Australia writes to Morrissey and Brigitte Bardot to defend plan to kill cats - The Guardian

Australia writes to Morrissey and Brigitte Bardot to defend plan to kill cats - The Guardian
Letter to singer, who called the plan ‘idiocy’ and actor, who said it was ‘animal genocide’, says feral cats have caused the extinction of 27 native species


In letters seen by Guardian Australia, Andrews tells both: “I would like to commend you for your commitment to, and advocacy for, animals and their welfare.”

Andrews adds, however, that feral cats are an invasive species responsible for the extinction of at least 27 Australian mammals, such as the lesser bilby, desert bandicoot and large-eared hopping-mouse.

...“Trapping, neutering and releasing 20 million cats would not be justifiable in terms of cost,” he said. “Also, we’d be releasing a predator that will kill five animals a day for the rest of its life. It’s not justifiable. We can’t accept feral cats as part of the Australian ecology because if we do then we accept the extinction of bilbies, bandicoots and numbats.

“I sleep very well at night knowing what we are doing. Australians support this. Brigitte Bardot and Morrissey have a lack of understanding of Australia and what we are losing. They aren’t Australians, they aren’t experiencing the extinction crisis we have here.”


Australia defends cat cull to Morrissey and Brigitte Bardot - BBC News. Link posted by Tingle3 (original post).

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This is a simple example of how the interference of people in the natural world causes tragedy.

The cats were brought there by people, profoundly unbalancing the ecosystem, and now the Australian government are faced with the miserable choice of either allowing feral cats to slaughter the indigenous rodent and bird populations, or culling them en masse.

It's the same situation as with our removal of top predators, like wolves and bears. Now, having killed all the major predatory animals, people in agricultural areas cull their prey, like deer. It's absurd and obscene, but once the damage is done you can't turn a blind eye.

The cull is tragic, but it is the only reasonable thing to do: the cats, despite being beautiful things with a right to life, are a man-made problem. So everything suffers under our dominance.
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Well Im totally apposed 2 any cull of these cats, absolutely against it, irrelevant as to weather these cat populations have exploded and are killing local species, carnivorous species such as cats have 2 kill other species in order to live, nature will find the correct balance within a prey - predater ratio , without humans interfering and murdering them in the most vile and cruel ways imaginable, totally unacceptable!!!! :(

This particular eco system in australia requires no human interference whatsoever, eccept maybe 4 a small scale temperry neutering program.

Only if a species is in danger of becoming endangered and at risk of extinction, then should measures be taken in order to save it.

We see the same bloody mindless slaugher of innocent badgers here in the uk , which goes against ALL scientific evidence which sugests that not only is a badger cull totally unessacerry as not only will it not prevent the spread of TB but will actually MAKE THE INCIDENCE AND SPREAD FAR FAR WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

The problem is that Australia's wildlife evolved and developed in relative isolation so that a non-native species invasion really is a threat to species, and apparently some if not many have gone extinct and Australia is in fanger of seeing more extinction. Poisoning is wrong, though. I can see why they want to trap and kill them, rather then trap, neuter and release, which is the best solution. Besides the cost, though, the cats would still spend the rest of their, probably short, lives killing native species.

Poisoning I am absolutely against, but I can see the need for management to protect native species. It's too bad that the original cats were not spayed and neutered. I think if someone wants to stop the cat cull they need to provide the funds to trap and neuter, and then provide some sort of cat sanctuary where the neutered ferals can be contained.
It's a totally different story with the kangaroos, also considered a nuisance. They are a native species and should be left alone. But the solution will still be something that kills a number of them. If the population gets too large some are going to starve, or some disease will wipe out a number of them. So partly it's a philosophical issue. If Nature controls the population or Man controls the population, it's still not a pretty picture for the animals that are part of the overgrown population.

I can't really believe every feral cat kills five animals every day, but if you count insects, I guess that it probably true.

Instead of criticizing the government and patting ourselves on the back, we need to provide a solution and then fund it.
kinda off topic, buth both Bardot and moz have been accused several times of racism. Why does animal rights activist are always accused of these kinds of things? just curious
kinda off topic, buth both Bardot and moz have been accused several times of racism. Why does animal rights activist are always accused of these kinds of things? just curious

Probably because they make sweeping generalizations, such as the one in your question. To take two people who have been accused of racism, who also support animal rights, and apply that to a group of "animal rights activists" as a whole, is the same as thinking that all Muslims support terror against the West.
Probably because they make sweeping generalizations, such as the one in your question. To take two people who have been accused of racism, who also support animal rights, and apply that to a group of "animal rights activists" as a whole, is the same as thinking that all Muslims support terror against the West.

Not a generalization tho. Peta has been accused of racism as well js
Probably because they make sweeping generalizations, such as the one in your question. To take two people who have been accused of racism, who also support animal rights, and apply that to a group of "animal rights activists" as a whole, is the same as thinking that all Muslims support terror against the West.

Just a question, but why do you insist on using numbers instead of actual words so frequently in your post. Oh never mind, I noticed your spelling. Your phone lacks a spell check feature.

