Fiona Dodwell: "Morrissey and the Death of True Diversity" - (29 June, 2019)

Morrissey and the Death of True Diversity. - tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


"If there was doubt in anyone's mind where the modern world is headed, there isn't any more. We now have the answer. True diversity is not permitted, for if you don't agree with the loudest voices, you will be silenced; free speech is not allowed, because if you actually try and exercise your right to express yourself and others don't agree, you will be banned. Debate is over: intelligent and rational discussion is dying and we are letting it happen. Society seems to be blinded by such a desire to fit in with the herd that they are no longer willing to step outside of themselves and listen to anyone who offers another point of view."



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The best part comes a little later, when she quotes Nick Cave's most reasonable, and to me the very best, response on the subject:

If in 2019 we welcome the beauty of diversity, now is the time to prove it.

Should not the liberal luvvies of the modern Labour party and the virtue-signallers on Reddit be challenged to live up to their own professed beliefs? Not to be radical against anyone, or marginalise the individuals they disagree with. Many of us look to the free spirits, the independent thinkers, the ones that provoke because they are so few. How sad will the day be if instead of the individual's being few, there are none.

Today, maybe singer Nick Cave says it best. On The Red Hand Files, he said:

“Morrissey should still have the freedom to express his views, just as others should have the freedom to challenge them. The charge that defending a person’s right to their opinions somehow aligns one with their views makes no sense at all and strikes at the heart of the problem itself – that of conflating the concept of free speech with bigotry. This is very dangerous territory indeed.”
If we truly value diversity and if we hunger to celebrate the beauty of our individuality, then we must look to our own shortcomings and ask ourselves if we are actually only tolerant of others beliefs on the proviso that they don't challenge our own.

Through his solo work and his tenure with The Smiths, Morrissey has often been cited as one of the most defining figures to shape the landscape of Mancunian counter-culture. Those words that meant so much to so many were written by a man as entitled to his opinion as you are yours.
How it works is really, really simple. Anyone has the right to an opinion and to express it. But the right to be respected for your opinion is not a given. Whining about it like a child won't change it.
America is the most diverse in terms of nationalities but 99.99% of those do not support illegal immigration to a very strong degree. AMERICA LOVE IT OR GET THE f*** OUT. YOU DONT SHIT WHERE YOU EAT. Why I hate the word racist. Your precious group you protect with the word racism is shit. Ting all over beautiful Europe. Let them shit in their homeland.
I recall my mother’s friend telling us about her experience as a child growing up in Germany when everyone (at least publicly) supported Hitler and his vision for his idealistic society. She said her parents had to play certain music in their cellar because the said artists had been brave and criticised Adolf and had been banned, one I remember she loved was Brecht, they were afraid neighbors would hear the music that had been banned and report them. She recalled her Grandfather losing his job because he made a comment that he didn’t want his grandchildren being forced to follow an ideology. Makes me wonder now how many people would like to stand up to this bullying ideology but are too afraid. My mother’s friend was very proud her grandfather spoke up, despite the financial and social difficulties it caused him. Like Morrissey I have never voted in my life, left or right, but I can see how unhealthy our society is becoming when ideology is promoted above common sense and all debate is being closed down. It will be future generations who will truly see the truth.
Morrissey and the Death of True Diversity. - tremr
By Fiona Dodwell


"If there was doubt in anyone's mind where the modern world is headed, there isn't any more. We now have the answer. True diversity is not permitted, for if you don't agree with the loudest voices, you will be silenced; free speech is not allowed, because if you actually try and exercise your right to express yourself and others don't agree, you will be banned. Debate is over: intelligent and rational discussion is dying and we are letting it happen. Society seems to be blinded by such a desire to fit in with the herd that they are no longer willing to step outside of themselves and listen to anyone who offers another point of view."

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The worst pat of the last few years is SER and Fiona
Morrissey looks very weak relying on these two (and James and his manager)

Encourage the Nick Cave type replies. Ignore the Fiona type ones.

Does anyone take her seriously? Does she help? Does anyone even know of her beyond the Moz pit?
Not sure where all the praise for nick cave is coming from. He basically states that morrisseys views are detestable and “regressive” but that we should tolerate them in the name of free speech. Sorry but wake me up when detestable is protected speech. What a weakling.
Well we all know, when both of them die, that there will be a statue of Morrissey resurrected in Manchester and not one of Afzal Khan.


Nobody is stopping Morrissey's or anyone else's free speech. No one. So stop f***ing yapping about it for the 29th time, we heard you the first time, and it was a load of whiney arsewash then.
Encourage the Nick Cave type replies. Ignore the Fiona type ones.

Does anyone take her seriously? Does she help? Does anyone even know of her beyond the Moz pit?

Does it matter what you "know of her"? How many times do u seriously read an article online by a random writer and then genuinely know lots about the them?? It's a mute point!
She just happens to be a writer on a few websites who ALSO happens to be a Moz fan. Ffs...Only on solo would people get peeved at someone for trying to defend him. I chatted to her a lot online recently and she just seems like a nice person. You must have worse people to worry about in the Moz world, surely??. I'd take her any day over the bullshit written about Moz in media.
Does it matter what you "know of her"? How many times do u seriously read an article online by a random writer and then genuinely know lots about the them?? It's a mute point!
She just happens to be a writer on a few websites who ALSO happens to be a Moz fan. Ffs...Only on solo would people get peeved at someone for trying to defend him. I chatted to her a lot online recently and she just seems like a nice person. You must have worse people to worry about in the Moz world, surely??. I'd take her any day over the bullshit written about Moz in media.

You are missing the point. It just looks f***ing stupid if nobodies writing fawning blogs, a best friend with no life and a nephew with no life are your main messengers. Especially as nobody bothers to read their stuff beyond the Moz crowd. So it's pointless. It is hurting him not helping him.
Also, she can't write and has nothing to say.

Much better Nick Cave, Noel Gallagher etc.

Moz is really looking weak. His interviews show a man out of step.
No-one has denied Morrissey his right to say what he thinks. What many of us have said is we don't want to listen to his increasingly nonsensical right-wing outbursts and because we despise his nonsensical right-wing outbursts, we aren't going to buy his records any more. We don't like him any more so we aren't going to look at him any more, which if I remember one of his lyrics correctly, is what he wants.

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