I just want to apologize to everyone BESIDES Bill'y'



I went OFF on him down below (in the posts..wish it could be in person then I would give his nads such a workout, he wouldn't even think of spelling his name with a "y" anymore...). He is absolutely ridiculous, and I don't want anyone to read that and think I will be that way every time from now on. I am not really like that. But I have had a HUGE fight with my ex, and I am in a serious "I hate stupid men" phase right now, and Billy has repeatedly tried to get my goat, and I wanted him to know what an idiot he is for doing so.

Either he has the brain of a squirrel, the balls the size of raisins, or the intellect equivelent to a 6 year old. I am not too sure of the case that exists with him, but I can assure you he is NOT one to be bothered with!

You kept the thread going Laura as much as I did. Your outburst is really uncalled for. I never said anything that could possibly warrant such am outburst. When you cool off read the thread again.
Re: EX trouble.. Ruffian World Tour..

> I am not really like that. But I have had a HUGE fight
> with my ex, and I am in a serious "I hate stupid men"

I am reassured that fights with 'exes' does not just happen in my own universe.. Take it easy Laura..

..And when I am trekking in the Shenandoah Valley next month.. I hope to find inner peace !! Or end get raped by a grizzly or something...

USA watch out.. Ruffian is coming..
Thanks Ruffian...and I promise I won't make this tirade biz a habit!
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