Anne Marie Waters: Morrissey supports For Britain

The latest Brexit news:

Potential Tory leader and possible next Prime Minister involved in domestic incident: it isn't private if all your neighbours can hear it. That's, er, public.
Senior Tory assaults climate protester
Tory unseated for fraud
Brexity Party leader fabricates letter from 10 year old boy who allegedly supports Brexit

This in just 2 days. It does not bode well.9

not potential but actual loco in the coconut:crazy:
My name's Reelfountain. I'm a racist and paedophile apologist. I've been trolling these threads since 2017 after it became clear Morrissey was endorsing the right-white agenda. I'd never come out and say I was racist, oh no. I don't have the balls for that. Instead I pervade this forum with my racist tropes. It's important to note I'm not a Morrissey fan. Never have been. Never will be. He's just a vehicle for my racist chums and I to hitch our racist wagon to.

I like to think I'm intellectual but if you read any of my tedious rants you'll soon discover a breathtaking stupidity.

I'll say something then deny it. I'm terribly misunderstood and easily misinterpreted. My stupidity means I have no ability to follow any form of discourse that doesn't have blind hatred at its core. Everything negative that had ever occured in this world is entirely the fault of non-whites.

There's no such thing as a white paedophile only a misunderstood victim. My chums and I will defend Jack Renshaw with our last breath. Darling Jack. I must remember to email him some photos of young boys' genitalia.

I'm a staunch mysoginist and therefore see Johnson as a hero. Of course, I'll claim that dear Boris is the victim of a conspiracy and the woman a wretch attempting to topple the great almost-leader. I'll also get terribly indignant and screech something about the Left and how it conspired to make this happen.

My name's Reelfountain. Wherever there is hate it is there that you'll find me.

What a hilarious and ludicrous read in equal measure. Let me correct just a few of your multiple delusions.

I have been a Morrissey fan since my early teens and have seen him live dozens of times over the last 14 years.

You say I am a staunch misogynist (this means: a hater of women). Presumably then I hate myself. Weird. Don't quite get that.

As for Boris Johnson who you strangely presume I admire, I despise the man. He is an establishment conservative of the modern liberal-globalist variety, a stooge of Big Business (more your type of thing) so I'm a little confused as to why you would think I like him - but then again you are clearly mentally challenged...

Perhaps you think if a politician says they are pro-Brexit then I am instantly converted. Wrong. Many politicians are pro-Brexit for their own reasons which are usually very different to mine - and I despise all government politicians. As for Boris, he is a strategic Brexiteer. In other words a complete liar who will say anything to climb the career ladder.

But enough of me - let's talk about you. Are you a Morrissey fan? And if so, as a snowflake-liberal you must be very disappointed that Moz doesn't share a single one of your views - whereas he does mine, ticking every box. That makes me a very happy person, but it must make you a very bitter one. If, however, you are not a Moz fan, or worse an ex-Moz fan, then the pertinent question is why you persist to hang around attempting (very clumsily) to ThoughtPolice a Morrissey fan site.

You display a particular fetish for me I notice. You faithfully read and reply to virtually my every post. Perhaps I should feel flattered at your interest in my written words? Though I would be lying if I didn't admit I find yours of a certain pedestrian sweary/juvenile variety that doesn't really appeal to me.

But nonetheless, as a fevered member of the new online ThoughtPolice feel free to continue your teenage replies however embarrassingly petty or brattish they may be, as free speech is indeed one of our proud English traditions and must be upheld.

Viva England forever!
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This pauper dramaJ never did nothing in life.
If Moz was not there at the door in early 80's, dramaJ could die from hunger.

He still lives off Moz, butchering his songs live. Making a spectacle out of himself in front
of the Closeteers fans.:censored:

a total cuck.:bow:
Globalism is the future. Your free ride on the backs of the oppressed nations of the world is nearly finished.
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Ah, the little racists. Out they come one by one with their infantile racist bile and deluded, pitiful, self-reverential bleets.

None if them Morrissey fans. All of them using this forum as a safe haven for their insipid racism.

