Did anyone hear Ken Bruce's show on Radio 2?

> Badly Drawn Boy was on I think? was his band with him?

Yes i heard it. He was telling some story that involved Johnny Marr, but I was on the phone at the same time and missed most of it. Something to do with a car breaking down and Johnny being in a big BMW or something.

I think the whole band was there, they played a couple of tracks.

ARRGH..i'm listening to radio 2.
i'm old.
Re: You mean Andy Rourke was telling the story or BDB?

No, Badly Drawn Boy was telling the story.
He said that he never knew Johnny at the time of the incident, but he kinda knew him now.
Hope that helps!
Re: Yes it does help. Thanks.

So Badly Drawn Boy and Johnny Marr are kind of friends. That's nice. Andy Rourke must be Badly Drawn Boy's friend too as he plays bass for him!!!
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