I sincerely hope you weren't walking across the street as you texted this; so many other pre-teen girls die in a horrible fashion each year to this blight... nature + technologies way of correcting the balance between the bright and not-so-bright I assume. C'est la vie. I hope you don't take this as a slight, but being a Professor myself, it pains me to see the precipitous decline of the English language, particularly with today's stuck on phone generation. Please do not be a statistic. Use proper grammar.

who decides whats proper but the populace. i dont think she can take your post as anything but a judgemental slight. my question to you would be why do you care enough to be rude to people and even pose the question as its so unnecessary. language changes, shockingly even whats proper, even when its appropriate to ask and how changes. you attitude makes me thing you are not a professor and rather are acting out some cliche you saw on t.v
Well Im totally apposed 2 any cull of these cats, absolutely against it, irrelevant as to weather these cat populations have exploded and are killing local species, carnivorous species such as cats have 2 kill other species in order to live, nature will find the correct balance within a prey - predater ratio , without humans interfering and murdering them in the most vile and cruel ways imaginable, totally unacceptable!!!! :(

This particular eco system in australia requires no human interference whatsoever, eccept maybe 4 a small scale temperry neutering program.

Only if a species is in danger of becoming endangered and at risk of extinction, then should measures be taken in order to save it.

We see the same bloody mindless slaugher of innocent badgers here in the uk , which goes against ALL scientific evidence which sugests that not only is a badger cull totally unessacerry as not only will it not prevent the spread of TB but will actually MAKE THE INCIDENCE AND SPREAD FAR FAR WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

You have no idea what you're talking about.
pack up the feral cats and ship them to moz residence. a win win situation.
moz can feed them off the advance from the novel.
My question to you is what the hell happened to your shift key. I will ignore your callous disregard for the apostrophe.

"you attitude makes me thing you are not a professor and rather are acting out some cliche you saw on t.v" To which I retort after reading that and the horribly confounding mess that was "language changes, shockingly even whats proper, even when its appropriate to ask and how changes" that I must assume that English is perhaps your third or even fourth language - which if that is the case, you should actually be thanking me. If someone had to learn English from someone as lazy as 'Midnite', then it truly is a sad day for western civilization.

Honestly, if someone comes here to make their opinion known, then perhaps they should try their best to make it legible. Using lazy grammar, internet lingo, run-on sentences, and obvious spelling mistakes do not make anyone come off as intelligent. Nor will it make them any more employable in the real world.

it sits unused for the most part unless i think it necessary. you seemed to make out what i said just fine as you replied to the substance of what i was expressing in written word without my using it so whats the point of the extra effort. to seem intelligent to you isnt very high on my list or even on it at all. shes on a morrissey forum and not teaching english or being considered to teach english so why would her abilities need to be on display here. shes not in an interview for a job teaching english so using that as an excuse to just be pointlessly mean to someone isnt a valid justification. apostrophes having no feelings as i know them but people do so why would my emotional allegiance be to grammar over people who do have feelings. that would just make my emotional allegiance only to myself which is what i believe the case to be here. a very un empathetic smiths morrissey fan
kinda off topic, buth both Bardot and moz have been accused several times of racism. Why does animal rights activist are always accused of these kinds of things? just curious

I can answer this one.
It's because some animal rights activists, like the two celebrity examples you named, are people with psychological issues who actually care about animals more than humans. If you're already a misanthrope then racism will come easily and effortlessly. The person already hates humanity, so why not tell evil lies about one particular racial or national segment of humanity? ("The Chinese are a sub species").
The fact is that Morrissey is a mentally unbalanced individual with psychological problems. Which is one of the reasons his fans find him so endearingly eccentric. But it is clear from his lyrics and quotes that this man thinks that animals are more important than humans, which perhaps some of you reading this will agree with. May I suggest that if this is honestly your worldview that you have arrived at this belief because of some unhealthy delusion that the majority of mankind is evil based on some sort of perceived rejection or hurt that the human race has carried out against you. Therefore you have chosen to believe that you alone and the animals you feel more comfortable being around (because they won't hurt you like a human can) are somehow morally superior and more important and valuable than the rest of the human race.
It is a deluded position of extreme narcissism, paranoia, bitterness, inner rage and solipsism, all of which sum the childish Morrissey up very nicely.
My question to you is what the hell happened to your shift key. I will ignore your callous disregard for the apostrophe.

"you attitude makes me thing you are not a professor and rather are acting out some cliche you saw on t.v" To which I retort after reading that and the horribly confounding mess that was "language changes, shockingly even whats proper, even when its appropriate to ask and how changes" that I must assume that English is perhaps your third or even fourth language - which if that is the case, you should actually be thanking me. If someone had to learn English from someone as lazy as 'Midnite', then it truly is a sad day for western civilization.

Honestly, if someone comes here to make their opinion known, then perhaps they should try their best to make it legible. Using lazy grammar, internet lingo, run-on sentences, and obvious spelling mistakes do not make anyone come off as intelligent. Nor will it make them any more employable in the real world.

