Is Coronavirus as serious as they say?

I like what Alexander Kekulé, Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at Halle University Hospital, said:

Whereas the often proclaimed "wave of the unvaccinated" is visible and predictable from the tests and hospital admissions, the wave of the vaccinated rushes through the population like a stealth bomber

And from the same article: Vaccination and Infection - Telepolis (13 Sept 2021)
In fact, investigations and the results of several studies conducted in the last week do not support the official assessment of the RKI and the government, but rather prove Kekulé right: In Great Britain, the rate of infection of vaccinated people under the delta variant was 44 percent. A study in the USA came to the conclusion that among those infected, as many as three quarters were twice vaccinated. In Israel, among people in critical condition in hospital, just under 60 percent are vaccinated (the latter does not allow any precise information on the extent of the so-called vaccination breakthroughs, but it certainly reveals that the problem is hardly of a negligible nature).

There are also figures for Germany. These clearly contradict the health minister's assessment. The RKI's weekly situation report of 2 September 2021 lists the following figures for vaccination breakthroughs in the last three weeks (p. 19): For children and adolescents: 1.1 percent. In the 18-59 years group: 16.9 percent. For the over-60s: 40.2 per cent, a proportion that is already clearly indicative of the situation in the UK or Israel.

What took them so long?
FC they actually vaxx in the ghetto? look what happened in trinidad
and trinidad is the french riviera compared to your ghetto(n)
you got 'jabbed' at the 7-11?:eek:
you think it was wise with bats flying around and contaminated garbage toters about?:mad:
FC they actually vaxx in the ghetto? look what happened in trinidad
and trinidad is the french riviera compared to your ghetto(n)
you got 'jabbed' at the 7-11?:eek:
you think it was wise with bats flying around and contaminated garbage toters about?:mad:
brilliant! :laughing:
They have already u-turned from this u-turn, LOL.
New announcement today: vaccine passports could still be an important winter defence. They used to be uncertain, but now they’re not so sure.

the most likely scenario is that FC was jabbed by his 'buddy' from the 7-11 next to
the 'frozen veggie tacos'. there is a cardboard plaque etched in crayon, taped to
the wall where this historic event took place:hammer:
As I signed a petition against passports, I get regular parliamentary updates. The committee looking at the proposal apparently said

‘the Government had so far failed to make the scientific case in favour of the system, and raised concerns that such a system could “disproportionately discriminate” against people on the basis of their race, religion, age or socio-economic background. They concluded plans for Covid passports were "unnecessary" and "unjustified".’

So expect passports to be re-introduced next month.
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