Greg Davies (UK actor/comedian) on Suedehead (the song he wishes he'd written) and Morrissey's current 'beliefs' (April 21, 2023)

Don't know if this has done the rounds yet but it appeared in the NME fairly recently.

The song I wish I’d written​

Morrissey – ‘Suedehead’
“When the song was released [in 1988], I was in a turbulent teenage relationship which I thought was life defining – of course it wasn’t – and I just couldn’t believe that line: ‘Why do you come here/When you know it makes things hard for me?’ I was trying to think of what to say to that girl and this man said had it for me. Morrissey’s known for a florid use of language and an Oscar Wildean turn of phrase, but his cleverness as a lyricist is how he can speak to you so eloquently in so few words. Obviously, he has terrible beliefs now.”

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did i miss something? what are his beliefs? ghosts? love at first sight? hot showers? long comfortable skirts? clean drinking water? a body that works for the most part? having your own thoughts?
M is a serial killer,probably the worst ever,did you not know this.
Kinda seems like that end part was tacked on.
It don't really read right.
He probably gave his answer and then the interviewer
asked about Moz's current beliefs.
Yet another shallow, me-too, overly simplistic, and politically correct take on Morrissey’s “offensive” views. Who is this twerp anyway? Who cares? Morrissey publicly bemoans the fact that his home city was bombed by a radical Islamist, and HE’s the pariah? I am a liberal; I have never voted Republican. I DON’T adhere to anything “reported” on Fox. But I have no time for the PC idiocy of the left. Good God. It is just so entirely moronic.
I don't know if it was ever mentioned on Moz Solo, but if you want to hear a British comedian and unapologetic Moz fan, listen to Diane Morgan (Philomena Cunk) being interviewed on The Adam Buxton Podcast.
did i miss something? what are his beliefs? ghosts? love at first sight? hot showers? long comfortable skirts? clean drinking water? a body that works for the most part? having your own thoughts?
Let me help you. He is a racist. Those are his beliefs. A closeted gay man who doesn't like minorities. Weird right? Helpful?
Greg, please be specific about the "horrible beliefs" you speak of, otherwise it just sounds like vague criticism being made by someone who feels pressure to say something negative about Morrissey, even though they can't actually say what it is that he's done to warrant pariah status.
To be honest, at this point I don't really take any of these "I love Morrissey, but he has terrible beliefs now, of course" lines seriously. It's like a hail mary for these people. Just a way of signalling: "I know he's problematic, so please don't attack me because his songs are just sooo good!" Sad.
They're so spineless, it's just sad. What could even happen if they didn't add that little "disclaimer"? They wouldn't get cancelled. At most a reproach or a disapproving look. And they can't even take that.
Nothing more important than the approval of the herd...

Kinda seems like that end part was tacked on.
It don't really read right.
He probably gave his answer and then the interviewer
asked about Moz's current beliefs.
Yeah, seems to me as well that was the case.
Greg Davies is another in a long line of mindless idiots, similar to Matt Berninger, in that they both cite Morrissey as a one-time inspiration but then they’re quick to add the disclaimer ‘but that was before he was cancelled and so we can’t publicly love Morrissey now or we’ll be tainted by association’.

It would have been far better for both Davies and Berninger to have kept quiet, rather than offer a lukewarm appraisal of the ‘good ole days’ before Morrissey took a sheep dip to rid himself of all traces of humanity.

The term ‘pariah’ now seems to be exhausted to the point of cliché in articles referencing Morrissey. Jilted fangirls like Davies and Berninger are fools because they epitomise Morrissey’s very words about the obsessive nature of those who can’t let go of their vice-like grip on their hero worshipping:

You hiss and you moan
And you constantly groan
But you don’t ever go away
And that’s because

All you need is me.

The pair of them come across as unnecessary apologists, quick to get across their fawning admiration while cautiously distancing themselves from the spectacle of the witch hunt:

‘But that’s before they went after him with pitchforks.’

Sad acts.

And that’s a shame, because I used to like The National before Matt Berninger morphed into a dish of lime jelly.
Morrissey wasn’t cancelled, he ruined his own career and legacy.
did i miss something? what are his beliefs? ghosts? love at first sight? hot showers? long comfortable skirts? clean drinking water? a body that works for the most part? having your own thoughts?
Not going along with the Covid bullshit.
Regardless, I do love how Suedehead is getting so much publicity recently.

Honestly, when there's trouble in the Morrissey Camp, keep leaning on the great songs. I'd much rather talk about great Morrissey music than boring Morrissey politics.
I find Morrissey's politics the opposite of boring.
He has Terrible beliefs now. Really? You must be a prude or a saint! aren't you? . Get the f out here hypocrite
"he has terrible beliefs now", yeah, its so easy to jump in the van of the resentful, without really knowing the facts.
Seems M is too cleaver and to much for most of this kind of people that now repent.
Came here to see if the usual suspects were slagging off someone because they don't like their favourite singer any more.

Was not disappointed.
Came here to see if the usual village idiot and Morrissey-hater who strangely comes to this site everyday couldn't resist popping into a thread where a semi-famous person was slagging off Morrissey.

Was not disappointed.
Came here to see if the usual suspects were slagging off someone because they don't like their favourite singer any more.

Was not disappointed.

Whereas dedicating your precious time on this earth to slagging off a singer you don't like any more on a forum dedicated to him is not strange or pitiable behaviour.
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