I will see you in far-off places

But you can be "kind and decent" yet still be "a sad little lonely person in a bedsit". I can't see the issue with the size/affordability of the accommodation, and in a sense I'm lonely because I am a widow which isn't a disease, a crime or an offence to others! But I saw something on facebook today that I had seen before....a person supposedly on their deathbed saying "I wish I'd spent more time arguing with strangers on-line"! So enjoy your travels.
I have decided I will be leaving this place, perhaps permanently.

I am going to spend some time travelling, and I want to really experience things without checking my phone all the time.

Some posts on here really make me laugh, but overall this place drags me down, if people are to be believed then this site was much better back in the day, and I feel it’s only going to go more and more downhill as time goes on.

All the best members will go, and this site will just be left with the mentally deranged, conspiracy peddlers and sad little lonely people in their bedsits.
It’s very, very hard to lift people up, but it’s very, very easy for people to drag you down.

To the kind, decent members on here I wish you nothing but the best, and I may see you at forthcoming gigs and events.

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Sad to see you go, you are one of the more interesting and entertaining people here, your posts bring a much needed levity to this place. Best wishes and best of luck in whatever you do.
I have decided I will be leaving this place, perhaps permanently.

I am going to spend some time travelling, and I want to really experience things without checking my phone all the time.

Some posts on here really make me laugh, but overall this place drags me down, if people are to be believed then this site was much better back in the day, and I feel it’s only going to go more and more downhill as time goes on.

All the best members will go, and this site will just be left with the mentally deranged, conspiracy peddlers and sad little lonely people in their bedsits.
It’s very, very hard to lift people up, but it’s very, very easy for people to drag you down.

To the kind, decent members on here I wish you nothing but the best, and I may see you at forthcoming gigs and events.

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quite right jm,even when you say you are leaving there is still somebody slagging you off,have a good time whatever you get up to.
Wishing you all the best, JM. I think what you said about Moz Solo is true about the internet and social media generally. It's easy to become addicted to a screen and, in the end, what is on that screen doesn't amount to a hill of beans. Still, if it helps human beings connect in some way, no matter how tenuously, then ultimately that is a good thing. We live in a world where human beings have never felt more disconnected. I hope you connect with others on your travels, JM, and with life, the universe, and everything. Always better to do that face to face, than on a screen.
yip gash,the more connected people are then the more disconnected they have become,you see a couple out for dinner and both of them are on their phone,its madness,never done social media and never will.
This guy was so unmemorable that you’ll all forget within a few days that he ever existed. I’ll still be bringing my case to the moderators that he should be banned for some of his behaviour, just in case he tries to make a comeback. So long, Zionist scum!
Don't let just one person put you off, when it's likely an irrational grudge is behind it. I've appreciated quite a few of your posts. Thank you. :)
Well it's true that I'm hostile to his posting style, but it's also true that I know something about him from when he posted on another forum that would make any decent person understand why I disapprove of his presence at this forum and that this feeling is not irrational.
Yes quite well thanks yourself?
Just popped by to see what’s what, to see who is arguing with who and then I’ll be off next week to live aboard for a while on the next part of my adventure.
I’m doing ok right now. I’ve had a rash of medical dramas lately, but have hope that I’ll enjoy a few more years of painting, writing, walking, etc.
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