Camden, NJ - BB&T Pavilion (Sep. 9, 2019) post-show

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How Soon Is Now? / Alma Matters / Hairdresser On Fire / Suedehead / I Wish You Lonely / Morning Starship / Wedding Bell Blues / Lady Willpower / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself / If You Don't Like Me, Don't Look At Me / Munich Air Disaster 1958 / That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore / Seasick, Yet Still Docked / Never Again Will I Be A Twin / Back On The Chain Gang / The Bullfighter Dies / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Jack The Ripper / Some Say I Got Devil / Satan Rejected My Soul // Speedway

Setlist courtesy of

  • Photo by @almannarino / Instagram. Link posted by Famous when dead.

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Dear Fans of Morrissey : Please do not listen to this Rat person ( If they are a person at all) That whole blue rose nonsense started because a female fan( now former fan) was engaged with their hypocrisy some years back .He stole the idea to make a big huge ordeal out of blue roses and the blue rose society he even thought that woman was Morrissey for a while .Ever since he took it upon himself to make everything in this Blue Rose Society about himself.He has bullied/stalked/harrassed people that entire time which is probably WHY most other fans do not like him he is kind of a jerk. If the message he were truly trying to spread were one of positivity why on earth did he steal this idea from someone then take it way too far and use it as a means to his own end and to gain attention for himself? The person he got that idea from is not like the demonic and negative person that he has been.She is a very unique and creative person. Any time he has even attended a concert there might be thousands of people there but he thinks that everything is for HIM. Please do not fall into this trap of him trying to be the "GOOD FAN" While everyone else is a "BAD FAN" he has stepped all over people and been abusive toward other female fans not to mention his constant online harassment of other fans who do not deserve it. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE THIS PERSON ANYYATTENTION. HE IS A LYING SACK OF S*IT trying to gain your attention as a means to his own end.
People who are kind don't steal ideas from other people then step all over them just so they can gain attention and even if that had never happened there is absolutely no excuse for his appalling behavior and mistreatment of other female fans and the number of others he has stalked online. PLEASE STEER CLEAR OF HIS DRAMA AND LIES HE DOES NOT DESERVE YOUR ATTENTION.

This is all true. He is scum that harasses and emotionally abuses female fans. A real fan wouldn't get kicks off abusing other fans so what the original poster said is accurate. He is attention and celebrity obsessed and used to impersonate other celebrities. He probably attacks Morrissey fans, especially women, because he can tell they are emotionally vulnerable. If you bring a blue rose to a concert, people will associate you with his abusive behavior. AVOID. He is a mentally disturbed liar.
Hey f***tard ! Your still on here talking about stupid shit. I honestly get a sense of joy seeing your still a f***ing moron and have nothing better else to do except being an ass on here with no life.


FFS a Skinny troll pseudonym that hasnt made an appearance in a while.:lbf:
intense insane therapy over at the funny farm.:) finally a day off with the computer.
hes full of joy seeing 'YOUR'??:rolleyes:
these troll skinny pseudonyms must think they are doing important chemical work
by trolling Moz:lbf:

thats why they are having treatment.:crazy:
For those keeping track of such things - there were $8 tix to ZZ Top/Cheap Trick available on StubHub this morning for their BB&T show tomorrow - it might have gone up to $10 now. I have a feeling people who bought tix for Snoop Dogg's show in a couple of weeks may be getting a nice upgrade...though I can see people waiting for the last minute for that one. (Can you tell I really dislike the BB&T venue?)

FFS a Skinny troll pseudonym that hasnt made an appearance in a while.:lbf:
intense insane therapy over at the funny farm.:) finally a day off with the computer.
hes full of joy seeing 'YOUR'??:rolleyes:
these troll skinny pseudonyms must think they are doing important chemical work
by trolling Moz:lbf:

thats why they are having treatment.:crazy:

I’m not Skinny you can ask your momma she told me so when I was with her last night, Ahahahahaha f***tard you can’t live life without Morrissey’s cock in your ass and mouth doing that overtime ATM. Why don’t you buy a horse and go live in the mountains somewhere and don’t bother anybody, you have the personality of a dead moth.
I’m not Skinny you can ask your momma she told me so when I was with her last night, Ahahahahaha f***tard you can’t live life without Morrissey’s cock in your ass and mouth doing that overtime ATM. Why don’t you buy a horse and go live in the mountains somewhere and don’t bother anybody, you have the personality of a dead moth.

'ahahahaahahaha' Skinny? WTF is up with that ahahaaahah?:openmouth:

Modern penology had no effect on you. but you will be captured and sent back.:mask:

Hahahahahaha sorry I don’t live my life on here like you do loser, why don’t you try leaving your mothers home and see what world is like outside.


WTF? you are here 24/7 everyday Skinny:lbf:
you rotate your troll pseudonyms o_O
right now you got this dumb pseudonym and the surface one back to back.

'i dont live here' WtF??:crazy:
Yes I have noticed the emoji overload with him and it’s obvious he’s a millennial with deep issues. I’m sorry for vegan cros generation nothing but whiny idiotic c***s.

Yeh, he gets up in the morning spouts some shit on here, then he’s off to the Disney forum using emojis for grooming purposes, then he’s back here posting shit again in the evening!
Yes I have noticed the emoji overload with him and it’s obvious he’s a millennial with deep issues. I’m sorry for vegan cros generation nothing but whiny idiotic c***s.

WTF!!! Skinny you and your other pseudonym 'surface' have been posting non stop ALL DAY FFS!! are you locked inside mummy basement to keep you from the pizza pops?o_O

its non stop ridiculous posting by these pseudonyms. all day they ve been posting:straightface:

at least give the other pseudonyms a chance. the surface one is very annoying.:censored:

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