Boz Boorer: "Morrissey Reimagined" album information & snippet (August 11, 2024)


(couldn't share via Tiktok or FB).


(Tracklisting and credits via Tiktok video captures).
Note: Melanie track and Matt Walker.
Wasn't aware Charlie Browne had passed (Sebastien Pesel-Browne's father / lots of Morrissey tour involvement).

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Great to hear this is finally coming out. He mentioned it a while back in some podcast.
The inclusion of two Smiths songs seems very odd to me. Shouldn't these all be Moz/Boz tunes?
They could have been all Morrissey/Boorer tunes, if Boz had wanted to record such a project, but evidently he did not.

Seems like the tracklist was selected from the songs he played with Moz over the 30 years he served as musical director/band member, not just the songs he co-wrote. Not much difference between the Smiths songs and the Moz/Street or Moz/Nevin songs from that perspective. (Or indeed from Morrissey's perspective in 2024, when a good portion of the live setlist is Smiths songs.) London was performed in the mid-90s and Is It Really So Strange? in the late-90s and after.

# of songs by co-writer:
Boorer - 6
Street - 3
Marr - 2
Nevin - 2
Whyte - 1
Is there a release date yet?
I did see a Lyn comment somewhere saying after August 25, but can't locate it.
So, pinch of salt - end of August after the preview?
Really enjoyed the snippet of Playboys, looking forward to the album. I hope that Tony Stone covers more Morrissey songs in that style

Yeah! I think Morrissey's musical output throughout the years has been important enough to warrant quality tributes like this. The track listing is pretty broad as well. Having a craftsman like Boz leading the project really helps its chances.
Moz approved before it was mastered. Lots of fun with different genres and singers with songs we all love.
Taking the best thing about a Morrissey record away and expecting the result to be good seems like a reach.

It's an interesting idea and since I was a Polecats fan before I ever knew who Morrissey was, I like that Tim Polecat sings a song.

That said, I wouldn't pay to hear this. If it streams I might give it a listen.

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