My name's Reelfountain. I'm a racist and paedophile apologist. I've been trolling these threads since 2017 after it became clear Morrissey was endorsing the right-white agenda. I'd never come out and say I was racist, oh no. I don't have the balls for that. Instead I pervade this forum with my racist tropes. It's important to note I'm not a Morrissey fan. Never have been. Never will be. He's just a vehicle for my racist chums and I to hitch our racist wagon to.
I like to think I'm intellectual but if you read any of my tedious rants you'll soon discover a breathtaking stupidity.
I'll say something then deny it. I'm terribly misunderstood and easily misinterpreted. My stupidity means I have no ability to follow any form of discourse that doesn't have blind hatred at its core. Everything negative that had ever occured in this world is entirely the fault of non-whites.
There's no such thing as a white paedophile only a misunderstood victim. My chums and I will defend Jack Renshaw with our last breath. Darling Jack. I must remember to email him some photos of young boys' genitalia.
I'm a staunch mysoginist and therefore see Johnson as a hero. Of course, I'll claim that dear Boris is the victim of a conspiracy and the woman a wretch attempting to topple the great almost-leader. I'll also get terribly indignant and screech something about the Left and how it conspired to make this happen.
My name's Reelfountain. Wherever there is hate it is there that you'll find me.
What a hilarious and ludicrous read in equal measure. Let me correct just a few of your multiple delusions.
I have been a Morrissey fan since my early teens and have seen him live dozens of times over the last 14 years.
You say I am a staunch
misogynist (this means
: a hater of women). Presumably then I hate myself. Weird. Don't quite get that.
As for Boris Johnson who you strangely presume I admire, I despise the man. He is an establishment conservative of the modern liberal-globalist variety, a stooge of Big Business (more your type of thing) so I'm a little confused as to why you would think I like him - but then again you are clearly mentally challenged...
Perhaps you think if a politician says they are pro-Brexit then I am instantly converted. Wrong. Many politicians are pro-Brexit for their own reasons which are usually very different to mine - and I despise all government politicians. As for Boris, he is a
strategic Brexiteer. In other words a complete liar who will say anything to climb the career ladder.
But enough of me - let's talk about you. Are you a Morrissey fan? And if so, as a snowflake-liberal you must be very disappointed that Moz doesn't share a single one of your views - whereas he does mine, ticking every box. That makes me a very happy person, but it must make you a very bitter one. If, however, you are not a Moz fan, or worse an
ex-Moz fan, then the pertinent question is why you persist to hang around attempting (very clumsily) to ThoughtPolice a Morrissey fan site.
You display a particular fetish for me I notice. You faithfully read and reply to virtually my every post. Perhaps I should feel flattered at your interest in my written words? Though I would be lying if I didn't admit I find yours of a certain pedestrian sweary/juvenile variety that doesn't really appeal to me.
But nonetheless, as a fevered member of the new online ThoughtPolice feel free to continue your teenage replies however embarrassingly petty or brattish they may be, as free speech is indeed one of our proud English traditions and must be upheld.
Viva England forever!