Morrissey Central "DANA GILLESPIE VINYL" (April 9, 2024)

April 9, 2024


The first 7-inch single from Dana Gillespie's new album is Spent The Day In Bed, and is available on 19 April. The song is from Dana's new album First Love, which is released on 31 May on CD, standard black vinyl, and special colored vinyl. Production is by Marc Almond and Tris Penna, and above sleeve photography is by Terry O'Neill, with sleeve art by Morrissey.

Order Dana's vinyl 45 here:

Sister Ray:

Rough Trade:

For further information contact:

[email protected]

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Wow! He’s still got it. He really should take over operations concerning his own releases. 👏🏻👏🏻
For anyone who hasn’t listened to it yet:
I was confused, thinking that “sleeve art” meant the paper sleeve inside a vinyl album. I sure can be a dummie. Then people commented what a great job Morrissey did, and I realized that the sleeve is the album cover. I just listened to the song a second time, and liked it.
The links don´t really work, BUT I do have a deja-vu, remembering Nancy Sinatra´s "Let me kiss you" cover in 2004 f0r Attack!
Maybe Moz has signed to Fretsore Records too? :ROFLMAO:
Here's a colour photo that seems to be from the same session - used for Dana's single Weren't Born A Man, released in Germany 1974 (3:00):

I was confused, thinking that “sleeve art” meant the paper sleeve inside a vinyl album. I sure can be a dummie. Then people commented what a great job Morrissey did, and I realized that the sleeve is the album cover. I just listened to the song a second time, and liked it.
An easy mistake to make. The sleeve art in this case is the outer sleeve (or cover) but a lot of reccords have inner sleeve art too, or perhaps lyrics or production details written on the inner sleeve that contains the record.
And some people still think it's a millennial nephew in charge over there, and not the boomer artist himself. Busted links, ill-formatted photos, headache font. The signs all point.
Again and again, he can't resist, hastily announcing an imminent release. It is unforgivable, in his precarious situation, to publish a pre-order link that ends up in Neverneverland. He manages to make a mockery of the whole thing again. In the end, the 7" with HIS song doesn't come at all. Where is the manager?
My calendar says it's 9 April, and not yet the 19th, when the single will be released, and presumably, the link activated then.

The sleeve is easy on the eye. I hope the track gets picked up and played. I think it expresses what a lot of people feel at the moment:guitar:
Assuming he got a credit, it is nice to see Morrissey's name on a record release. Here's hoping his name appears on his own record in stores soon. I am not a dog on a chain seems like a long time ago now.

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