and if a ten ton truck crahes into us

Is this romantic little post directed at Sodreanu?

That's cute.
Jealosy hath rendered thee spiteful, Nick...

I am the one with the mad, impossible, ardour for Betty Boo, remember?

Flawed's heart is yours alone.
I don't want her heart.

Such a cold and vile artifact, stale beyond its years.
Full of misdirected rage and anger. Truly a pathetic shell of a once-working organ.

I'd rather take the Pimp's hand than touch Irene with a 20-foot pole.
Re: I don't want her heart.

> Such a cold and vile artifact, stale beyond its years.
> Full of misdirected rage and anger. Truly a pathetic shell of a
> once-working organ.

> I'd rather take the Pimp's hand than touch Irene with a 20-foot pole.
I'd rather you go gangrape your dog f***face....... I dont do guys shitstain.....thats why needledicks like you still exist.

Now, you failed abortion, go eat a dick.
Re: I don't want her heart.

> Such a cold and vile artifact, stale beyond its years.
> Full of misdirected rage and anger. Truly a pathetic shell of a
> once-working organ.

> I'd rather take the Pimp's hand than touch Irene with a 20-foot pole.

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