Far Out: "The song Mark E. Smith used to insult Morrissey" (August 15, 2023)



"Though he may have existed within it, Mark E. Smith was more than forthcoming about his hatred for the music industry. He hated musicians, and throughout the years, he openly criticised a number of widely loved artists, including the likes of Pavement, Suede, LCD Soundsystem’s James Murphy, Kate Bush, and even his own bandmates. Smith’s consistently biting comments cemented his position as a much-loved outsider in the industry, both feared and adored in equal measure.

His sarcastic and often spiteful wit knew no bounds as he relentlessly took down those around him, one by one. Smith’s agitations even caused The Fall’s 1998 formation to disassemble in 1998, a time when an altercation onstage drove the band apart. Smith’s misanthropy stretched beyond his antics while performing and being interviewed and into the lyrics he penned. One of his many lyrical targets was, it would seem, the controversial former frontman of The Smiths, Morrissey."

God bless Mark E. Smith. No insult in being referenced (allegedly) in one of his songs, even if the song was called C.R.E.E.P.
Let's be honest, you would never know that Morrissey was the target, if such was the case. I'm sure he was kind of flattered. Maybe.

Again Far Out …. is Far WRONG about Morrissey.

‘1. It has often been assumed that this song is about Marc Riley, who apparently was nicknamed "creep" as a youth. RIley himself has stated that the song is about him. Both Mark and Brix Smith, however, deny this:

"As Mark points out, the song seemed to have an unsettling effect on people.

'I'm so proud of that song. I didn't see it as pure pop because it hasn't been accepted like that. It's got good words in it and that throws people off - their brains are so degenerate now, that if they hear something they don't understand ... they just drop it. I always thought it would appeal to children and it does. A lot of very young kids (seven or eight) seem to like it. I never thought, though, that the creep was the guy who smelt bad at school; it was always the most popular guy in the class, 'cos you knew damn well he wouldn't do well in life, the sort who'd cry when the exam results came out.'

Brix:- "Everyone always thinks that Fall songs are about themselves and that was especially so with "Creep." Some people thought it was about Morrissey which it wasn't. Marc Riley, our old guitarist, thought it was about him, which it wasn't. It's about every creep in the world.'"

By the time of her memoir, however, the song is about someone specific all right:

Dan: "According to Brix in her autobiography, The Rise, The Fall, and The Rise, 'Everyone assumed it was about Marc Riley, but Mark's lyrics were a takedown of the previous tour manager, Scumech ("He is a scum-egg, a horrid trendy wretch").'"

Elsewhere, she says "The European tour manager's name was Scumech. He was a trendy and Mark referred to him as a 'dickhead'. For some reason, Mark took great offence at Scumech. Perhaps it was because he would keep the tour money in his briefcase and handcuff it to radiators. He was robotic, which also annoyed Mark, He had the facade of being hip, but was actually quite bureaucratic, in a German way."

Dan has determined that the man in question is probably one Scumeck Sabottka, who is still active as a concert promoter.’

Anyhoo… great song.

It definitely fits.
yes, for Mark to refer to his tour manager Scumech as ‘scum-egg’ in the lyric, does fit. Guess he didn’t like the guy, judging by the lyrics.
Again Far Out …. is Far WRONG about Morrissey.

‘1. It has often been assumed that this song is about Marc Riley, who apparently was nicknamed "creep" as a youth. RIley himself has stated that the song is about him. Both Mark and Brix Smith, however, deny this:

"As Mark points out, the song seemed to have an unsettling effect on people.

'I'm so proud of that song. I didn't see it as pure pop because it hasn't been accepted like that. It's got good words in it and that throws people off - their brains are so degenerate now, that if they hear something they don't understand ... they just drop it. I always thought it would appeal to children and it does. A lot of very young kids (seven or eight) seem to like it. I never thought, though, that the creep was the guy who smelt bad at school; it was always the most popular guy in the class, 'cos you knew damn well he wouldn't do well in life, the sort who'd cry when the exam results came out.'

