Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey, Astley And The Usual Suspects" via Music-News (September 16, 2021)

Morrissey has made headlines and has been trending across social media sites over the last 24 hours, and as usual, it is not about anything he himself has said or done. Indeed, the drama is yet again the outcome of a bored, frenzied online mob and the indecorous mainstream media who enjoy raking his name over the coals whenever the slightest opportunity presents itself.

Update - September 20, 2021:

Now a post on Central:

Morrissey, Astley and the usual suspects. An opinion piece by Fiona Dodwell.

People keep writing about record breaking shows but what was record breaking about them, there's literally nothing anywhere about anything being record breaking in Vegas?
It was, according to one reported comment from one employee at the venue in Vegas, the most MERCH they'd ever shifted in one day (opening night). Take that as gospel truth, or with a pinch of salt...
EXCELLENT observation by Fiona(y)
the trolls (aka Usual Suspects in this Fiona journalistic piece) still havent made peace with Moz world record setting merch bonanza :lbf:
More merch sold in ONE DAY than 'you know who' (>:handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: , so far
records indicate only 5 'Johnny f***en Marr' tshirts have sold all to twats) will ever sell:fist:
who in their right mind, would make a spectacle of themselves by wearing their own tshirt?
Hooky "f***en" Hooky? Bernard "Foooken" Summer? Shanda all around.:hammer:
What was record breaking about them, there's literally nothing anywhere about anything being record breaking in Vegas?
I'm guessing if there was anything and I mean anything at all record breaking about them it would have already been mentioned on Morrissey Central... BTW that's OK, they were good shows... it doesn't have to be "record breaking" to be valuable.

Morrissey has made headlines and has been trending across social media sites over the last 24 hours, and as usual, it is not about anything he himself has said or done. Indeed, the drama is yet again the outcome of a bored, frenzied online mob and the indecorous mainstream media who enjoy raking his name over the coals whenever the slightest opportunity presents itself.


Jesus f***ing Christ. He could shit in a swimming pool and she'd call it a triumph.

What is she for?
EXCELLENT observation by Fiona(y)
the trolls (aka Usual Suspects in this Fiona journalistic piece) still havent made peace with Moz world record setting merch bonanza :lbf:
More merch sold in ONE DAY than 'you know who' (>:handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft: , so far
records indicate only 5 'Johnny f***en Marr' tshirts have sold all to twats) will ever sell:fist:
who in their right mind, would make a spectacle of themselves by wearing their own tshirt?
Hooky "f***en" Hooky? Bernard "Foooken" Summer? Shanda all around.:hammer:
I know it’s hard for you, the original Skinny puppet but, had you been anywhere near the South America gigs in 2018, you’d have seen Morrissey wearing his own T-shirt’s every night. You daft twat
Final Solution for Cro 🚕🚖

sorry peeps but Moz didnt wear a Moz f***en Moz tshirt on any real tour:)

whos that? jogging many kms in Hale? :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:
wearing a 'Johnny f***en Marr' tshirt?

well shiver me timbers! its Johnny f***en Marr!!:hammer:
Very well Fionna defending Moz,. I can't understand how Rick A and that group can do 2 shows singing only songs from The Smiths, that is, if a group is dedicated to paying tribute to a band, it charges for its shows as a band that does tribute ... if well-known artists like RA and recitals singing only songs from The Smiths they charge as well-known artists that they are and not as bands that do tribute, that is, they earn much more money than a simple band tribute
I want to say that RA and B are going to do 2 concerts as a tribute band would, but they are going to charge much more expensive tickets than a band that makes tribute, they are going to charge for a recital of them, that I do not know if it can be done, they should not leave them Moz and Johnny should do something ... On top Johnny was ignored by the group, Johnny is angry because these guys did not tell him what they were going to do, they were with Johnny and did not tell him, they are very expensive
Rick Astley and B are very cheeky, if I were Moz I would already be doing something
who in their right mind, would make a spectacle of themselves by wearing their own tshirt?

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