Are you 'soy boy' and does this make you like Moz / Smiths music?

Yeah, I had a look at Brain Force and I never really use anything that is a mix of a lot of things. I eat every vitamin and mineral as is, completely pure without anything added.

Infowars are good at promoting iodine and I am really a believer but did not buy anything from them of course. Iodine has made me not only lose weight without working out but most of all it has made my thyroid work as it should meaning I don't get easily warm in heat anymore and this is the first summer ever.

The testosterone debate is important cause the earth they grow things in is missing a lot of the things we need and that people before us were getting. Unnatural products have changed a lot of people and especially men who have lost a lot of testosterone and have bodies associated more with women. The gynocomastia problems have soared around the world and it's simply because men have been exposed to estrogen.

I doubt you are a soy boy handsome and being in touch with the emotional side as a man is not being a soy boy. A real man is in touch with his feminine side but his body and features doesn't have to look feminine.
I want to add that without vital vitamins and minerals the brain suffers first. Many complain that they suffer from a fog brain and are slow to remember and solve things. For me this was the first thing I found and I am not incredibly quick thinking and can solve things faster and even calculate in my head like never before. Pilla asking me about a word in her crosswords and me answering correctly without a blink.
So when people are suffering from deficiency they will become less smart. The iq debate is interesting here and that some poorer parts of world suffer from lower iq might well have to do with their very limited diet not to mention starvation of course.
Even a thing like bleeding from cuts and that will not go on as long when you take the things your body needs and no it is not natural to bleed forever from a shave cut and things like that.
Was Hitler a soy boy? :paranoid::paranoid:

I don't know if soy would've been the vegetarian staple in 1930s and 40s Germany as it is in the West now. Perhaps Hirohito shipped him some tofu along with a few recipes? I think a European vegetarian in Hitler's day would've been heavy on the lacto-ovo and would've eaten a lot of soups and stews that didn't include meat. Lentil soup, potato soup, onion soup, bean soup, &c.
I want to add that without vital vitamins and minerals the brain suffers first. Many complain that they suffer from a fog brain and are slow to remember and solve things. For me this was the first thing I found and I am not incredibly quick thinking and can solve things faster and even calculate in my head like never before. Pilla asking me about a word in her crosswords and me answering correctly without a blink.
So when people are suffering from deficiency they will become less smart. The iq debate is interesting here and that some poorer parts of world suffer from lower iq might well have to do with their very limited diet not to mention starvation of course.
Even a thing like bleeding from cuts and that will not go on as long when you take the things your body needs and no it is not natural to bleed forever from a shave cut and things like that.
LOL @ mod for changing a letter there.

I don't know if soy would've been the vegetarian staple in 1930s and 40s Germany as it is in the West now. Perhaps Hirohito shipped him some tofu along with a few recipes? I think a European vegetarian in Hitler's day would've been heavy on the lacto-ovo and would've eaten a lot of soups and stews that didn't include meat. Lentil soup, potato soup, onion soup, bean soup, &c.

Hilter was a veggie, so soy (he he pun alert!) MUST have been in his diet.
I dunno. If soy boy's are that weak and divvy... why do we have ANITIFA???
Hilter was a veggie, so soy (he he pun alert!) MUST have been in his diet.
I dunno. If soy boy's are that weak and divvy... why do we have ANITIFA???

The reason is because soy consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with virility, effeminacy, man-breasts, liberalism, or anything else these Infowars nuts are telling you. It's a plant protein and that's all. Anyway, most Antifa members are omnivores and not "soy boys." Antifa are constantly throwing eggs at protests. If anything, it seems to be meat that causes people to go crazy.
The reason is because soy consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with virility, effeminacy, man-breasts, liberalism, or anything else these Infowars nuts are telling you. It's a plant protein and that's all. Anyway, most Antifa members are omnivores and not "soy boys." Antifa are constantly throwing eggs at protests. If anything, it seems to be meat that causes people to go crazy.
Fake news!
The reason is because soy consumption has nothing whatsoever to do with virility, effeminacy, man-breasts, liberalism, or anything else these Infowars nuts are telling you. It's a plant protein and that's all. Anyway, most Antifa members are omnivores and not "soy boys." Antifa are constantly throwing eggs at protests. If anything, it seems to be meat that causes people to go crazy.
You need to study your thyroid hormones and the impact it has on them. Same problem as with peanuts that will also f*** with your thyroid.

