Boz Boorer: "Morrissey Reimagined" album information & snippet (August 11, 2024)


(couldn't share via Tiktok or FB).


(Tracklisting and credits via Tiktok video captures).
Note: Melanie track and Matt Walker.
Wasn't aware Charlie Browne had passed (Sebastien Pesel-Browne's father / lots of Morrissey tour involvement).

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Good for Boz. It's called making a living. And if you can do that from something you love, that's what it's all about. Hope this sells well.

Being a producer, arranger himself, I’m sure he was always hearing these songs another way, hearing how he would have gone about mixing them, etc. So I’m gonna risk it by saying that it was done out of creative love first, rather than as just a way to make a buck.

You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side.

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