For Saun Goater! Do you know Pitman the Yorkshire rapper??


Andy I.

What I mean by do you know him is have you heard of Pitman? and do you know where he had his gig on in Manchester? My Auntie Maggie and Uncle Vic are moving to Manchester they will have an appartment near the very modern The Brigewater Hall! I might stay with them for Move even though it seems BDB is playing solo! My Auntie will work as a teacher in Cheetham Hill and my Uncle will be a Headmaster in Wythenshawe.
Re: Sorry I got your name wrong it's Shaun Goater The Goat who is cool.
Andy I. drop me an email & all will be revealed

Grim O'Grady
For once, Andy I, I cant help you on that one!
Never 'eard of him!
The reason i want you to email Grim is because i dont know half the time if you are the genuine Andy I or the fake.
The Goat.
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