For the attention of:
Mr Steven Patrick Morrissey
Mr Boz Boorer
Mr Jesse Tobias
Mr Mando Lopez
Mr Matt Walker
Mr Gustavo Mansur
Dear Sirs.
Good evening. My name is 'BrummieBoy' and I am an Internet Demon. You will recall I issue very clear and very emphatic instructions to you all to immediately cease and desist from any further outrages against musical and lyrical taste and decency. It has come to my attention that you have flagrantly ignored this final warning and are now 'on tour' in the United Kingdom. In fact, my Secretary informs me that you are all huddled in the tiresome Genting Arena in Birmingham tonight for one of these sacriligeous performances. Sharon said she had some freebie tickets from ***** at Universal and would I like to go? Like? I'd like it as much as I'd like my teeth pulled out with nail clippers, dear. If 'Morrissey' and his band of loopy-tune Dad Rock twits were to turn up outside my house and start 'performing' I'd close the blinds, draw the drapes then summon the environmental pollution officer from Malvern Town Council to stop their nonsense.
An associate of Sharon's then surmised whether or not it would be fun to stage an ironic 'protest' at tonight's show to highlight the multiple crimes against taste and deceny which Morrissey is guilty of, especially his bogus claims to be an animal rights advocate. I had to very firmly remind him that #VegAnarchyInTheUK will do all that with panache, impaling both Morrissey and John Lydon on it's pitchfork-pronged punk metal 3 minute blast against fakery, punk rock Boomers and losers using animal rights issues to flog product, whether that's butter or blathering singalongs like 'Meat Is Murder'. Further, any such 'protests' against this vile charlatan 'Morrissey' would be playing into his hands as it would give him the attention he so feverously craves. Do not feed the troll!
I shall spend the evening relaxing on the sofa after a strenuous month travelling around Europe to watch 20 shows by Nils Frahm. There really is more to music than big-headed singers who pollute your mind with their endless personality crises. I have yet to decide whether or not 'Veganarchy In The UK' will be an instrumental to protest The Hegemony Of The Voice in modern popular music. I may allow some vocoder voices or I may openly impersonate and mock both Morrissey and Lydon by lampooning them with karaoke impressions similar to Kurt Cobain on TOTP with his hilarious slow-drone 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.
Sharon handed me an A4 sheet with the recent set-lists. What kind of stupidity is involved in somebody voluntarily allowing themselves to be in the same room as these clowns when they strike up 'I Bury The Living'? And paying for that torment? Christ on a fcukin bike!
I had so much fun on this site and I'd like to, once again, extend my thanks to David Tseng for not giving two f***s about Morrissey's whining. I'd also like to confirm that the dire warnings of trolls that they would doxx BrummieBoy have come to naught. You can't doxx someone who's openly visible on the interwebz, darling! I'm also able to confirm that I haven't heard a peep from Morrissey's clown-camp and don't expect to: Unless and until 'VegAnarchy In The UK' is a 'hit' in which case the incorrigible troll Morrissey will feign ignorance of my writings on this site despite studying them like the Bible and will attempt to hook on to any rising response to desperately feed his ego and fantasy of being 'current and contemporary'. He is a has-been. A total flake. If you've paid to go and see him in Birmingham tonight, you're probably just realising you've made an awful mistake as the discordant racket begins to pulse from the speakers.
Enough! The portal must now close, ZoZo! You promised me I wouldn't have to do this anymore but I accept your QWERTYOuija rationale that the final post from Brummieboy debunking Morrissey should be made just as his arthritic pseudo-radical artsy fartsy singalongaSmiths malarkey begins in Birmingham. The city suffered under the Nazis. We'll cope with this sonic blitz tonight but it's sad that there are still delusional cult members prepared to stumble towards that Corporate Rock Whore Shed known as The Genting Arena at the National Exhibition Centre.
With every good wish
yours, in perpetuity
BrummieBoy aka Andy aka Alfie
21:05 Tuesday 27 February 2018
NB: Here are the relevant excerpts from my edict to Morrissey ordering him to stop all this nonsense. He has not complied. He will learn that when the Pope Of Pop issues an edict, it is best to obey. I also note that there are 'alerts' advising me of various responses to my comments. Do not delude yourselves that they were read nor that any replies to this communication will be read, however this site will be checked by Sharon periodically to see if Steven Patrick Morrissey is delusional enough to publicly take on 'BrummieBoy' and has attempted to serve any paperwork even though I'm visible from Mars on the interwebs as you all know. Funny, that, isn't it? Not one of you littel twerps have turned up at my door to 'protest on behalf of Morrissey'. Take my advice, don't. You will not get back to the bus alive....
'Any further provocations in the form of gratuitiously offensive public appearances at 'concerts' or further audio outrages released into the collective ether will result in an entirely more severe level of cursing and hexes to match your petty vexations against music, taste, decency and art.
. Enough is truly enough so just pack up and fcuk right off the stage, lads. Forever.
Caveat: I am in no doubt you will all resign yourselves to copious anti-psychotic medication regimes to Carry On with your delusionality despite this wake-up call from consensual reality orchestrated by ZoZo-Brummie Boy. Perhaps the 'band' will also stagger on with their diva singer-leader, their wounds staunched by prescription chemicals, vainly and pointlessly slogging on, ignoring the smirks of the Audience that will now only attend to mock and giggle at the vast tragic humiliation which has unfolded via BB/ZoZo. So mote if be, if that is what All-That-Is decrees. '