So you're saying I should remove links to my posts here from my CV/resume?
Morrissey can't take the cats in, because of all the twats in Malibu that always complain about cat shit in their yards or in the sand. Especially that non-Irish guitar player David Howell Evans who keeps on building additional floors and is blocking my view. Anonymous-
Not a generalization tho. Peta has been accused of racism as well js

I googled "peta racism" and the top example has to do with them applauding Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio for removing meat from the diets of prisoners. Is that racist? No, but some of Sheriff Arpaio's policies may be racist. The next example is "comparing factory farming to the Holocaust." Is this racist or anti-Semitic? No. You could argue it is insensitive, but you could also argue that pretending that the Holocaust is the only example of genocide, or even the largest example of genocide is itself racist. What about the slaughter of aborigines, Native Americans, native Africans, etc? But really to argue whether PETA is racist or not is beside the point. If PETA tomorrow called for the annihilation of all non-Caucasians, they still don't represent all animal rights activists. At one point PETA made a deal with Mike Vick, convicted of torturing dogs. He underwent some PETA sensitivity training, and they in turn have him positive publicity saying he seemed to be learning the error of his torturing ways. No racist organization would ever have made that deal.
Again, as soon as I start arguing if PETA can be called racist I begin to lose track of the real point, which is that no one person or organization speaks for animal rights activists as a whole. I no longer support PETA. I feel that they alienate more people than they win over. But I still support animal rights.
One thing I've heard repeatedly is that white people care more about animals than they do about non-white people. Because of the gross generalizations involved, it's really impossible to say if this it true or false. It's a matter of perception and can't be decided objectively. I am white and I do know that I am much more likely to help a homeless person if they have an animal. I've even gone into a store and bought dog food instead of giving the person money to buy their own, because I want to make sure the animal is fed. While that might not be something to be proud of it has nothing to do with racism. I think most people that regularly give to PETA also give to organizations like Amnesty International.
We also have to ask if Bardot and Morrissey actually are racist. I've read her offensive quotes and found them to be possibly based on something other than racism. She does not like the change in the culture of France and believes that the influx of Muslims has had a negative effect on her country. You could see this as racist, but you could also see it as a nostalgic view of the time when she was one of the great stars of the world, internationally famous for her beauty. Is she racist or is she living out her own version of "Sunset Boulevard?" Same with Morrissey. He wants to hear English accents in England, and he feels that immigration is changing the makeup of the country he was born in. Anyone that wants things to stay the same is conservative, and anyone who wants to wind back the clock to "the good old days" might be reactionary or right wing.
I'm not going to say neither of them has racist views. Morrissey has said things that are really questionable in that regard, and I'm sure if someone wants to argue they can find a Bardot quote that will shut me up. But if Morrissey, Bardot, and PETA declare themselves the saviors of the master race and start a new holocaust tomorrow, it still won't prove your point.
I can't understand why Morrissey is taking the side of the cats, who often leave small, endangered birds and mammals headless or critically injured.

Feral cats are horrible things and are doing serious damage to our ecosystem here in Aust.

Good riddance!
You don't think capitals are necessary? For the record, I didn't make out fine; I had to squint to see if you were too lazy to actually use periods. For awhile there I thought you actually planned on writing a whole paragraph with one run-on sentence.

No, she doesn't teach English. But she did try to make point which is near impossible to do when you come off as a imbecile. I find it ironic that a person posting on a forum devoted to an English songwriter, and whom herself lives in the U.K, can't even grasp the English language themselves. We look to the Internet, for the language we use, London is dead ...

I was not aware that apostrophes are emotionless. Thank you for that.

No I don't think they're nesseesary here. I also don't see how bad grammar or lay grammar would make u squint . that sounds like a problem of poor eyesight as the letters don't get smaller without capitilization. Your life sounds ruff though so maybe I'll let u be
The thing is, some Aust species are at risk of extinction. I don't agree with the proposed compound they want to kill the cats off with, nor would I even agree to the culling, but..... Like I said, our native fauna is at risk of extinction. Perhaps you should read the linked article or even do some research before you state some pretty outlandish claims. This is just my opinion, Midnite - no hate, just debate.

Well Im totally apposed 2 any cull of these cats, absolutely against it, irrelevant as to weather these cat populations have exploded and are killing local species, carnivorous species such as cats have 2 kill other species in order to live, nature will find the correct balance within a prey - predater ratio , without humans interfering and murdering them in the most vile and cruel ways imaginable, totally unacceptable!!!! :(

This particular eco system in australia requires no human interference whatsoever, eccept maybe 4 a small scale temperry neutering program.

Only if a species is in danger of becoming endangered and at risk of extinction, then should measures be taken in order to save it.

We see the same bloody mindless slaugher of innocent badgers here in the uk , which goes against ALL scientific evidence which sugests that not only is a badger cull totally unessacerry as not only will it not prevent the spread of TB but will actually MAKE THE INCIDENCE AND SPREAD FAR FAR WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
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