...As for The Smiths not really influencing anyone.....really?? Look at a lot of IndiePop released from say, 1985 to 1990, and tell me there's no influence there. Records like those released on labels like 53rd & 3rd, Sha-La-La and especially Sarah Records(although Sarah founders Matt & Claire will furiously dispute this) took clear influence from The Smiths; all trebly Rickenbackers and dolorous vocals of broken hearted boys. Some early Creation Records bear a resemblance too, 'Therese' by The Bodines sounds like 'Jeane' at twice the speed. Bands who remained forever cult heroes like The Visitors, Reserve and Bob all bore more than a trace of Smithdom(one of Bob's songs featured the lyric 'slow hand Johnny and Steven P M'). Short lived Indie Darlings The Siddeleys had a female vocalist called Johnny(hey, a girl called Johnny....how Smiths!) who was always called 'a female Morrissey', and Anna Yu from early 2000's alt-rockers LoveLikeFire is also frequently referred to as a 'female Morrissey'.