You really are a soy boy!

The biggest problem of soy consumption is related to thyroid and metabolic health.

It's the fact that soy is considered to be highly goitrogenic, meaning that it disrupts the production of thyroid hormones by interfering with iodine uptake at the thyroid gland.

Lowered thyroid hormone levels then result in slower metabolic rate, lower bodily heat and energy production, slowed down hormone synthesis, and multiple other symptoms.

Then there's also the fact that soy is high in polyunsaturated fatty-acids (PUFAs).

These types of fatty-acids have multiple carbon-carbon bonds that become unstable in the body and quickly break down to free-radicals, causing oxidative damage in the cells.

This is precisely why high intake of PUFA has been shown to lower testosterone levels and thyroid hormone levels."

Take your iodine and shut up until you know what you are talking about in your hipster cafe'.
Don't blind me with pseudoscience, Urbanus. I have been devouring soy for twenty years with no ill effects. That, of course, is mere anecdotal evidence, but if there is any truth to your claims then we already have a massive sample size in the populations of East Asia, where soy has been a dietary staple—and not just recently, but for centuries. We should expect to see all your effects fully represented there, but we do not. Do you think the men of Imperial Japan were limp-wristed, low-testosterone, "man-boobed" liberals? No, sir. Those guys were f***ing hard core. If anything, they could've used a reduction in their testosterone levels.
Come to think of it, Japan became its current, modern, ugly, neon, anime-giggly incarnation after the Western diet was introduced there and you had McDonald's restaurants in Tokyo. The writer Yukio Mishima (no delicate flower, he) lamented the lack of stoicism, decorum, and tradition in the post-war era. The Japanese were arguably better in terms of "fierce masculine prowess" when they were soy-eaters.
Come to think of it, Japan became its current, modern, ugly, neon, anime-giggly incarnation after the Western diet was introduced there and you had McDonald's restaurants in Tokyo. The writer Yukio Mishima (no delicate flower, he) lamented the lack of stoicism, decorum, and tradition in the post-war era. The Japanese were arguably better in terms of "fierce masculine prowess" when they were soy-eaters.
The science and the facts are there but there is nothing to stop you from ignoring them and continue to ruin your health. Some people love their soy body and are proud of it and those are mostly on display at pride parades. I guess within the hipster community the soy choice is a political one and that is hard to argue against.
I only know the bad effect it had on me for the short time I used it and there are so many better alternatives out there.

I guess the problem now is that politics get in the way for people as yourself to make good choices. If Antifa had a web store full of the same things as Infowars you'd be all for it and would be preaching us all to stop using soy.

I can only inform you and others like I do when it comes to how bad tobacco and drugs and alcohol are but in the end I could not care less if people destroy their health and choose to live the way they want.

It's not like you would actually know how much soy destroyed your health cause by now it is part of your diet and the only way for you to see the benefits of not using it would be to stop using it but it is probably too late now so by all means go on using it as it's doing no harm to anyone but you so the problem is small and individual and everything in life is about choice.

The people that know these things can only release the info and then it is up to conspiracy theorists like yourself to give it the finger and continue to ruin your health and kill your thyroid off. In that sense this is a non issue and it doesn't keep me awake at night but I would urge you to take iodine to make your thyroid recover from the damage of soy and I actually think that iodine is already part of your diet which would explain that you don't feel any bad effects of soy YET.

It is interesting how iodine was added to bread quite long ago but then people stopped eating bread and then they just stopped adding iodine to it. Those that study the health effect charts and see the rise in certain health issues that just happens to have increased when people stopped eating bread with iodine in it know what the cause is but in a world where vitamins and minerals are the enemy of all doctors you really have to go your own way in order to preserve your own health and that is again a personal choice that no one is forced to do so again it is just another of those life choices.

The diet in Asia is really bad for anyone as it is full of soy and sugar and flour and so on. The myth that their diet is somehow superior lives on but just the fact that only one serving of white rice increases risk of diabetes should tell us something. No one in their right mind are eating an asian diet in 2018 but some like that kind of food and maybe they feel it is worth having bad health and an early death to be able to eat and enjoy it.

