Flowered, are you really looking for a dog?



I have a homeless chihuahua.

We will discuss this over vodka or tizer.

I too have the gift of the GRAB
and one more knee than your secret American lover.
> I have a homeless chihuahua.

> We will discuss this over vodka or tizer.

> I too have the gift of the GRAB
> and one more knee than your secret American lover.

You do have a little chihuahua that needs a home? Ahhhhh! How sweet.

Flowered can be the Paris Hilton of Britain.

Yer, but don't they have a six month rabies quarantine for pets?

You will have to sneak the pup in.

I am sure that won't be a prob, with all those friends you have in the BNP.

Wait! Would that violate their immigration stance?

What color is that dog?
> I have a homeless chihuahua.

> We will discuss this over vodka or tizer.

> I too have the gift of the GRAB
> and one more knee than your secret American lover.

It is impossible for you to know a homeless dog.
You know and I know, "homeless" would never enter the equation.
Not once you found him.
I find the art of discussion so much more discussable on vodka rather than Tizer.
However, don't tempt me with the vodka tizer moonwaliker, Jesus Christ, I'll never wake again.

Anyway I am shortly departing to the land of nod where roofs, angels and alarm clocks are all very welcome.

I do believe I have danced for the last time Codreanu.

Think on this, I may never wake again. Who knows?
> Flowered can be the Paris Hilton of Britain.

She did say that she had one very "exciting" film!
Now I wonder...
> She did say that she had one very "exciting" film!
> Now I wonder...

Porn, I bet. Lol.
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