Morrissey Central "ARI BOULOGNE, RIP" (May 23, 2023)



the son of Nico and Alain Delon dies, aged 60.


How you can just let a body decompose in front of you is beyond my imagining.
According to reports in the media she told police she had been away travelling with her son and returned home to find Ari dead. That would only add to the potential charge of neglect, however, since it seems Ari was unable to look after himself and needed daily care. It's an incredibly sad story.
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I'm almost grateful that the guy on duty on M Coroner feels compelled to inform us of EVERY death, as without him I'd think Tina Turner is still rocking on high heels. Not that I haven't heard her much since " private dancer", but hey.
However, I've never heard of that dude.
And yes, I'm Serbian.

I mean, I understand why the death of a "son of" would speak to a "nephew of'... But isn't there a death that concerns Smiths fans more these days?

That MC guy needs a break from Mortuary Central. His basking in relaying obscure sordid deaths is his own freaky little hobby anyway. Does Solo need to follow?

M himself pays less attention and would rather go golfing I'm sure.
Okay, he listens to " simply the best!" on a daily basis in his sports car like old g!ts do, but really that's no reason.

I doubt M is "dying" because of Tina Turner.
All sotts of other things, yes, T.T, no.

Boy that's one Corny Coroner...
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She was beautiful in the 60ties, heroine and other drugs destroyed her.
Why didn‘t Delon had a test made, than the whole story would be over.
I saw on pictures how Nico‘s son destroyed himself with drugs.Both
were weak persons.Mother and son.What would he have done if Édith Boulogne Delon‘s mother would not have adopted him???He was in interviews quite a show-off.The only person, who took care of him was Edith Boulogne.I did not like Nico, never liked her songs and Ari Boulogone could have made something out of his life.Taking drugs is the beginning to the end. My compassion ist limited.
I genuinely cannot believe it when people make excuses for drug addicts. They are perfectly well aware of their actions and Nico was an abuser….. and made shit music. I’m old enough to have been around when Nico was living in Manchester, and she was a deeply grim sight to behold.