The reasons asians get older and have healthier lives has nothing to do with food but can be explained by other life choices and also the social construction of their society. Again it is back to the old debate of heritage or environment and which one shapes us the most.
It's difficult to have this discussion with you, as you keep tossing out terms like "hipsters," "Antifa," and "pride parades." Personally I abhor all of those things, and they have nothing to do with a soy-intensive diet. A soy-intensive is a soy-intensive diet. It does not make a person liberal or homosexual or hipster. And if that is what's being alleged, then it needs to be confirmed. You would have to account for why large populations keeping to a soy-intensive diet, such as East Asians, and not any more overwhelmingly gay, Antifa, or "bitch-titted" than other populations. It's frankly incredible that you would say "the reasons asians get older and have healthier lives has nothing to do with food but can be explained by other life choices and also the social construction of their society." That's the most unscientific claim I've heard in a while. "Nothing to do with food?" How on earth is the social construction of society a greater effect on health than diet? Shouldn't Westerners just convert to Buddhism to live longer, then? We certainly don't see the Christian theocrats who rail about "soy boys" arguing for that one.

What can, on the other hand, be correlated, is the association between the "I hate soy boys/soy no bueno" stance and an appreciation for Infowars. That is certainly a lifestyle choice, and if you want to make it your own, then peace be with you. If soy has negative effects on health, then I haven't experienced them, not after twenty years. Maybe I'm an outlier. But Alex Jones, to look at him and listen to him, is a pudgy, puffy, red-faced, temperamental ranter, and maybe he's an outlier, too, but I can see the effects of meat in many a meat-eater. I think you will find way more "man boobs" among omnivores than vegans.
It's difficult to have this discussion with you, as you keep tossing out terms like "hipsters," "Antifa," and "pride parades." Personally I abhor all of those things, and they have nothing to do with a soy-intensive diet. A soy-intensive is a soy-intensive diet. It does not make a person liberal or homosexual or hipster. And if that is what's being alleged, then it needs to be confirmed. You would have to account for why large populations keeping to a soy-intensive diet, such as East Asians, and not any more overwhelmingly gay, Antifa, or "bitch-titted" than other populations. It's frankly incredible that you would say "the reasons asians get older and have healthier lives has nothing to do with food but can be explained by other life choices and also the social construction of their society." That's the most unscientific claim I've heard in a while. "Nothing to do with food?" How on earth is the social construction of society a greater effect on health than diet? Shouldn't Westerners just convert to Buddhism to live longer? We certainly don't see the Christian theocrats who rail about "soy boys" arguing for that one.

What can, on the other hand, be correlated, is the association between the "I hate soy boys/soy no bueno" stance and an appreciation for Infowars. That is certainly a lifestyle choice, and if you want to make it your own, then peace be with you. If soy has negative effects on health, then I haven't experienced them, not after twenty years. Maybe I'm an outlier. But Alex Jones, to look at him and listen to him, is a pudgy, puffy, red-faced, temperamental ranter, and maybe he's an outlier, too, but I can see the effects of meat in many a meat-eater. I think you will find way more "man boobs" among omnivores than vegans.

You don't have to defend use of soy if you hate Infowars. I am not saying they have all the answers but I sure relate and believe they have started something that has changed the world.

Start a thread about Infowars and go on enjoying soy cause it is your right to do whatever you feel is right. The soy debate is too old for me to really put down a real effort debating it as there are more pressing matters to focus on.

Omnivore diet is a new thing and guess what, the first that happened was that the bitch tits disappeared but it is fairly new and I only read about it the other day so we'll see but meat is great for us and we need to eat far more of it but then again among your people being anemic and slim is a fashion.

I could debate this with you but know that people who made the wrong choice are always impossible to debate with and you really can see why cause of course they wanna be right and not told that what they are doing is bad for them.

It is a mental thing more than anything and denial in humans is very strong, just look at addicts. The soy has already changed your brain cause that is what messing with the thyroid does.

I will not respond to this any further cause the subject itself was only interesting to me about 4 years ago.

