or not. When the social justice mob comes for you, YOUR personal definition of “racist” isn’t going to mean shit.
Actually, no. Racism is quite an easy thing to define and your glib double-talk is as disingenuous as it is dull. You "write" for a white nationalist rag and spend your days tweeting hatred towards Blacks and Jews. I don't think one needs the hysterical sensitivity of a "social justice mob" to put your bloated ass in the appropriate category.
Actually, no. Racism is quite an easy thing to define and your glib double-talk is as disingenuous as it is dull. You "write" for a white nationalist rag and spend your days tweeting hatred towards Blacks and Jews. I don't think one needs the hysterical sensitivity of a "social justice mob" to put your bloated ass in the appropriate category.

JFC what a numbskull ?
if racism is so easy to define how is it possible that nobody has been able to isolate the racist components of the FC 'is this racist at 7-11' posts?:(
another chapter in FCs mission to spot racism in and around the environs of the 7-11 ?

another day, paper in shoe on my way for lunch at chez 7-11. 7-11 is but a block away from my home fire, but that single block can be a perilous journey full of potential racism. today i walk out and the first thing i see, is a white crack head homeless woman standing right on the grass patch separating the street from the sidewalk. this patch belongs to the city, the local residents have no claim of ownership to it which i think its wrong. i mean wtf its right in front of the compound it abuts the entrance and exits. it can be a very dangerous area seeing that this entire part of town is teeming with crack head and meth heads. some live in trees.......not long ago i was posting advice to strangers in the internet when i heard some horrible music coming from right outside my window. my window is 10 ft from this patch of grass that abuts the street. I know this because i measured it with a ruler and a piece of chalk. I set the ruler down and put a chalk mark at the end of it, then WOOSH, i flipped the ruler over. it measured 10 feet. actually 3.04 meters, BLM says using 'foots' is racist.:( no more 'foots' for me.:)
so i figure that the grass patches are like satellites of the compound where i live which by the way has only white people living in it, the blacks live on the trees outside. thats why i am suspicious when i see any activity on the grass. the horrible boombox music was coming from a shopping cart manned by a black dude right in front of me.the AC was off;)
so it was annoying as hell. i put my head out the window and hollered at him ' will you turn that damn boombox off and get off the grass thats private property and you are fing with my BLM posts'. do you know what this a hole crack head said back to me? guess...... he said " F YOU":( " do you think you won the entire neighborhood FYOU". well that did it FOR SURE, went out into the hall and knocked on the 'apt' door where The JUICER lives. I said "Juicer, there is a black dude with a boombox parking a shopping cart on our grass patch, i suspect he may be trying to plant trees there so to move into it. this we cant have. we look out the window only to see black dudes with boomboxes smoking weed". Juicer agreed. We walked downstairs silently without warning opened the door, and pulled our invisible arm machine guns (thats where you pretend you have an invisible machine gun and are shooting it, its pretend but can be scary if you are smoking drugs) and walked right behind the boombox black dude and went
"tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh tsh" real fast continuously as if were peppering him with bullets. the dude ran so fast he fell over himself and still kept running never to be seen again. boombox was confiscated.;)
Juicer went back to drinking red bull and went back to posting BLM on the SoLow.

now, I ask, before we actually start our journey towards chez 7-11, can you spot the racism here in this post? is there any at all? or none??

Fake C mission to find racism within himself and outside his self in his hood, continues:

today a brief post, but brevity sometimes belies importance:
here is what happened, back when i was 14 yrs old i was smoking weed and acid too much
i think. because ill be damned as i saw a big mexican girl wearing a huge red wig and an enormous
sombrero spin right by me, while tapping on some castanets while hollering OLE OLE:dancer:
she disappeared into the kitchen. I heard the sound of car pull out and then nothing.

is there racism here? in the dream? in the drugs? or no racism at all?🧐
another chapter of FCs fight against perceived racism in his hood. Blink and miss the racism: 🤒

I used to live in this apartment that had a porch that was shared by a row of apartments. I put a chair outside on the porch that was right in front of my window. The chair was not for sitting but at the time I put it out there nobody knew this. I didnt put a sign on it or anything, so the neighbors thought it was a regular chair to be used for sitting.
These apartments were narrow and long. There was a window at the front and another enclosed private porch at the back with a bigger screened area. Basically a prison cell, with a small bit of dirt in the back in case you were depressed and wanted to plant a flower.
So basically the only window was in the living room right inside the door. The only pathway for the oxygen to enter the apt (No AC, AC is white supremacist.:) better to live in a sweatbox than be a white supremacist). Truth is I had no space for the chair it didnt fit inside the apt. I could have hung it from the roof like my bike and cat box, but why should I when I have porch space in front of my only window.o_O

