do you think morrissey ever looks at these forums?

Re: Moz on Morrissey-solo


EDIT: It's the name of a country, mods. Please.

Did you know that after this delightful graphic hit the interwebz the C.I.A. spent 8 months and 17 million dollars trying to track down the city Please, hoping to turn up more evidence for the sale of yellowcake uranium to Saddam Hussein?

(Of course not. But it sounds plausible, and that's the point.)
Re: Moz on Morrissey-solo

Message for Moz: I know everything.It is me. Just contact me for heaven's sake.It's not impossible. Let this be my last post in this place.

Now you can all try and work out who I am?:p

But you can't leave. Once you have supped from the Solo spoon you are tainted and can never escape.

*evil laugh*
Re: Moz on Morrissey-solo

Originally Posted by bm20950
I'm Morrissey and so is my wife

PMSL your more of a "rainman" than a "morrissey"
I see him sipping tea... I don't see him using the mighty internets.
I do believe truly that he never ever comes here.

He has flunkies to do that particularly ardous job.they only report back the good stuff though ...not the shite from The Sty.:thumb:
Ive given up on figuring it out. It hurts me mind. All I do know is. Infatuation has been convincing. Although only active for one night.
emma is moz ep=babe of solo leave em alone
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