Harry Styles wears Morrissey in 2022/23 tour footage

From MOZZER1997:

Just today noticed Harry Styles in MOZZER tour shirt from his recent 2022/23 world tour


This is such a marketing ploy. As you know, Morrissey's army of devoted fans is legendary, so why not bring some of them to Styles? I suppose the mechanism should work like this: a Morrissey fan sees the image of his idol on another artist's T-shirt and, voila! – he already at a subconscious level begins to "respect" a star associate (even if he is not familiar with his work). And then everything will happen by itself.
Moreover, it may not be so important for PR agents whether Harry has a strong increase in fans or not, because the main thing is views and the number of downloads.
This is such a marketing ploy. As you know, Morrissey's army of devoted fans is legendary, so why not bring some of them to Styles? I suppose the mechanism should work like this: a Morrissey fan sees the image of his idol on another artist's T-shirt and, voila! – he already at a subconscious level begins to "respect" a star associate (even if he is not familiar with his work). And then everything will happen by itself.
Moreover, it may not be so important for PR agents whether Harry has a strong increase in fans or not, because the main thing is views and the number of downloads.

I doubt a guy who is Spotify’s 7th most listened to artist in the world with 57 million monthly listeners, would wear a Morrissey t shirt to gain a few of Morrisseys army of devoted fans.
The dark realms of scrutiny one enters when they wear a morrissey tshirt.
All artistic greatness must be approved by such superior and holy beings as yourselves.
I know, and it's completely nauseating, and as if Morrissey's high praise of Miley Cyrus does not exist. She was on his album! How can one condemn Harry Styles and at the same time approve of Miley Cyrus being on a Morrissey album and all of his disgusting fawning over her. Styles can maybe bring fans to Morrissey like he'd hoped Miley would.

I am mot a fan of Styles, but I don't dislike him. He is very accomplished, esp for his age, and seems pretty harmless. He is politically active and does quite a bit of humantarian work and while I don't agree with all his politics I find it preferable to Morrissey shooting off his mouth then trying to deny it later, then claiming to be apolitical.
I just think its good that Harry Styles is wearing a Morrissey t-shirt, it may cause people to think differently about Moz and listen to his music, then Styles fans will broaden their musical taste and learn something different about life. Its a positive thing and innocent, not flashy.
It is neither innocent , neither positive nor negative. Bad or good . It makes absolutely no difference to Morrissey fans or Harry fans or to Morrissey himself or to anyone else :)
New documentary series on the Discovery Channel, When Zoom Attacks.
But to be serious, it's an online discussion forum. Healthy banter is par for the course.
There’s nothing healthy about her weird and out of the blue antagonism.
Oh come on, it's no sin to take art seriously.
Art should be taken seriously. I agree wholeheartedly. But it’s damn sure also not a sin to say that a famous pop singer has done well for himself.
The shirt from a recent tour? I have one of those from the mid-90’s.
One of his main mantras has always been to “treat people with kindness.” So, I believe Harry simply wears the shirt because he relates to the beautiful “it takes strength to be gentle and kind” lyrics, just as so many of us had before he finally discovered Morrissey’s words. I bet he also wishes he could’ve penned those lyrics himself though.
One of his main mantras has always been to “treat people with kindness.” So, I believe Harry simply wears the shirt because he relates to the beautiful “it takes strength to be gentle and kind” lyrics, just as so many of us had before he finally discovered Morrissey’s words. I bet he also wishes he could’ve penned those lyrics himself though.
Could well be so. I remember seeing the Blossoms' singer, Tom, being interviewed at Glastonbury this year and saying how his mother had been a Smiths' fan in the '80s. I don't know about Harry, but he looks to be about the same age as Tom.

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