II had a friend, who organized concerts in Germany also a concert Nico.He said she behaved with NO concentration, while singing.
I found her songs too dark.In Australia, a person in the audience,
shouted during her concert

on’t you know any happy songs!

This musician,who wrote a book about her described many times her out-
raged behaviour with drugs, putting in danger the other people on the tour-bus, before grossing the border between countries.I bought these books, mentioned above, because, I saw the documentary Nico-Icon.
She lived with film-director Philippe Garrel in Paris in a flat, completely
empty, a big heap of extinguished cigarettes and in utmost squalor, and no money.
But they had apparently enough money for drugs.

She, Garrel and a
very young German musician had at the same time a ménage a trois.
At the famous Hotel Chelsea Hotel in New York, Nico got in fight with a man and she went after him with an iron apparently drugged.
I WAS A CHILD OF THE SIXTIES, dancing to popular music, wearing
mini-skirts and coming home late at night. BUT, I never did:drinking to excess, taking drugs and I enjoyed theses years tremendously.