All the best mate!
All the best to you, too. Thank you for allowing me the last word. I don't know who the "my people" are supposed to be in the phrase "among your people being anemic and slim is a fashion." I do tend to like languor and decadence and waifishness, it is true, but not by any means exclusively. Consider how cool the middle-aged Morrissey looks, having just the right amount of a few excess pounds (from the wanton enjoyment of beer, perhaps), and a light tan from reclining on his patio in Los Angeles or Rome with his cats, graying heavily at the temples and slightly on top. The old quiff is gone, but none of the effortless majesty. There was one interviewer somewhere who remarked that he resembled a Russian gangster, with his gaudy jewelry and his shirt unbuttoned to the chest. I think there's something to that—and it's a definite positive. To me he is a picture of perfect health. Morrissey was the coolest-looking person in 1984 and even though he's changed a great deal, he is still the coolest-looking person there is.

As for "meat is great for us and we need to eat far more of it," I could not disagree more vehemently. Whatever health benefits it may have are highly debatable, and our consumption of it is emphatically not great for the animals who suffer and are slaughtered for the human craving of it. Its dietary bonuses (if there even are any) are negated by any sane form of morality and ethics. "It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench of murder." But I'll concede that your side will always win here. The human race is never going to give up meat. That's one of the few things I actually like about Donald Trump: he has got to be more likely than any leader in history to start a nuclear war. I hope he does! Humanity has to go. "Come, come, nuclear bomb."
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All the best to you, too. Thank you for allowing me the last word. I don't know who the "my people" are supposed to be in the phrase "among your people being anemic and slim is a fashion." I do tend to like languor and decadence and waifishness, it is true, but not by any means exclusively. Consider how cool the middle-aged Morrissey looks, having just the right amount of a few excess pounds (from the wanton enjoyment of beer, perhaps), and a light tan from reclining on his patio in Los Angeles or Rome with his cats, graying heavily at the temples and slightly on top. The old quiff is gone, but none of the effortless majesty. There was one interviewer somewhere who remarked that he resembled a Russian gangster, with his gaudy jewelry and his shirt unbuttoned to the chest. I think there's something to that—and it's a definite positive. To me he is a picture of perfect health. Morrissey was the coolest-looking person in 1984 and even though he's changed a great deal, he is still the coolest-looking person there is.

As for "meat is great for us and we need to eat far more of it," I could not disagree more vehemently. Whatever health benefits it may have are highly debatable, and our consumption of it is emphatically not great for the animals who suffer and are slaughtered for the human craving of it. Its dietary bonuses (if there even are any) are negated by any sane form of morality and ethics. "It's sizzling blood and the unholy stench of murder." But I'll concede that your side will always win here. The human race is never going to give up meat. That's one of the few things I actually like about Donald Trump: he has got to be more likely than any leader in history to start a nuclear war. I hope he does! Humanity has to go. "Come, come, nuclear bomb."
Actually H CLINTON WANTED A WAR WITH RUSSIA PRE ELECTION!! Don't let the FACTS get in the way of a crap platitude lol
Eskilstuna today, restaurants attacked:


Meat is murder
Dairy is rape
Soy is stupid
Actually H CLINTON WANTED A WAR WITH RUSSIA PRE ELECTION!! Don't let the FACTS get in the way of a crap platitude lol

I don't recall her ever saying that, but there's no doubt Hillary is hawkish. She probably could've gotten us into a proxy war with Russia in Crimea or Ukraine (in addition to getting us dragged further into the current one in Syria). But that doesn't concern me. What I require is mutually assured nuclear destruction, and Clinton is far too smooth of an operator for that. She wants the globalist program to keep on running. Trump, on the other hand, is just petulant and volatile enough to one day maybe use the codes. I am hoping against hope that there really is a video of him in a Moscow hotel room watching prostitutes pee on each other, and that the Russian government releases it to shame him, and he goes nuts and nukes them—and they are forced to nuke us in return. Or something like that. Whatever crazy confluence of events it takes, the likelihood is at least slightly greater with Trump than with anyone else. I'm not saying it's going to happen. It surely isn't. I actually thought he'd be long gone by now, and here he is pompously strutting around your England on a state visit. As is always the case with everything else in life, I'm not going to get what I want. Lord knows...
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