If you could Donkey Punch just one celebrity who would it be?

Re: Robin Williams. He annoys me to no end.

> Really, you don't find him funny?

No, I really don't. I have a huge problem with comedians that cannot sit down and have a normal conversation. Have you ever see him to interviews? It's so painful to watch. If I were the one interviewing him, I'd definitely have to sedate him somehow or else I'd have to kill him.

The only film I really enjoyed him in was Good Will Hunting. Mainly because he wasn't acting like an ass I guess. He was really good in that movie.
Re: What do you think of ROBBIE Williams???????

I really don't have an opinion on the man. I know 99% of Brits seem to hate him though. He's not played very much in Canada so I really couldn't name one of his songs if I tried.
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