She didn't make "shit music"....but she was a child abuser that should have gone to prison.
I remember, when Alain Delon got engaged to Romy Schneider.She a Star, he an upcoming actor.The engagement took place in Switzerland in
the mansion of her stepfather at a beautiful lac.There was this expensive yacht, belonging to the stepfather.Of course Alain Delon wanted to drive the yacht.He was not yet well known and I don‘t think he had a lot of
money.He drove very fast und bumped into a stonewall near the fantastic house. Romy‘s mother was very annoyed.Alain Delon thought it was funny.
From this time on and through all his life (scandals, women and
so on) I thought he was a show of, thought the same about Ari Boulogne.
I never liked Alain Delon.He was a show off too.
When Romy Schneider and him got engaged in Switzerland, he drove the beautiful yacht of Romy‘s stepfather in a lac against a wall, near their house. Alain Delon thought it was funny.Romy‘s mother was very annoyed.Why all this fuss about refusing to say that Ari Boulogne is his son.Delon‘s mother took Ari in her house and raised him.What a pity !
As the son of Alain Delon, he had the money to be cured of his drug
adiction.Anthony Delon showed that he had feelings after hearing about Ari’s death.Nico‘s life ended in Ibiza after an accident and her son‚s life ended being alone in his flat.Kids stay away from drugs.😳 👎 😱
When Nico lived in New York, Ari spent his time in the famous FACTORY with his mother but unattended. He drank out of glasses filled with alkohol and she did not provide a healthy upbringing.He became very ill.Edith Boulogne flew to New York and took him to Paris.
He was lucky.I cannot understand that Nico took her child with her to America and apparently, she gave him always the same food,Edith Boulogne reacted like a grandmother,taking care of him, sending him to school and provided him with family life.
Once, when Nico came to Paris, she gave Ari as a present one orange.❓❓ I read a book about Nico long time ago and another book about her, written by a musician in her band. Mindboggling. Nowadays, they would have taken Ari away from her.Poor child.But Ari and Nico did not appreciate what Edith Boulogne had done.
I had a friend, who organized concerts in Germany also a concert Nico.He said she behaved with NO concentration, while singing.
I found her songs too dark.In Australia, a person in the audience,
shouted during her concert:Don’t you know any happy songs!‼️‼GREAT
This musician,who wrote a book about her described many times her out-
raged behaviour with drugs, putting in danger the other people on the tour-bus, before grossing the border between countries.I bought these books, mentioned above, because, I saw the documentary Nico-Icon.
She lived with film-director Philippe Garrel in Paris in a flat, completely
empty, a big heap of extinguished cigarettes and in utmost squalor, and no money.
But they had apparently enough money for drugs.👎😳She, Garrel and a
very young German musician had at the same time a ménage a trois.
At the famous Hotel Chelsea Hotel in New York, Nico got in fight with a man and she went after him with an iron apparently drugged.
I WAS A CHILD OF THE SIXTIES, dancing to popular music, wearing
mini-skirts and coming home late at night. BUT, I never did:drinking to excess, taking drugs and I enjoyed theses years tremendously.‼️‼️
II had a friend, who organized concerts in Germany also a concert Nico.He said she behaved with NO concentration, while singing.
I found her songs too dark.In Australia, a person in the audience,
shouted during her concert:Don’t you know any happy songs!‼️‼GREAT
This musician,who wrote a book about her described many times her out-
raged behaviour with drugs, putting in danger the other people on the tour-bus, before grossing the border between countries.I bought these books, mentioned above, because, I saw the documentary Nico-Icon.
She lived with film-director Philippe Garrel in Paris in a flat, completely
empty, a big heap of extinguished cigarettes and in utmost squalor, and no money.
But they had apparently enough money for drugs.👎😳She, Garrel and a
very young German musician had at the same time a ménage a trois.
At the famous Hotel Chelsea Hotel in New York, Nico got in fight with a man and she went after him with an iron apparently drugged.
I WAS A CHILD OF THE SIXTIES, dancing to popular music, wearing
mini-skirts and coming home late at night. BUT, I never did:drinking to excess, taking drugs and I enjoyed theses years tremendously.‼️‼️
Why does the moderator allow one person give! thumbs down !to a l l my comments quite some days afterwards out of shier evil thinking,Look at my comment above, when I wrote it before.4 thumbs down constantly correction downwards.
What kind of creeps are participating ❓😳👎🤔It is annoying and unfair.
Moderator:thanks for publishing my last comment above and I mean my last comment, as ONE person here, doesn‘t stop annoying me.
I enjoyed giving my point of view about Ari Boulogne and Nico, I followed her and his life by TV and Internet.I started reading about her,when she was a great looking model, still blond. But with drugs and her singing career all went downhill.
I am German and that is why I also read everything, I found about Nico.
By the way, I am a nearly 80 year old ex Flight Attandant and
still interested in reading traveling and getting to know people.
Moderator:thanks for publishing my last comment above and I mean my last comment, as ONE person here, doesn‘t stop annoying me.
I enjoyed giving my point of view about Ari Boulogne and Nico, I followed her and his life by TV and Internet.I started reading about her,when she was a great looking model, still blond. But with drugs and her singing career all went downhill.
I am German and that is why I also read everything, I found about Nico.
By the way, I am a nearly 80 year old ex Flight Attandant and
still interested in reading traveling and getting to know people.
Again the very angry person, unsure of himself has done it again, 2comments by me, two thumbs down.If I do not comment again it is not my loss.I read 2 books about Nico, wachted a docu Nico Icon and could
have written a lot of more interesting stories about Nico and Ari.
Thanks to the moderator for publishing my reply to a person who is:
🧟‍♂️ 👎 🫵 😳 😡 Moderator:Good luck to you 🤷🏼‍♀️ 😁 😅
Well well well. Have our best and brightest suddenly become trolls, demanding conformity instead of tolerating diversity (since led off to the clogging corner, with me)?!

Ari's life story is one of tragedy, of a family that may have become rich and famous but never succeeded in dealing with chaotic elements and putting them to rest, struggling instead with permanent insecurity. It is strange to see them judged without compassion. They were not like the powerful who can hide their vices, by force if necessary. They got stuck in a protracted pop culture moment, which destroyed plenty of other folk, including stars.

Can coms structure cause regular users to ditch discernment? Is trolling of Morrissey and those in favour so frequent that it could desensitise members, and feel like or even be harassment i.e. "the infliction of the weariness that comes from the continuance or repetition of trying experiences, so that there is not time for rest?" That gets people down in other walks of life too.

Moderators would generally try to minimise occurrences. Absent such efforts, maybe Christmasstar has experienced something like this scene? They wouldn't be alone if so. Instead of downvoting them for simply having different opinions, could what is disagreed with be expressed to them, in what is after all a discussion forum?

Difference must be not merely tolerated, but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between which our creativity can spark like a dialectic
- Audre Lorde
Nonconformity is welcome. I even like a good troll. But tiresome trolls are just that: tiresome. She says she doesn’t like Nico or her music; but she’s watched the documentary and read two books? Boring.
Nonconformity is welcome. I even like a good troll. But tiresome trolls are just that: tiresome.

She says she doesn’t like Nico or her music; but she’s watched the documentary and read two books? Boring.

Exactly. But I would say a bit unhinged rather than ‘boring’.

& Sorry @goinghome, but sometimes you just know that having a discussion with certain individuals will not benefit either side.

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