And this dude next door would come home from work and sit in the chair and smoke( weed of course) right in front of my window, and if I was on the phone he was sitting about eight feet from where I was making a phone call.
I asked him to stop and get his own chair. I said I didn't like the smoke (cheap sin semillas) and that he was sitting right outside my window where he could listen to me. Go get a job and buy your own plastic chair, I told him.:thumb:
I told him I didnt mean for it to be a movie theater on the porch for people to smoke weed and gaze upon the traffic. :straightface:

He thought it was ridiculous that I was accusing him of listening to phone calls, but he stopped for a while.
Then he started doing it again, kind of like "make me move." He was trying to punk me.:mad:

So he was sitting out there in the chair one day and I pretended to call the drunk landlord. "Yes, Mr Phillips, he's sitting in my chair again." He said "oh my god! the landlord is holding my weed!!" He jumped up and went inside his apartment and I heard that he was talking to someone.( I had my jelly jar to the wall, a la MiniMao:))
==think he called the landlord to "explain" his side which is so funny because A) the landlord was always drunk in the afternoon, and B) he would have been calling about something the landlord had no idea about and explaining why he sits in a chair in front of my window, but being drunk he may have figured he was too drunk to remember.:mad:
He moved the next month and the place was empty for about three months so it was nice and peaceful. I got along with the neighbor on the other side. The chair sat out in the porch and nobody sat on it ever again.

Now as to the racism.. who is black and who is white? is the cheap weed smoking perp white or black?:confused:
is the drunk landlord black or white?:confused:
the racism will depend on the answer.:straightface:
Never can be enough Fake C racist expositions:

I think that the person's intent and whether or not it's funny are both important to determine if it's racist and both of those are in question. The reason it feels racist to me is the context. Its all about context context context.
( Wtf? Whats that racket out there. Excuse me for a second people the blacks are creating a ruckus outside....
'Hey you motherflockers get away from my window if you dont want me to pop a cap on your sorry asses... What you dont believe me? pft pft pft......)
sorry, Im back those dumb blacks thought my fingers were a gun and booked ass to the burger king LO... anyways, were was.... ah yes context, context and content...

This person posts similar content all the time but it's almost always someone who is black who is the butt of the joke.
I feel like the joke in this one is that the Asian guy has money but bad taste, and it's probably been used for years before someone thought to attach the "hand sanitizer" caption.
( O no again.... the black crack heads are back excuse me for a second....' I told you mfrs to get away from my window and shut that boombox this is a ghetto not a circus...dont make me call the juicer and his wild pit bull....)
Again, apologies, were was I? Ah yes....
It's hard to say if these things are racist. If someone's Facebook feed is full of this stuff they're probably not going out and throwing bombs into the homes of immigrants or anything but they might be expressing their own racism. But it would be insane to say it is or is not. It's too subjective. So if you have a lot or racist stuff on FB chances are you are racist., which I dont my FB is racism free. :)
Today we have some good crackpot fake news from MiniMao:

Newsflash, black people can be racist too, especially against immigrants, so yeah, kudos to Moz for being BLMish, but don't make him perfect, then again, who is? Not anyone here for sure.

Oy, 'NEWSHFLASH" from our resident nuclear scientist MiniMao🤒
Mao you are giving kudos to BLM for being racist>WTF?
what have theyve been putting in those dollar store noodles?:mad:

Well if ur going to use USA #s White on White crime has hovered at 85% since they've been keeping stats like that and guess what? USA is much less than 85% white, so being white makes one safer from crime from non Whites more and more as time goes by, your picking and choosing of individual cases aside


Mao, you cant go by the information provided by the Fake Cham FB bots.:blushing:


"Because the graph labels “whites killed by blacks” as 9.83 per million black Americans and “whites killed by whites” as 10.22 per million white Americans, it gives the impression that “white people are killed by white and black people at about the same rate, which is definitely not the case when you standardize per capita,”

Mao you are posting way out there Fake News FFso_O
Yesterday my Trumper friend was talking about how Biden is senile and Kamala "whatever her name is" Harris "isn't even black," and I said "so what? Would you like her more if she was black?"
He says "No! But she shouldn't say she is black!" I told him it doesn't matter if you're black or white and then Slash jumped out of the bushes and played a guitar solo.
Then I said that she kept black people in prison and put poor parents in prison for not sending their children to school. She's a massive c***. Honestly between that and Mike Pence trying to cure people of being gay they're both human trash and this country is on a roller coaster to hell either way.


Oy FC slash came out of the internet and made guitar solo right when you said it doesnt matter if you are black or white?🧐
FC none of those FB 'bot friends' can get the best of you.:lbf:

thats hilarious:rolleyes:
Fake C dinner party 🤒
Barnaby will prepare the frozen soy burgers catered from chez 7-11:straightface:
plasticware courtesy of Kmart employee discount:straightface:
unemployed snowflakes will be available to check everyone for racism:mad:
food must be shoved under the kung flu mask:blushing:
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