Avatar : An independant review


Active Member
In the film Avatar there is a precious mineral on the alien planet Pandora which the human race is attempting to mine because it's very valuable.

The mineral is difficult to get because it is underneath the ground where some blue people live.

The mineral is called Unobtainium.

Review ends.
Re: Avatar review? nah

Huh, it's not a review, just a short summary of the film. :doh:
Oakley used to make BMX grips out of Unobtanium.

It looked quite pretty, there's no denying that. But seriously, am I the ONLY person who thought the film was a great big turd?

I'm not trying to wind people up I promise, I'm just confused by the Public reaction to, what appeared to be a badly scripted, badly acted, unoriginal, 3D demo for TWO HOURS AND FORTY MINUTES!
pretty good review. no, youre not the only one who isnt buying the hype. i havent and will not see it. preview looked like a giant turd, as you described. the summary i heard was 'film has a anti-corporate feel... white person shows indigenous how to fight their fight better...'
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