True, cancelling isn’t sweet for the fans. It’s devastating - it’s happened to me, but I don’t think he has cancelled to be cruel or hurt anyone and am pretty sure he’d rather perform than cancel. There are many things that come up that could prevent a performance. Do we really need him to tell us he’s so depressed right now he can’t move, or someone screwed up the logistics, or he’s lost his voice? Does it help for him to beat himself up? Can we assume the best intentions instead of worst? I appreciate that he can do what he has to and not feel like he always has to say sorry. I wish I could be like that. He may be sorry, but it doesn’t seem like he gushes his personal feelings ever. He’s got to be himself. If this is living in denial on my part, it’s okay. I can’t let myself get to the point of feeling angry or owed by a singer who doesn’t know me, even though his music means so much to me. I do understand getting to that point possibly, as it’s such a unique relationship between singer and devoted fan, but it feels healthier to not go there, to realize he’s human and just wish the best for the person who has created the songs that have made my life so much better.