No balls to own their racism here they manifest as the cowards they are.
My name is Reelfountain. When my shift at KFC finishes I'm going to spew more racist shite. No life to call my own - as a hateful troll - I will attempt to invade yours.
My name is Reelfountain. When my shift at KFC finishes I'm going to spew more racist shite. No life to call my own - as a hateful troll - I will attempt to invade yours.
Says somebody who hates Morrissey and thinks he's a hateful bigoted racist - but strangely cannot stop replying to the posts of Moz's real fans.

Perhaps you've eaten too much KFC. Perhaps the colonel's secret recipe of added hormones and toxins have given you brain damage. Why else would anyone who hates Moz spend their time ThoughtPolicing his fan site?

Morrissey hates you and your kind! You're a globalist enemy of the people!

Boris Johnson, however, loves your kind - as like him you are an establishment stooge (but in your case on a gutter level).

So keep preaching your snowflakery to ears that aren't interested you middle class runt.
Says somebody who hates Morrissey and thinks he's a hateful bigoted racist - but strangely cannot stop replying to the posts of Moz's real fans.

Perhaps you've eaten too much KFC. Perhaps the colonel's secret recipe of added hormones and toxins have given you brain damage. Why else would anyone who hates Moz spend their time ThoughtPolicing his fan site?

Morrissey hates you and your kind! You're a globalist enemy of the people!

Boris Johnson, however, loves your kind - as like him you are an establishment stooge (but in your case on a gutter level).

So keep preaching your snowflakery to ears that aren't interested you middle class runt.
I love Boris' woman and she would be welcome to throw china around here in Sweden at my place any time.

Never touch a mans laptop, contaminated inside and out.
Wow! A nerve was touched. Reelfountain has nerves? I bet she bleaches them white.
The nonsense she spouts about being a real Morrissey fan is bollocks. In she stumbles to this forum in 2017 with the majority of her posts about how she hates people of ethnic origin. An opportunist and not a very bright one.

For someone who clearly hates so much about England one has to wonder why she stays there? It seems she only exists to hate.

Those she adores are proven racists, liars paedophiles, attempted murderers, homophobes and mysoginists. She is the bottom of the barrel scraped.
Is the thinking among you loony lefties that if you hang around here and nag and moan and whinge long enough Moz is gonna come out and say "ha ha got ya pulled yer legs" and have tea with Corbyn waving a workers union banner?

Morrissey, a man that has hated work all his life and instead took his most loved hobby and turned it into a business should have been a signal to most people that he could never identify with the left.

He sang "there are some bad people on the rise" and then made the video crew write "right" on the toilet wall and everyone saw that as confirmation he was one of them.

His entire career he has delivered double meanings and things you could not be sure about what he meant. Take that fat pig german in the crowd last year shouting about everyone being a racist and that priceless look on Moz's face.

THAT was the night when he had enough of you loony lefties and decided to come out as anything but a supporter of the left. There is no class or good looks among lefties or brains or achievements or fun or anything that makes life worth living.

You all champion boredom and failure and hate cause you all realise what you look like and what you come across as and quite frankly no one wants to deal with you. Of all the women on this forum who are openly lefties they are all single and rejected and only one woman who is not a leftie is also single but out of choice after having been married and she has a son.

The rest of them have only seen men in pictures and will never have kids and we compliment them for not bringing more lefties into this sick and twisted world.
Unite with all European countries against the imperial EU who want to destroy our proud nations and local cultures.
I live in London. We don’t have local culture. We have global culture. It’s brilliant. Everyone welcome. England for the English? Ugh! London for everyone! VIVA LONDON!!!! A brilliant European and global city.
I live in London. We don’t have local culture. We have global culture. It’s brilliant. Everyone welcome. England for the English? Ugh! London for everyone! VIVA LONDON!!!! A brilliant European and global city.

I admire your spirit and the way you have acknowledged and welcomed diversity. No surprise that there are those within this forum that would drown any semblance of diversity under the banner of purity - whatever that is?

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