Morrissey has made headlines and has been trending across social media sites over the last 24 hours, and as usual, it is not about anything he himself has said or done. Indeed, the drama is yet again the outcome of a bored, frenzied online mob and the indecorous mainstream media who enjoy raking his name over the coals whenever the slightest opportunity presents itself.
Morrissey, Astley and the usual suspects
Morrissey has made headlines and has been trending across social media sites over the last 24 hours, and as usual, it is not about anything

Update - September 20, 2021:
Now a post on Central:
Morrissey, Astley and the usual suspects. An opinion piece by Fiona Dodwell.

Morrissey, Astley and the usual suspects. An opinion piece by Fiona Dodwell. - MESSAGES FROM MORRISSEY - MORRISSEY CENTRAL - Morrissey, Astley and the usual suspects. An opinion piece by Fiona Dodwell.