Brix:- "Everyone always thinks that Fall songs are about themselves and that was especially so with "Creep." Some people thought it was about Morrissey which it wasn't. Marc Riley, our old guitarist, thought it was about him, which it wasn't. It's about every creep in the world.'"

By the time of her memoir, however, the song is about someone specific all right:

Dan: "According to Brix in her autobiography, The Rise, The Fall, and The Rise, 'Everyone assumed it was about Marc Riley, but Mark's lyrics were a takedown of the previous tour manager, Scumech ("He is a scum-egg, a horrid trendy wretch").'"

Elsewhere, she says "The European tour manager's name was Scumech. He was a trendy and Mark referred to him as a 'dickhead'. For some reason, Mark took great offence at Scumech. Perhaps it was because he would keep the tour money in his briefcase and handcuff it to radiators. He was robotic, which also annoyed Mark, He had the facade of being hip, but was actually quite bureaucratic, in a German way."

Dan has determined that the man in question is probably one Scumeck Sabottka, who is still active as a concert promoter.’

Anyhoo… great song.


This is way better reportin' than the article was.
As a massive fan of both Mark E Smith and Morrissey, I always got the impression that MES had a decent amount of respect for Moz. The amount of times he's mentioned Moz in interviews is high, and rarely accompanied by much of an insult. I have no doubt that MES would have no qualms in being blunt about it if he had anything to say about Morrissey.

Am I right in saying that there was speculation that Morrissey named The Smiths partly as tribute to Patti Smith and Mark E Smith?

Anyway, if you haven't heard The Fall before or have never really gotten into them but are a fan of Morrissey, I recommend you give the compilation album The War Against Intelligence - The Fontana Years a go.
This is way better reportin' than the article was.

Not difficult to find. I’m sure Far Out came across that same information about The Fall song before deciding to put up their article, but of course, the truth wouldn’t have benefited their anti-Morrissey campaign.
Mark Riley called his post Fall band (Mark Riley and) The Creepers.

Interesting fact. Mark’s season ticket seat at the City of Manchester stadium is very close to Mike Joyce’s.
Not difficult to find. I’m sure Far Out came across that same information about The Fall song before deciding to put up their article, but of course, the truth wouldn’t have benefited their anti-Morrissey campaign.

They never let the facts get in the way of their anti-Moz campaign.
What a canard.
Not difficult to find. I’m sure Far Out came across that same information about The Fall song before deciding to put up their article, but of course, the truth wouldn’t have benefited their anti-Morrissey campaign.
James Hargreaves interviewed Si Wolstencroft, The Fall drummer and a gent, some months back. Of several Smiths mentions, Si says he should have joined The Smiths instead of The Stone Roses, but overall doesn't have regrets.
can't say it any better
His take down of Suede.....they must have been happy as well. That Mark would even take a jab.

You are bequeathed in suede
You are entrenched in suede

Mark mentions Morrissey in this interview from 1994, about 16 minutes in: "And Morrissey is, like, glorifying Salford an' all that... he doesn't know Salford from the back of his bloody arse, does he?"

