Express: "The Smiths split ‘bruised me emotionally, it turned to s*** with Morrissey’ – Johnny Marr" via Uncut Magazine (January 13, 2022)


By George Simpson.

"JOHNNY MARR has been brutally honest about his painful memories from The Smiths break-up and shared how he talks to everyone from his incredible career except for Morrissey."


Speaking in a new interview with Uncut, the 58-year-old said: “[The Smiths are] one of the things I’m proudest of. One of the things that I must be proud about – not only myself but the whole group, because that was our MO. Whatever s*** was going on, nothing got in the way of what was coming out of speakers – and there’s a lot to get in the way.

“It’s a simplistic way of putting it, but one of the reasons I’ve been in so many bands was because I wanted to be loyal to them. It won’t come as any surprise when I say that I’m really close with everyone I’ve worked with – except for the obvious one. And that isn’t that much of a surprise because we’re so different, me and Morrissey. But all of these different musicians, I can pick up the phone to anyone, and just pick up from where we left off.

“Everyone I’ve worked with has been great. The only thing that turned to s*** was The Smiths. Which is a shame, but s*** happens. I hate talking about the group I formed in those terms, the group I loved. But, y’know, let’s get some perspective.”

This story was picked up from March's Uncut Magazine interview - here in full:













(* page 94 was adverts - omitted)

Note: the Express article appeared prior to having access to the Uncut article - so, the 'media item' became the thread title.
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Oh, this is going to be another fun thread...

Is it just me, or does this Johnny quote feel a

“When I put The Smiths together, I thought everything was going to sound like Miserable Lie. I had no idea I was going to write This Charming Man or There Is A Light. I was more than OK with that, but I grew into writing these pop songs that weren’t straight. That’s never really left me. I’m what is called an indie thinker. My mind is still part of the Rough Trade philosophy. Factory, Cherry Red, Mute, the Cartel.”
you were fired LeTwat face it FFS dont get traumatic about it
yes :handpointright::guardsman::handpointleft:, you are the new Jiddu Kirshnamurti for sure very independent your weak mind is cherry red mute:handok:
you are what is called by yourself an 'indie thinkier' just like Jr:baby:
perhaps the wig is on too tight?🥷
Moz wrote those songs, thats why since you got the 👢
its been an ongoing katastrofa.

a future scenario of playing sucky mini gigs at 75? WTF
thats what you been doing since Moz showed you to the exit

JFC what a hopeless twat, 'future scenario', while 6o yr oldo_O
this LePew makes the frisky gay priest look like Hopalong Cassidy what shanda
Great article! However That post title is made up or cobbled together, it’s not in the article!
I got the impression that Marr and Morrissey had sorted out any issues they had together as I remember one of them saying that they emailed and met up, but it had been a number of years since (I may have got that wrong).

I'm not sure why Marr speaks with a sharp tongue as Morrissey only seems to say nice things about Marr even though he blames Marr for the Smiths' split. I guess it's just commonplace now for people to throw Morrissey under the bus. It's not surprising that the Express has used an unflattering picture of Morrissey, an image that says 'bad guy'.

Personally I find it a shame that Morrissey finds it just more useful to keep schtum and let the dust settle. But probably now more than other Morrissey words would be very much needed.

If Sam or anyone within Morrissey's circle are reading this, perhaps a short documentary on how the band work together and how they write a song with Morrissey. Anything really. I miss him.
Really, can you provide a link to where he's said that?
You're in for a long wait. The answer that will eventually come back is that he did an interview with a publication once and therefore must support it's principles. That's what she will say. Which of course is complete cobblers. But that's what she'll say.
You're in for a long wait. The answer that will eventually come back is that he did an interview with a publication once and therefore must support it's principles. That's what she will say. Which of course is complete cobblers. But that's what she'll say.

is that 'reading the guardian by not reading the guardian' logic?:lbf:
LePew does NOT abide the Spectator by giving the Spectator an interview.:rofl:

Really, can you provide a link to where he's said that?

His actions speak louder than any words he can say.

Out of all the publications he could have chosen to support he chose The Spectator. A move that confirms that he doesn’t totally disagree with their conservative/right-wing views.

Support also in the sense that his contribution to The Spectator will most likely bring new readership, simply because Johnny (by contributing) has given approval of the publication’s views.

‘Long wait’? Lol. Skinny thinks oh it’s just once that he contributed so that let’s him off the hook. Time will tell. As Marr grows older his political views may change too, there’s nothing strange about that. Obviously he’s not totally against the views of The Spectator, just accept it.
Morrissey has openly talked about being suicidal after the Smiths split. But sure, you got some bruises!
You're in for a long wait. The answer that will eventually come back is that he did an interview with a publication once and therefore must support it's principles.
no, he wasn't interviewed. it was a personal article by him.
he, most likely, would be paid by the spectator for his work.
You're in for a long wait. The answer that will eventually come back is that he did an interview with a publication once and therefore must support it's principles. That's what she will say. Which of course is complete cobblers. But that's what she'll say.
Is it like when you said that you have read The Guardian for 35 years but then say that you don't read The Guardian? It does get confusing when you post so many untruths, doesn't it? I wonder why you do it... Are you ill?
His actions speak louder than any words he can say.

Out of all the publications he could have chosen to support he chose The Spectator. A move that confirms that he doesn’t totally disagree with their conservative/right-wing views.

Support also in the sense that his contribution to The Spectator will most likely bring new readership, simply because Johnny (by contributing) has given approval of the publication’s views.

‘Long wait’? Lol. Skinny thinks oh it’s just once that he contributed so that let’s him off the hook. Time will tell. As Marr grows older his political views may change too, there’s nothing strange about that. Obviously he’s not totally against the views of The Spectator, just accept it.

Lol, I don’t care whether he is for or against the views of the Spectator and as you can see from the exposure he is getting in magazines and on major radio stations, the column he wrote has had no negative impact on his career whatsoever.

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