Hated for Loving



Wonderful song!

What does Morrissey refer to when she mentions the "poison pen" and the "brick in the small of the back again"....
Really not funny, even if you knew how to spell the word...

Oh, I thought I spelled it with "e". :lbf:

Why not, a plane looks like a pen and the person could be scared of flying. Everything is open to interpretation, isn't it.

I am hated for loving too :)tears:) and I'm a lesbian, which of course means I always think that everything is about lesbianism, something that straight people NEVER do! (Every time you hear/ read/ write words of love and desire, you always consider the homosexual option, I'm sure).

In conclusion, this song is obviously about lesbiophobia.
You guys are always dissing on people who make Morrissey come off as a homosexual. Yes, he claims to not belong to a sexual category but when he was asked about his lyrics, he did agree he writes a lot from a homosexual point of view, he has said it himself. Not in that specific way but yes he did say he writes about homosexual subjects! It pisses me off so much when some people try so hard to cover up his lyrics and find some stupid interpretation for them...
A poison pen, I could be wrong but most likely it is a PENIS.
a brick, don't know what it means but obviously it means something sexual.
A brick in the small of the back again! What could this possibly mean? Most likely a anus! haha. But yes, the small part of the back would be an anus, but some of you gay bashers, will probably ridicule me and say I'm childish and immature and find some other interpretation....

You guys are always dissing on people who make Morrissey come off as a homosexual. Yes, he claims to not belong to a sexual category but when he was asked about his lyrics, he did agree he writes a lot from a homosexual point of view, he has said it himself. Not in that specific way but yes he did say he writes about homosexual subjects! It pisses me off so much when some people try so hard to cover up his lyrics and find some stupid interpretation for them...
A poison pen, I could be wrong but most likely it is a PENIS.
a brick, don't know what it means but obviously it means something sexual.
A brick in the small of the back again! What could this possibly mean? Most likely a anus! haha. But yes, the small part of the back would be an anus, but some of you gay bashers, will probably ridicule me and say I'm childish and immature and find some other interpretation....


I don't know whether Morrissey is gay or not and quite frankly I don't care, I do know that you are way off the mark with the above interpretation though.
In short; yes. In Kewpie world, we should just look at old threads from the last 5 years and make absolutely no mention of current affairs.

how is it current? The song is about 10 years old...

the link is there for some additional points of view, often from users who are no longer active.
You guys are always dissing on people who make Morrissey come off as a homosexual. Yes, he claims to not belong to a sexual category but when he was asked about his lyrics, he did agree he writes a lot from a homosexual point of view, he has said it himself. Not in that specific way but yes he did say he writes about homosexual subjects! It pisses me off so much when some people try so hard to cover up his lyrics and find some stupid interpretation for them...
A poison pen, I could be wrong but most likely it is a PENIS.
a brick, don't know what it means but obviously it means something sexual.
A brick in the small of the back again! What could this possibly mean? Most likely a anus! haha. But yes, the small part of the back would be an anus, but some of you gay bashers, will probably ridicule me and say I'm childish and immature and find some other interpretation....


This post was as predictable as a see through window.

I am hated for loving too :)tears:) and I'm a lesbian, which of course means I always think that everything is about lesbianism, something that straight people NEVER do! (Every time you hear/ read/ write words of love and desire, you always consider the homosexual option, I'm sure).

In conclusion, this song is obviously about lesbiophobia.

You know what I mean, if somebody says that it is clearly about this and then somebody can relate it just as well to something else, then it is not so clearly about this, it can be about both.
"Poison pen" means a vile or mean letter, often anonymously written.

"Brick in the small of the back" means that literally, or any hit from behind (when the victim didn't see it coming.)
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