Indianapolis, IN - Murat Theatre (November 22, 2024) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


You're The One For Me, Fatty / Alma Matters / Shoplifters Of The World Unite / I Wish You Lonely / Rebels Without Applause / How Soon Is Now? / I Am Veronica / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / First Of The Gang To Die / Life Is A Pigsty / Everyday Is Like Sunday / I Ex-Love You / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Darling, I Hug A Pillow / The Loop / Jack The Ripper / Dear God Please Help Me / I Will See You In Far-Off Places // Speedway

Setlist courtesy of @Spooked and @Ashley_TakeABow

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MorrisseyOffical on IG reposted my story. ☺️
Does anybody know what the version of Jacky’s Only Happy… plays before the show… it’s instrumental but has some vocals that resemble a little kid.
Does anybody know what the version of Jacky’s Only Happy… is? It plays before the show… it’s instrumental but has some vocals that resemble a little kid.
Possibly this one shared circa 2018 here?
(Wav & MP3 downloads active in that link and file in various collections here too).
Edit: no kid voice - just laugh/noise at end.
That’s a good attitude, I’ll try to learn from you. Once when I finally made it to the front behind one layer of people, and I tried reaching out to Morrissey, a person nearer the stage turned and glared at me, and it nearly put a black cloud over my experience.
I swear all the backwards Karen's congregate at the front. I had to nearly pull someone out of my seat in Liverpool. They think they can stand and sit where they like and tell other people where they should stand or sit. My next move was sitting on her knee - I'm certain she would've shifted her arse out of my seat then. My attitude towards them is - you can f*** right off. I'll stand wherever I like and if I get "your" place at the barrier it's not my problem. Move faster!

I know it sullies your experience coming into contact with these big babies but I try not to let it mess the night up for me.
I think you should keep her in it. She deserves to be shamed online for being an imbecile.
I just ended up deleting the whole clip. It wasn't too much footage, just a few minutes, and I felt like with all the other videos being put up of the concert it wasn't too critical. The first minute or so was pretty good, but yeah. I might try and upload some of my other clips though, just to archive them.
I swear all the backwards Karen's congregate at the front. I had to nearly pull someone out of my seat in Liverpool. They think they can stand and sit where they like and tell other people where they should stand or sit. My next move was sitting on her knee - I'm certain she would've shifted her arse out of my seat then. My attitude towards them is - you can f*** right off. I'll stand wherever I like and if I get "your" place at the barrier it's not my problem. Move faster!

I know it sullies your experience coming into contact with these big babies but I try not to let it mess the night up for me.
well said.
📸 sadglamour (X)



Publica tu información y opiniones relacionadas con este concierto en la sección de comentarios que aparece a continuación. Otros enlaces (fotos, opiniones externas, etc.) relacionados con este concierto también se recopilarán en esta sección a medida que se envíen.

Lista de canciones :

Eres la indicada para mí, gordita / Alma Matters / Ladrones de tiendas del mundo, uníos / Te deseo soledad / Rebeldes sin aplausos / ¿Qué tan pronto es ahora? / Soy Verónica / Seguro, suena el teléfono / La primera de la pandilla en morir / La vida es una pocilga / Todos los días son como domingos / Te ex-amo / Por favor, por favor, por favor, déjame conseguir lo que quiero / Cariño, abrazo una almohada / The Loop / Jack el Destripador / Querido Dios, por favor ayúdame / Te veré en lugares lejanos // Speedway

Lista de canciones cortesía de @Spooked y @Ashley_TakeABow
  • Fotos de jasonfalls / Instagram (9 en total). Enlace publicado por Mozzer1980.

  • Foto: Historias de IG de Basia_ana. Enlace publicado por Famosos cuando muertos.

Publica tu información y opiniones relacionadas con este concierto en la sección de comentarios que aparece a continuación. Otros enlaces (fotos, opiniones externas, etc.) relacionados con este concierto también se recopilarán en esta sección a medida que se envíen.

Lista de canciones :

Eres la indicada para mí, gordita / Alma Matters / Ladrones de tiendas del mundo, uníos / Te deseo soledad / Rebeldes sin aplausos / ¿Qué tan pronto es ahora? / Soy Verónica / Seguro, suena el teléfono / La primera de la pandilla en morir / La vida es una pocilga / Todos los días son como domingos / Te ex-amo / Por favor, por favor, por favor, déjame conseguir lo que quiero / Cariño, abrazo una almohada / The Loop / Jack el Destripador / Querido Dios, por favor ayúdame / Te veré en lugares lejanos // Speedway

Lista de canciones cortesía de @Spooked y @Ashley_TakeABow
  • Fotos de jasonfalls / Instagram (9 en total). Enlace publicado por Mozzer1980.

  • Foto: Historias de IG de Basia_ana. Enlace publicado por Famous when dead.

¡¡¡Oh Impecable!!!
Impeccable!! how well dressed you are Moz very, very !! Ideal pants, hopefully it will have other colors. I love the photo above of Moz wearing that Beethoven t-shirt! I would make a T-shirt with that photo. T-shirt from that photo! MOZUCHISS YOU WERE UNSTOPPABLE TOUR 2025 IN SOUTH AMERICA PLEASE
Love Moz 100% and the show itself was awesome even though alot of his more well known solo hits could of been played but otherwise he looked and sounded great !!! However out the 5 Morrissey concerts I've been to over the years this was definitely the worst .rudest crowd I've witnessed. Constant yelling screaming. People getting up to get alcohol then folks trying to get closer and in the wrong seats. Half way through the show someone approached me accusing of sitting in the wrong seat when i wasn't.... just kinda ruined the vibe . Even moz kept shushing all the obnoxious drunks... just be courtesy of your fellow fans !!!

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