India Knight in The Times


dolly pond


The once godlike pop singer Morrissey is grey-haired, florid and about an inch away from seeming tragi-comic. Fur coats, once seen as disgusting badges of shame, are more fashionable today than in living memory. And the once-revered queen of right-on-ness, Anita Roddick, who pretty much single-handedly showed a generation that it was possible to combine ethics and commerce, has just sold out to L’Oréal for £652m, of which, with an 18% stake in the company they founded, she and her husband Gordon will pocket £130m. Because they’re worth it.

For some of us, this feels like a watershed moment: my generation (I’m 40) became politicised in small but long-lasting ways in the 1980s — we were aggressively vegetarian thanks to Morrissey, violently opposed to animal testing thanks to Roddick, against the wearing of fur thanks to a combination of both, helped along by those eye-popping anti-fur ads by David Bailey...
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