"Autobiography" by Morrissey - Oct 17, 2013; press release

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Re: Autobiography by Morrissey - Oct 17th

Awesome! The title "Morrissey, Autobiography" is pretty unimaginative though. Wish it had a better title.
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Now read 3/4 of it , the whole smiths story is tainted by how it ended , and there is a lot of vitriol for almost everyone ... its an interesting read from the point of view of showing the raging ego of a man who has never had to grow up and be responsible for his own actions ... the early family stuff is sweet but once the music business stuff starts its just bitching and moaning ..... dissapointing !!

HA f***ING HA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Benny-the-Butcher :rofl:
Those who have the iBooks application on their iPhone or ipad can download the first chapter as a sample for free. I can confirm that it does indeed start like this-- "My childhood is streets upon streets upon streets upon streets. Streets to define you and streets to confine you...".
Now read 3/4 of it , the whole smiths story is tainted by how it ended , and there is a lot of vitriol for almost everyone ... its an interesting read from the point of view of showing the raging ego of a man who has never had to grow up and be responsible for his own actions ... the early family stuff is sweet but once the music business stuff starts its just bitching and moaning ..... dissapointing !!

Penguin classic ?

Dear oh dear, maybe the re-issued/ repackaged/extra chapter and a tacky badge version will be better ? ?

Wadda Prick
OK. I have just finished the free first chapter on Kindle. I don't count myself as a Morrissey sycophant, and I am much more impressed than I expected to be, so far. Not quite Dickens, but the attempt falls a long way short of embarrassing. If he can keep this up for 480 pages, then it's going to be a very good read indeed and, if the rumours of his retirement are true, the door to a new career is awaiting should he choose to open it.
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Penguin classic ?

Dear oh dear, maybe the re-issued/ repackaged/extra chapter and a tacky badge version will be better ? ?

Wadda Prick

I was wondering how long it would take for some brainless fool (who hasn't actually READ the book) to quote Paint A Vulgar Picture...

Wadda Prick indeed.
OK. I have just finished the free first chapter on Kindle. I don't count myself as a Morrissey sycophant, and I am much more impressed than I expected to be, so far. Not quite Dickens, but the attempt falls a long way short of embarrassing. If he can keep this up for 480 pages, then it's going to be a very good read indeed and, if the rumours of his retirement are true, the door to a new career is awaiting should he choose to open it.

Cool. :thumb:
Just flicking through, court case dominates. Jake is discussed quite a bit. Nice writing style, better than TTY and liner notes.
I've read the first page on a tweet. Would any kind soul be able to post on here the last page? Oh and Cornflake, I think that last sentence that you wrote about a new career for Morrisey, was very nice. Simple, honest and nice.
OK. I have just finished the free first chapter on Kindle. I don't count myself as a Morrissey sycophant, and I am much more impressed than I expected to be, so far. Not quite Dickens, but the attempt falls a long way short of embarrassing. If he can keep this up for 480 pages, then it's going to be a very good read indeed and, if the rumours of his retirement are true, the door to a new career is awaiting should he choose to open it.

He is brilliant.
RELEASED ON WILDE'S BIRTHDAY!!!! Clever monkey. If I were a musician I'd totally release an album on January 27th. :cool:

“You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.”
It's odd that journalists and others are cashing in on Morrissey trending on twitter to push their own articles or cover bands manically or whatever, so an old quote from an interview from three years ago is being thrown into the current new thoughts people are discussing. Frustrating. I guess that's just the nature of twitter though.
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RELEASED ON WILDE'S BIRTHDAY!!!! Clever monkey. If I were a musician I'd totally release an album on January 27th. :cool:

CG...did that just dawn on you?? LOL! (friendly fire, by the way - not trying to start a fight!)

And I would release everything on February 8th :)
CG...did that just dawn on you?? LOL! (friendly fire, by the way - not trying to start a fight!)

And I would release everything on February 8th :)

It did, but it only works in a reality where Oscar Wilde is born in America and the day is 8 hours long. :p

Is Feb 8th Jamesy?
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