Fiona Dodwell: "Your Arsenal: Revisiting Morrissey’s Iconic Album" (July 27, 2021)

Your Arsenal: Revisiting Morrissey’s Iconic Album

Revisiting Morrissey’s Your Arsenal As It Turns 29
When Morrissey parted ways with fellow band members of The Smiths in 1987, few could’ve predicted in which direction his music career would go. Would the solo Morrissey “sound” be vastly different from the iconic band? Few doubted that Morrissey’s unique blend of onstage charisma, vocal style and witty, raw lyrics were integral to the overall appeal of The Smiths — yet there was still the question of how he was going to carve out his own place, as he stood facing his future as a solo artist.

Writing “for” is like writing “for” It’s a blog site.

hey! better than writing on solo.
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Aw, where is the fun in that ?

Nope. She will write about every record! one by one, slowly so slowly, stretching it out over the next few years.

She likes to watch you all squirm !


The good thing is that she only needs to replace the album names for each article.
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Just for the record, no pun intended, she's not the one posting this article here.
She writes for '' or The Riff from what I can ascertain. I assume FWD retrieved it and posted it here as it was considered to be of interest.
She linked to her old article, adding '29' instead of '27'. The original article isn't hosted on Eject Music anymore as the site is gone and needs wayback to view.
The old article about it here was archived too and this was posted in General thread as it was relevant to the album's age whether old or not.

Her prominence lies at the feet of Central and 'super fans'. They gave her a degree of credibility whether voices here like it or not.
Disdain won't affect what features here ever.
The time spent bemoaning her appearing here could be spent finding articles to post that do meet with personal approval, but it's easier to moan than make an effort.
As a site that (for the umpteenth time) aggregates articles about Morrissey, no matter how trivial, it's more of a surprise that people don't get this fact than a surprise to see her feature here.
I don't really mind Fiona - her heart - unfortunately, not her use of commas - seems in the right place...I'm just not sure who she is writing for. Everyone who takes time to visit Solo could have written this with more passion, wit and insight. Who reads this and thinks 'Oh, I've learned something'? I guess the difference is that she has the time/will to actually write an extended piece...we all have lives that take over which results in 100 word nonsense posts like this one.

Her prominence lies at the feet of Central and 'super fans'. They gave her a degree of credibility whether voices here like it or not.

voices here = voices nowhere

So great to see Fiona taking action, going out there and getting the Gospel Of Moz to the public of the world.


:rock: :thumb:

Disdain won't affect what features here ever.
The time spent bemoaning her appearing here could be spent finding articles to post that do meet with personal approval, but it's easier to moan than make an effort.
As a site that (for the umpteenth time) aggregates articles about Morrissey, no matter how trivial, it's more of a surprise that people don't get this fact than a surprise to see her feature here.
She linked to her old article, adding '29' instead of '27'. The original article isn't hosted on Eject Music anymore as the site is gone and needs wayback to view.
The old article about it here was archived too and this was posted in General thread as it was relevant to the album's age whether old or not.

Her prominence lies at the feet of Central and 'super fans'. They gave her a degree of credibility whether voices here like it or not.
Disdain won't affect what features here ever.
The time spent bemoaning her appearing here could be spent finding articles to post that do meet with personal approval, but it's easier to moan than make an effort.
As a site that (for the umpteenth time) aggregates articles about Morrissey, no matter how trivial, it's more of a surprise that people don't get this fact than a surprise to see her feature here.
Yeah, thanks for spelling that out for us. We weren't being rhetorical or anything.
Has Fiona Bore-well not died yet? What’s taking her so long?
Fionly really likes to re-visit, or re-evaluate. I’d advise that she adds re-write to that list.
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