FAO The three moz-solo-stooges

Your message was boring and invalid the first time. Linking to it again and again at the top of the page isn't gonna make it more valid...or less boring. But it does prove you to be the drama queen troll you are and always have been. The only way you know how to try and make a name for yourself is by coming out into the prison yard to knife someone else. You certainly can't do so on the strength of your personality alone.
And btw, get some new material. You've been throwing the same stale insults for 5 years.
theo's fun

i don't know the history tho

just my 2 pennies :>

thanks for posting calvin and hobbes

i'm afraid to post anything more. everyone jumpin on everyone, i'll just lurk lolol
theo "i'll be gone for a while", using dial up i see, how obvious are you? my goodness
you admitted in your journal you spent the whole of the last year on the net, ebay sell nooses, go!
If I am so boring and lame, then why did you waste all that time reading my journal?
Re: theo "i'll be gone for a while", using dial up i see, how obvious are you? my goodness

Theo lives in Ohio, a few hundred miles from Chicago.
proxieis, anonymizers, he's staying with his gay grandfather and using his spunk covered laptop!
i don't, you had an argument with someone who was FUNNY the other day, and i just checked it out lol
he proved it, you co signed the affa davit that got his ass fried, hope you feel warm inisde,he does
I can prove you're an ass clown

Actually you prove it yourself every time you post.
Re: theo's fun

> thanks for posting calvin and hobbes

Aw, another Calvin & Hobbes fan.

If you're confused about the reaction you got, whenever a certain person is in troll mode he accuses everyone who posts a positive word towards me of BEING me.

He once tried to say realitybites was me.

He once tried to say Let's Go Devils was me.

And so on.

He's probably just projecting what he does himself.

So don't be put off by him.
Re: theo "i'll be gone for a while", using dial up i see, how obvious are you? my goodness

I'm always on dial-up, you jack-ass.
> Your message was boring and invalid the first time. Linking to it again
> and again at the top of the page isn't gonna make it more valid...or less
> boring. But it does prove you to be the drama queen troll you are and
> always have been. The only way you know how to try and make a name for
> yourself is by coming out into the prison yard to knife someone else. You
> certainly can't do so on the strength of your personality alone.
I agree, if he finds anyone's posts boring then he should not read them, a forum after all is open to all and he should understand this. I would say that his attack was for attention and sadly because he has nothing in his life except his spite for others.
I don't open any andy ison posts, because he paps on with himself - but i admire his persistance and his ability to avoid detection by the authorities.
> I agree, if he finds anyone's posts boring then he should not read them, a
> forum after all is open to all and he should understand this. I would say
> that his attack was for attention and sadly because he has nothing in his
> life except his spite for others.
> I don't open any andy ison posts, because he paps on with himself - but i
> admire his persistance and his ability to avoid detection by the
> authorities.

These same posters are trolling my journal -- telling me not to post on this forum, calling me a liar, and claiming that I seek attention. I actually crave solitude. Of course I like to interact with interesting posters here. And I do enjoy feedback in my journal. But, I never wind people up, play the drama queen, nor tell tall tales for attention. These people who complain about this forum are not contributing anything positive. And they don't have a journal. Posting in my journal and replying to my posts here, PROVES they are actively seeking out these very 'boring and pathetic' posts of mine.

I really cannot understand this mentality. I am fairly new to the net culture. I have NEVER met such hateful people in my real life. Are these the kind of people that randomly shoot drivers on the highway? Because that is what this forum feels like. These people don't even know me, Andy, Theo, or the others that they claim to be so annoyed by. I can ignore it to a degree but after a while, it gets under one's skin. I know familiarity breeds contempt. But, like you said -- no one forces anyone to read any of the threads. No one has time to read everything posted here. We must screen for what is relevant or interesting. Hell we do this everyday -- even when we are shopping for food. Can you imagine a person having a temper tantrum in the market because the merchant is selling goods that they don't like?! That is how I see these spammers. They are little children with big inflated heads, crying in the sandbox because they have to share the shovel and bucket with others.

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