Far Out Magazine is just clickbait and regurgitated drivel. They are forever reposting stories about who hates Morrissey and who Morrissey hates. Banging on about Robert Smith hating Morrissey like this is news. Don't entertain it.
I recall Mark E Smith reviewing 'Your Aresenal' back in 92 and he quite liked it. Which for him was a compliment as he generally hated other bands/artists.
"You're Gonna Need Someone
On Your Side': About time. A
superb start that combines
excellent vocals, Ronson's
production and a nod to Joe
*Glamorous Glue': In which
Morrissey seems to be endorsing eloping to Los
Angeles, and that London is dead. I've always held
the opinion that Morrissey should get out and about
a bit more. The group are impressive, but already
the guitarist is getting above his station and the
bass player has too much equipment.
We'll Let You Know': Another attempt at identifying
with soccer hipness. Morrissey at his most artistic
negation. The reason why we will not win World War
Ill, it is Noel Cowardice and well-meaning teenagers
do not need it. Here Morrissey "relates" to Italia
'92. Groan. He is in a quandry here and elaborates
all about it, which leads to.
*National Front Disco' and 'Certain People I Know':
There is a rampant cottage industry developing in
this country, I call it "information anxiety" whereby if
you are not up on what some illiterate graduate in
the Observer says about: soccer, fascism, service in
hotels, people in jeans and trainers - you are in
some way 'out of touch'. This places Morrissey in
the realm he should not be in: that of the Robbie
Coltrane, Vaudevillean wise-ass who pontificates
about countries and situations he knows nothing
Side Two
"We Hate It When Our Friends Become
Successful': The true artist is jolly and wishes his
friends all success, and joy when they attain it. But
competition, that's another matter.
*You're The One For Me, Fatty': This is something
M, Ryder and Bernie out of New Order probably co-
wrote on their way through a Manchester estate
when driving in Johnny Marr's limo. Yo ho ho!
"Seasick, Yet Still Docked': See 'We'll Let You Know’.

‘I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday': This is
extremely beautiful chocolate mystery track and is
the kind of thing Morrissey should be developing.
'Tomorrow': These last two tracks find Morrissey
going back to what he really should develop, ie the
voice, the attack, and I think he is on the right track.
That's it. Coulda done with more time.’

Again Far Out …. is Far WRONG about Morrissey.

‘1. It has often been assumed that this song is about Marc Riley, who apparently was nicknamed "creep" as a youth. RIley himself has stated that the song is about him. Both Mark and Brix Smith, however, deny this:

"As Mark points out, the song seemed to have an unsettling effect on people.

'I'm so proud of that song. I didn't see it as pure pop because it hasn't been accepted like that. It's got good words in it and that throws people off - their brains are so degenerate now, that if they hear something they don't understand ... they just drop it. I always thought it would appeal to children and it does. A lot of very young kids (seven or eight) seem to like it. I never thought, though, that the creep was the guy who smelt bad at school; it was always the most popular guy in the class, 'cos you knew damn well he wouldn't do well in life, the sort who'd cry when the exam results came out.'

Brix:- "Everyone always thinks that Fall songs are about themselves and that was especially so with "Creep." Some people thought it was about Morrissey which it wasn't. Marc Riley, our old guitarist, thought it was about him, which it wasn't. It's about every creep in the world.'"

By the time of her memoir, however, the song is about someone specific all right:

Dan: "According to Brix in her autobiography, The Rise, The Fall, and The Rise, 'Everyone assumed it was about Marc Riley, but Mark's lyrics were a takedown of the previous tour manager, Scumech ("He is a scum-egg, a horrid trendy wretch").'"

Elsewhere, she says "The European tour manager's name was Scumech. He was a trendy and Mark referred to him as a 'dickhead'. For some reason, Mark took great offence at Scumech. Perhaps it was because he would keep the tour money in his briefcase and handcuff it to radiators. He was robotic, which also annoyed Mark, He had the facade of being hip, but was actually quite bureaucratic, in a German way."

Dan has determined that the man in question is probably one Scumeck Sabottka, who is still active as a concert promoter.’

Anyhoo… great song.

Far out Magazine i a professional webzine edited by paid amateurs. They even mirror and fork Wikipedia articles.
Peter Gabriel (1980 album) - Wiki article July'2023 version
Peter Gabriel (1980 album)- Far out August article

Far out magazine's real surname is in fact Lazy Butts magazine
Met Mark E Smith. He was a dick on par with meeting Nick Cave. Like racist Stevie. Talented pricks.
ingrate, you should have been over the moon to meet Mark E Smith, Nick Cave and the always wonderful Stevie Nicks!

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